Adds nine new commands to our standard basic, which significantly enhance the 2068’s sound and animation facilities.
All of the new commands have the form *abc (that is, an asterisk followed by 3 small letters). Some of the commands must also be followed by parameters (a fancy word for numbers that specify some sort of measurement, like length or size).
- *zap (makes a sound)
- *nse l (gives a white-noise; l = length = 1-255)
- *brk 0 (disables the BREAK key)
- *brk 1 (re-enables it)
New Graphics Commands
- *scr p,i (changes paper and ink colors without erasing screen)
- *use n,s (defines number (1-255) of graphic characters, and size of memory to be reserved for holding them)
- *def c,w,h (defines the width and height of a graphics character. c = character number (1-255) w = pixel width (1-256) h = pixel height (1-176))
- *get c,x,y (gets a character from the screen)
- *put (c,x,y puts a character on the screen)
- *clr c,x,y (erases a character at the specified position, or it can be used to clear an area of the screen)