Routine to add thicker characters to your own programs.
Appears on
One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20001 to 20050. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.
Source Code
1 REM "CHAR SET1" 2 REM 'DOUBLE THICKNESS' 3 REM By Ben Stagnell 4 REM ZX Computing Monthly 5 REM To use in any memory addr CLEAR addr-1, LOAD "code name" CODE addr, play tape then type or include as pgm lines POKE 23606,addr -256*INT (addr/256): POKE 23607,INT (addr/256) Where "addr" is any address you wish to put the code at. 20 LIST 30 FOR N=30000 TO 30029: READ A: POKE N,A: NEXT N 40 DATA 33,0,61,17,0,118,1,0,3,237,176,33,0,118,17,0,3,126,79,203,63,177,119,35,27,122,179,200,24,243 50 RANDOMIZE USR 30000 60 INPUT "NAME TO SAVE >) "; LINE N$ 70 CLS : PRINT "SAVING :";N$ 80 SAVE N$CODE 30208,768 90 PRINT ''"REWIND TAPE TO VERIFY" 100 VERIFY N$CODE 110 BEEP .1,10: PRINT "SAVE COMPLETE" 120 NEW