3D Driver

Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 2068

Stay on the road!

Appears on

Library tape of the Indiana Sinclair Timex User’s Group.
One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20121 to 20163. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.

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3D Driver

Source Code

   10 REM 3D DRIVER from Games for Your Timex-Sinclair 2000, p.74
   20 GO SUB 9000
   30 GO SUB 8000
   40 PRINT AT 15,15; INK 4;"\a\b";AT 16,15;"\c\d"
   50 IF p<108 OR p>150 THEN GO TO 1000
   60 PLOT p-10,159: DRAW -170+(p-10),-159
   70 PLOT p+10,159: DRAW -70+(p-10),-159
   80 PLOT OVER 1;p-10,159: DRAW OVER 1;-170+(p-10),-159
   90 PLOT OVER 1;p+10,159: DRAW OVER 1;-70+(p-10),-159
  100 LET p=p+4*(INKEY$="5")-4*(INKEY$="8")
  110 LET p=p+(INT (RND*20)-10)
  115 LET sc=sc+1
  120 GO TO 50
  990 STOP 
 1000 PLOT p-10,159: DRAW -170+(p-10),-159
 1010 PLOT p+10,159: DRAW -70+(p-10),-159
 1020 PRINT AT 15,15; FLASH 1; INK 2;"\a\b";AT 16,15;"\c\d"
 1030 FOR a=0 TO 50: BEEP .05,a: BEEP .0008,a: NEXT a
 1040 PRINT AT 1,10; PAPER 1;"You scored ";sc
 1050 INPUT "Press "; INK 6;"ENTER"; INK 7;" to play again "; LINE a$: FOR z=1 TO 120: NEXT z: GO TO 30
 1320 GO TO 50
 7000 REM 
 8000 BORDER 0: PAPER 0: INK 7: CLS 
 8010 LET p=127
 8020 LET sc=0
 8040 PRINT AT 0,0; PAPER 1;"________________________________"
 8990 RETURN 
 9000 FOR a=USR "a" TO USR "d"+7
 9010 READ user: POKE a,user
 9020 NEXT a: RETURN 
 9030 DATA 0,0,0,0,13,11,13,3
 9040 DATA 0,0,0,0,176,208,175,192
 9050 DATA 6,117,207,223,208,240,12,3
 9060 DATA 102,174,243,251,19,15,48,192
 9500 REM ab                              cd
 9510 REM \a\b                              \c\d
 9998 SAVE "Driver" LINE 0
 9999 VERIFY ""


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