Conversion from a program for the Apple II to TS-2068. See Creative Computing Feb 1984.
Appears on
One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20001 to 20050. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.
Source Code
1 REM "SPIRAL" 2 REM By Joe E. Jenkins 3100 Mockingbird Amarillo, TX 79109 11 NOV 85 3 REM a conversion by Ted Knyszek from Apple II to TS-2068 See Creative Computing Feb 1984 20 LET c=COS (PI/3) 30 LET s=SIN (PI/3) 40 LET c1=COS (PI/36) 50 LET s1=SIN (PI/36) 60 LET sf=.95 70 LET x=95 80 LET y=0 90 LET cx=130 100 LET cy=88 110 LET sc=1.16 120 FOR j=1 TO 43 130 FOR i=0 TO 6 140 LET sx=x*sc+cx 150 LET sy=cy+y 160 IF i=0 THEN GO TO 190 170 PLOT sx1,sy1 180 DRAW (sx-sx1),(sy-sy1) 190 LET sx1=sx: LET sy1=sy 200 LET xn=x*c-y*s 210 LET y=x*s+y*c 220 LET x=xn 230 NEXT i 240 LET xn=sf*(x*c1-y*s1) 250 LET y=sf*(x*s1+y*c1) 260 LET x=xn 270 NEXT j 280 STOP