A machine code program to LLIST your BASIC programs in 2 columns using a full-size printer. For use with an AERCO parallel printer interface and an EPSON RX-80 printer.
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Source Code
1 REM "2col-instr" 2 REM Lloyd Painter 3 REM Quakertown, PA 10 PRINT ''" Description / Instructions for ""2col-llist""" 15 PRINT ''"-A machine code program to LLISTyour BASIC programs in 2 columnsusing a full-size printer" 20 PRINT '"-For use with an AERCO parallel printer interface and an EPSON RX-80 printer" 25 PRINT '"-Occupies/uses top of memory from 61209 to 65535" 30 PRINT '"-To use, LOAD ""2col-llist""CODE and RANDOMIZE USR 61209" 35 PRINT '"-To SAVE after LOADing: SAVE ""2col-llist""CODE 61209,484"