
Date: 198x
Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 2068

Draws a peace symbol from the 1980s.

Appears on

Library tape of the Indiana Sinclair Timex User’s Group.



Source Code

   10 REM Program to generate graphic stickers, using the TS printer
   20 REM Use the techniques in the subroutines to generate your own message and/or graphic.
   30 CLS 
   40 PRINT AT 0,10;"PEACE GRAPHIC": PRINT OVER 1;AT 0,10;"_____________"
   50 GO SUB 660
   60 REM graphics for peace
   70 REM e.g. n,6;ba;n,6;c\::dn;n,7;mlg;n,7;f#h;n,8;i\::;n,8;jk
   80 GO SUB 530
   90 CLS 
  100 PRINT "For peace sticker input ""s"""''"For your address input ""a"""''"For the display only input ""d"""
  110 INPUT b$
  120 CLS 
  130 IF b$="s" THEN GO TO 170
  140 IF b$="a" THEN GO TO 270
  150 IF b$="d" THEN GO TO 400
  160 GO TO 100
  170 LPRINT "\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\.."
  180 LPRINT "\: \b\a                    \ :"
  190 LPRINT "\: \c\::\d\n""PEACE DOVE WINS!""\ :" 
  200 LPRINT "\:  \m\l\g                  \ :"
  210 LPRINT "\:  \f \h                  \ :"
  220 LPRINT "\:   \i\:: ""BAN THE BOMB &  \ :"
  230 LPRINT "\:   \j\k   SPACE WEAPONS!""\ :"
  240 LPRINT "\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''"
  250 GO TO 90
  260 STOP 
  270 LPRINT "\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\.."
  280 LPRINT "\: Mr. + Mrs. John Smith \ :"
  290 LPRINT "\: Address Street        \ :"
  300 LPRINT "\: Pleasentry USA    ZIP \ :"
  310 LPRINT "\:   \b\a                  \ :"  
  320 LPRINT "\:   \c\::\d\n   ""PEACE DOVE  \ :" 
  330 LPRINT "\:    \m\l\g      WINS!""    \ :"
  340 LPRINT "\:    \f \h                \ :"
  350 LPRINT "\:     \i\::""BAN THE BOMB & \ :"
  360 LPRINT "\:     \j\k SPACE WEAPONS"" \ :"
  370 LPRINT "\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''\''"
  380 GO TO 90
  390 STOP 
  400 PRINT AT 1,13;"\b\a"
  410 PRINT AT 2,13;"\c\::\d\n"
  420 PRINT AT 3,14;"\m\l\g"
  430 PRINT AT 4,14;"\f \h"
  440 PRINT AT 5,15;"\i\::"
  450 PRINT AT 6,15;"\j\k"
  460 PRINT AT 9,10;"""BAN THE BOMB"
  470 PRINT AT 10,15;"AND"
  480 PRINT AT 11,10;"""SPACE WEAPONS!"""
  490 INPUT "s=stop  m=menu ";a$
  500 IF a$="m" THEN GO TO 90
  510 IF a$="s" THEN STOP 
  520 GO TO 490
  530 PRINT ''"Please let me make this clear,  I am not countering those of    whom are sincerely trying to    protect our nation. I was in theservice like a lot of you."
  540 PRINT '"I do believe & trust in peace   though & this graphic gets the  meaning to you.";''"Really well, myself, I believe  it's a winner."
  550 PRINT '"Makes a winning sticker and,    or put your address where John  Smith is & use it as a return   address label"
  560 GO SUB 620: CLS 
  570 PRINT AT 0,10;"PEACE GRAPHIC": PRINT OVER 1;AT 0,10;"_____________"
  580 PRINT ''"You should be able to notice    that it is the peacedove that   breaks the bomb & saves mankind."
  590 PRINT '"Make sure your printer is on as the sticker & address are       LPRINT only."
  600 PRINT '"The program is easy to use &    without obstacles"
  610 PRINT '"Add colors, should you desire."
  620 PRINT AT 21,0;"Any key for program"
  630 PAUSE 0
  640 RETURN 
  650 STOP 
  660 FOR N=0 TO 111: READ Y: POKE USR "a"+N,Y: NEXT N
  670 DATA 0,y,y,56,60,62,63,y
  680 DATA 0,y,y,y,y,6,7,3
  690 DATA 0,y,31,y,y,15,7,3
  700 DATA 224,240,248,252,254,255,y,y
  710 DATA 255,y,y,127,63,31,14,7
  720 DATA 15,7,3,1,0,y,y,y
  730 DATA 0,1,3,6,12,16,0,y
  740 DATA 3,15,63,127,255,y,y,y
  750 DATA 128,192,224,240,248,252,254,255
  760 DATA 255,63,15,3,1,0,y,y
  770 DATA 255,252,240,192,128,0,y,y
  780 DATA 255,143,7,3,y,65,1,0
  790 DATA 127,255,y,y,126,60,24,15
  800 DATA 0,y,y,y,y,y,128,192
  810 RETURN 
  820 CLS : SAVE "PEACE" LINE 30


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