Graphic display of memory contents.
Appears on
One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20001 to 20050. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.
Source Code
1 REM "MEMSCAN" 2 REM BY RUSSEL ENGLISH 3 REM TIMELINEZ JUNE 1986 4 REM PGM DISPLAYS A MEMORY MAP OF CURRENT SYSTEM 10 FOR X=65500 TO 65533 20 READ Y: POKE X,Y 30 NEXT X 40 DATA 33,0,0,14,1 50 DATA 6,27,62,0,197 60 DATA 229,190,40,3,205 70 DATA 65,38,225,35,0 80 DATA 193,4,62,156,184 90 DATA 32,236,12,62,255 100 DATA 185,32,228,201 105 RANDOMIZE USR 65500 115 STOP 120 SAVE "MEMSCAN"CODE 65500,34