Displays each character of the ASCII set in an enlarged matrix.
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Source Code
5 RESTORE : FOR j=0 TO 7: READ a: POKE USR CHR$ 144+j,a: NEXT j 10 LET o=PEEK 23606+256*PEEK 23607+256 15 FOR j=0 TO 95: CLS : PRINT AT 4,20;"CHR$ ";j+32;" ";CHR$ (j+32) 20 FOR p=0 TO 7 25 LET byte=PEEK (o+p+j*8) 30 PRINT AT p,15;byte 35 FOR l=1 TO 8 40 LET x=INT (byte/2): LET bit=byte-2*x: LET byte=x 45 PRINT AT p,9-l;CHR$ (144-bit) 50 NEXT l 55 NEXT p 60 IF j<>95 THEN PRINT AT 15,0;"press any key for next character": PAUSE 0 65 NEXT j: STOP 100 DATA 255,129,129,129,129,129,129,255 9997 STOP 9998 SAVE "CHARACTER" LINE 0