Read and entire a phrase.
Appears on
Library tape of the Indiana Sinclair Timex User’s Group.
Source Code
10 INK 1: PAPER 7: BORDER 7: CLS 20 PAUSE 50: RESTORE 30 FOR J=1 TO INT (RND*11)+1 40 BEEP 1/J,3*J: READ A$: NEXT J 50 PRINT AT 10,0;A$ 60 PAUSE (LEN A$)*20 70 CLS 80 INPUT INK 2;"Now enter the phrase you","have just read",,B$ 90 PRINT INVERSE 1;" ";B$;" " 100 PAUSE 50 110 IF A$(2 TO )=B$(2 TO ) THEN BEEP .3,LEN A$: PRINT '' INK 3; FLASH 1;"Well done, that was correct": PAUSE 300: RUN 120 PRINT ''"Sorry, that was not right" 130 PRINT ''"Here it is again" 140 PAUSE 200: CLS 150 GO TO 50 160 DATA "Watch the dog run" 170 DATA "The cat has four legs" 180 DATA "The egg is brown" 190 DATA "The sun is hot" 200 DATA "The fox runs quickly" 210 DATA "The duck swims slowly" 220 DATA "The camel has a hump" 230 DATA "The bell is ringing" 240 DATA "The fish is wet" 250 DATA "The book is open" 260 DATA "The bus is red" 9997 STOP 9998 SAVE "READ&SPELL" LINE 1