You guide Santa by using the cursor keys (5-8). The Reindeer will move away from Santa when he stands next to them. You have to get 6 reindeer into the pen as fast as possible. The number at the bottom of the Screen is the number of presents Santa has time to deliver. As you want to disappoint as few children as possible, aim to drive the Reindeer into the pen as quickly as you can.
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Source Code
10 REM "Santa's Dilemma" 11 REM Spectrum Program from ZX Computing December 1986 50 REM UDGS 60 LET a=USR "a" 70 FOR i=0 TO 31: READ q 80 POKE a+i,q: NEXT i 90 DATA 24,60,24,126,60,255,126,255 100 DATA 24,24,24,24,24,24,60,60 110 DATA 10,10,14,142,124,124,68,68 120 DATA 24,24,60,90,189,60,126,126 130 BORDER 4: PAPER 7: INK 0: CLS 450 GO TO 1000 500 REM SUBROUTINE 510 REM 1. Print trees 520 PRINT INK 4;AT y,x;"\a"; INK 3;AT y+1,x;"\b": RETURN 530 REM Press a key 540 PRINT AT 21,1; INVERSE 1;" Press any key to continue" 550 IF INKEY$<>"" THEN GO TO 550 560 IF INKEY$="" THEN GO TO 560 570 LET z$=INKEY$: RETURN 600 REM Merry Christmas 610 RESTORE 650 620 FOR i=1 TO 29 630 READ a: READ b: IF a=99 THEN PAUSE b: GO TO 630 640 BEEP a,b: NEXT i 650 DATA .5,0,.25,5,99,10,.25,5,.25,7,.25,5,.25,4,.5,2,99,2,.5,2 660 DATA 99,5,.5,2,.25,7,99,10,.25,7,.25,9,.25,7,.25,5,.25,4,99,10,.25,4,99,10 670 DATA .5,4,.25,9,99,10,.25,9,.25,10,.25,9,.25,7,.5,5,.5,2 680 DATA .5,0,.5,2,.5,7,.5,4,.5,5 690 RETURN 1000 REM Print Title 1010 FOR i=1 TO 50 1020 LET y=RND*20: LET x=RND*31 1030 IF ATTR (y+1,x)=60 THEN GO TO 1020 1040 GO SUB 510: NEXT i 1050 PAUSE 100 1060 PRINT AT 5,12; INK 6; PAPER 1;"SANTA'S" 1070 PAUSE 50 1080 PRINT AT 8,11; FLASH 1;" DILEMMA " 1090 PAUSE 100: GO SUB 600 1100 PAUSE 100: BORDER 4: CLS 1110 PRINT AT 2,9; PAPER 1; INK 6;"Santa's Dilemma"''' 1120 PRINT " It's Christmas Eve, and Santa wants to get under way to " 1130 PRINT "deliver sackfulls of super microgames to all those lucky girls" 1140 PRINT "and boys whose parents have bought them Spectrums, QLs," 1150 PRINT "and other micros for Christmas." 1160 PRINT "But someone has left his gates open, and all the reindeer have" 1170 PRINT "got out. You'll have to guide Santa to help him get 6 reindeer"; 1180 PRINT " back into the pen at the left of the Screen." 1190 GO SUB 530: CLS 1200 PRINT AT 2,9; PAPER 1; INK 6;" Santa's Dilemma "''' 1210 PRINT " You guide Santa by using the cursor keys (5-8). The Reindeer" 1220 PRINT "will move away from Santa when he stands next to them."'' 1230 PRINT " You have to get 6 reindeer into the pen as fast as possible. The"; 1240 PRINT " number at the bottom of the Screen is the number of presents"; 1250 PRINT " Santa has time to deliver. As you want to disappoint as few" 1260 PRINT "children as possible, aim to drive the Reindeer into the pen" 1270 PRINT "as quickly as you can."'' 1280 PRINT " Good Luck" 1290 GO SUB 530 1300 REM Initialise Variables 1310 LET sany=8: LET sanx=2 1320 RESTORE 5000: DIM m(4,2) 1330 FOR i=1 TO 4: READ m(i,1): READ m(i,2): NEXT i 1340 DIM r(8,2) 1350 FOR i=1 TO 8: READ r(i,1): READ r(i,2): NEXT i 1360 LET tr=0 1400 REM Set up Screen 1410 BORDER 4: INK 0: PAPER 7: CLS 1420 INK 3: PRINT AT 6,0;"\..\..\..\..\..\.." 1430 PRINT AT 14,0; INVERSE 1;"\..\..\..\..\..\.." 1440 FOR i=7 TO 13: IF i=10 THEN GO TO 1460 1450 PRINT AT i,5; INVERSE 1;"\: " 1460 NEXT i: INK 0 1470 FOR i=1 TO 50 1480 LET y=RND*20: LET x=RND*31 1490 IF x<10 AND (y>3 AND y<16) THEN GO TO 1480 1500 IF ATTR (y+1,x)=60 THEN GO TO 1480 1510 GO SUB 510: NEXT i 1520 FOR i=1 TO 10 1530 LET y=1+RND*20: LET x=1+RND*29 1540 IF x<10 AND (y>3 AND y<16) THEN GO TO 1530 1550 IF ATTR (y,x)<>56 THEN GO TO 1530 1560 PRINT AT y,x; INK 1;"\c" 1570 NEXT i 1580 PRINT AT 8,2; INK 2;"\d" 1590 POKE 23672,0: POKE 23673,0 1600 REM Go Get Them 1610 LET b=PEEK 23672+256*PEEK 23673: LET p=65000-b 1620 IF p>60000 THEN LET p=60000 1630 PRINT #1;AT 0,0;"Presents: ";p;" " 1640 IF p<30000 THEN GO TO 2000 1650 REM Move Santa 1660 GO SUB 3000: IF z=0 THEN GO TO 1600 1680 LET y=sany+m(z,1): LET x=sanx+m(z,2) 1690 IF ATTR (y,x)<>56 THEN GO TO 1600 1700 IF y<0 OR y>21 OR x<0 OR x>31 THEN GO TO 1600 1710 PRINT AT sany,sanx;" " 1720 LET sany=y: LET sanx=x 1730 PRINT AT y,x; INK 2;"\d": BEEP .01,-5 1740 REM Shoo Reindeer 1750 FOR i=1 TO 8 1760 LET y=sany+r(i,1): LET x=sanx+r(i,2) 1770 IF ATTR (y,x)<>57 THEN GO TO 1800 1775 IF y<1 OR y>20 OR x<1 OR x>30 THEN GO TO 1800 1780 IF ATTR (y+r(i,1),x+r(i,2))<>56 THEN GO TO 1800 1790 PRINT AT y,x;" ";AT y+r(i,1),x+r(i,2); INK 1;"\c": BEEP .01,5 1800 NEXT i 1810 IF ATTR (10,5)<>57 THEN GO TO 1600 1820 LET tr=tr+1 1830 FOR i=1 TO 5 1840 BEEP .15,-5: BEEP .15,0: BEEP .15,5 1850 NEXT i 1860 PRINT AT 10,5;" " 1870 PRINT AT 6+tr,0; INK 1;"\c" 1880 IF tr<6 THEN GO TO 1600 1890 PAUSE 100: GO SUB 600: PAUSE 200 1900 BORDER 4: CLS 1910 PRINT AT 4,8;"Santa can deliver ";AT 6,9;p;" presents" 1920 PRINT AT 10,0; 1930 IF p<40000 THEN PRINT "You've disappointed many children": GO TO 1980 1940 IF p<55000 THEN PRINT "Not too bad, but Santa will have to miss quite alot of children.": GO TO 1980 1950 PRINT "Well done; there won't be too many disappointments tonight." 1980 PAUSE 100: GO SUB 600 1990 GO TO 2060 2000 FOR i=20 TO -10 STEP -.5 2010 BEEP .05,i: NEXT i 2020 CLS 2030 PRINT AT 4,0;"Oh dear! You've failed to catch enough reindeer in time." 2040 PRINT AT 9,0;"How can you ever forgive yourself for the broken hearts" 2050 PRINT "you have caused!" 2060 PAUSE 500: RUN 2070 STOP 3000 LET z$=INKEY$: LET z=0 3010 IF z$="" THEN RETURN 3020 LET z=CODE z$ 3030 IF z>51 AND z<57 THEN LET z=z-52: RETURN 3040 IF z=8 THEN LET z=1: RETURN 3050 IF z=9 THEN LET z=4: RETURN 3060 IF z=10 THEN LET z=2: RETURN 3070 IF z=11 THEN LET z=3: RETURN 3080 LET z=0: RETURN 5000 DATA 0,-1,1,0,-1,0,0,1 5010 DATA -1,0,-1,-1,1,0,1,1,-1,1,1,-1,0,1,0,-1 9999 SAVE "SANTA DIL" LINE 10