Calculates the percent chance in a single year that a body of water will overflow.
Appears on
One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20001 to 20050. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.
Source Code
10 REM "Risk" 20 PRINT "Variables:": PRINT 30 PRINT "T$-Name of Study-line 400" 40 PRINT "C-Percent chance in a single year that event will be exceeded-line 410" 50 PRINT "N-time period(years etc) for desired risk computation-line 420" 60 PAUSE 340: CLS 100 READ T$ 110 PRINT "C IS PERCENT CHANCE IN A SINGLE YEAR THAT DISCHARGE WILL BE EXCEEDED" 115 PRINT 120 READ C 140 READ N 150 LET LIKELIHOOD=(1-C/100)^N 160 LET R=1-LIKELIHOOD 175 LET R=INT (100*R+.5) 180 PRINT TAB 10;T$: PRINT 190 PRINT 200 PRINT "THE RISK IS ";R;" PERCENT THAT THE SPECIFIED ";C;" PERCENT FLOOD MAY BE EXCEEDED ONE OR MORE TIMES IN A ";N;" YEAR PERIOD" 400 DATA "WILLOW LAKE" 410 DATA 1 420 DATA 30 430 STOP