Calculate your physical, mental and emotional cycles.
Appears on
One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20121 to 20163. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.
Source Code
5 REM biorhythms by J. Clark from SINCLAIR USER ANNUAL-83 6 RESTORE : CLS 7 BORDER RND*8 8 PRINT AT 0,0;" BIORHYTHMS " 10 INPUT "Enter Date of Birth (numerical)","Day ";a;" Month ";b;" Year ";c 20 INPUT "Enter Date Now (numerical)","Month ";d;" Year ";e 25 CLS 30 LET t=INT (((e-c)*365.25)+(d-b)*30.35)-a 800 FOR r=0 TO 255 810 PLOT r,10 815 IF r=INT (r/B)*B THEN FOR u=10 TO 20: PLOT r,u: NEXT u 820 NEXT r 830 PRINT AT 21,0;"1st 10th 20th 30th" 840 PRINT AT 0,0; INK 1;"physical "; INK 2;"mental "; INK 4;"emotional" 900 FOR r=1 TO 3 905 READ u 910 LET l=2*PI*(t-(INT (t/u)*u))/u 920 LET k=2*PI*(33-u)*.03 1000 FOR a=l TO k+l+(2*PI) STEP .1 1010 PLOT INK ((1 AND u=23)+(2 AND u=28)+(4 AND u=33));(a-l)*(35-28+u),90+SIN a*60 1020 NEXT a 1030 NEXT r 1040 DATA 23,28,33 1050 INPUT "Again (y/n)? ";a$: IF a$(1)="y" OR a$(1)="Y" THEN GO TO 1 9998 STOP 9999 SAVE "Biorythm" LINE 1