
Date: 198x
Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 2068

Routine to draw a word in outline block characters.

Appears on

One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20001 to 20050. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.



Source Code

    2 REM By Jasper Visser
    3 REM ZX Computing Monthly
  100 LET l=0: LET h=0
  130 INPUT "A word please.."; LINE a$
  140 IF LEN a$>10 THEN PRINT AT 10,0; FLASH 1; BRIGHT 1;"1  -  10 CHARACTERS !!": PAUSE 50: PRINT AT 10,0;,,: GO TO 130
  150 PRINT AT 0,0; INK 7;a$
  160 FOR a=0 TO LEN a$*8
  170 FOR b=175 TO 168 STEP -1
  180 IF POINT (a,b)=1 THEN GO SUB 220
  190 LET h=h+3: NEXT b: LET h=0: LET l=l+3: NEXT a
  200 PRINT AT 0,0;,,
  210 STOP 
  220 PLOT l,50-(h+3): IF POINT (a-1,b)=0 THEN DRAW 0,3
  230 PLOT l,50-h: IF POINT (a,b+1)=0 THEN DRAW 3,0
  240 PLOT l+3,50-h: IF POINT (a+1,b)=0 THEN DRAW 0,-3
  250 PLOT l+3,50-(h+3): IF POINT (a,b-1)=0 THEN DRAW -3,0
  260 RETURN 


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