Okay – So It Comes In Baggies




Publication Details

Volume: 5 Issue: 9


September 1984



In our vendor reports last month, SYNTAX said Timex software doesn’t come in baggies. Yes it does, and honest stuff, too. Yes it does, and honest stuff, too. As Marty Warner-DuBay pointed out to us after getting a flurry of phone calls from her dealers for the licensed programs she sold in baggies, with photocopied documentation, on ordinary cassettes. But you can tell these legal copies from stolen stuff because the tapes are marked as distributed by Games To Learn By. Marty also tells us that they will change the packaging to use distinct features and to include a copy of their authorization to distribute these products.

Marty has negotiated damages from the Canadian store which sold these unauthorized copies and they have promised to purchase from the authorized source from now on. We owe Marty our thanks and our business for keeping these programs available to us.

Ian Singer of Integrated Data Systems is the hero of this piece — he who spent his time & money to protect your right to participate in only honest enterprises. You ought to get his catalog and see if your next purchase could return the favor.



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