This utility will display both the line currently being executed and the statement number within the current line.
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10 REM TRACER 20 REM CHRIS HOWARD STONE 30 REM 8 BOULTON GROVE, HULL 40 REM HUMBERSIDE, HU9 3ED 50 REM 60 REM AUGUST 1985 100 REM PRINT PAGE ONE 110 BORDER 0: PAPER 0: CLS : GO SUB 9100 120 INK 7 130 PRINT AT 5,0;"This little utility will provemost useful in the developmentand de-bugging of your BASICprograms." 140 PRINT ''"This utility will display boththe line currently beingexecuted and the statementnumber within the current line." 150 PRINT "If that seems a bit confusingthen consider the followingexample of a one-line BASICprogram." 160 GO SUB 9000 170 LET a$=INKEY$: IF a$="" THEN GO TO 170 200 REM PRINT PAGE TWO 210 PAPER 0: CLS : GO SUB 9100 220 INK 7 230 PRINT AT 4,0;"222 BORDER 1: BORDER 2: BORDER 3: BORDER 4" 240 PRINT '"The line number is, of course,222. BORDER 1 is the firststatement within line 222.Similarly, BORDER 3 is thethird statement within theline." 250 PRINT '"TRACER displays the line andthe statement numbers of theprogram currently beingexecuted. This information isdisplayed in the extreme topright of the screen." 260 GO SUB 9000 270 LET a$=INKEY$: IF a$="" THEN GO TO 270 300 REM PRINT PAGE THREE 310 PAPER 0: CLS : GO SUB 9100 320 INK 7 330 PRINT AT 4,0;"TRACER displays its informationin the following form:" 340 PRINT AT 7,9;"[ 001:002 ]" 350 PRINT AT 9,0;"The first number displayed isthe line number currently beingexecuted and the second numberis the statement number whichis currently being executed." 360 PRINT '"The next pages will givedetails of how to load and useTRACER in the development ofyour own programs." 370 GO SUB 9000 380 LET a$=INKEY$: IF a$="" THEN GO TO 380 400 REM PRINT PAGE FOUR 410 PAPER 0: CLS : GO SUB 9100 420 INK 7 430 PRINT AT 5,0;"Details of how to save themachine code will appear anon.Once you have saved the code itmust be re-loaded as follows:" 440 PRINT '"1. Enter the command CLEAR 65278" 450 PRINT '"2. Type LOAD """" CODE 65279" 460 PRINT '"Please note that the machinecode TRACER routine is mostdefinitely NOT relocatable andMUST be loaded at 65279." 470 GO SUB 9000 480 LET a$=INKEY$: IF a$="" THEN GO TO 480 500 REM PRINT PAGE FIVE 510 PAPER 0: CLS : GO SUB 9100 520 INK 7 530 PRINT AT 4,0;"Once the code is loaded theTRACER routine can be activatedat any time by entering" 540 PRINT AT 8,6;"RANDOMIZE USR 65500" 550 PRINT "and may be de-activated at anytime by entering" 560 PRINT AT 12,6;"RANDOMIZE USR 65520." 570 PRINT '"The information can be printedin normal or inverse video.Location 65535 must be POKEdwith either 1 ( for inversevideo ) or 0 ( for normalvideo )." 580 GO SUB 9000 590 LET a$=INKEY$: IF a$="" THEN GO TO 590 600 REM PRINT PAGE SIX 610 PAPER 0: CLS : GO SUB 9100 620 INK 7 630 PRINT AT 7,0;"The machine code TRACER routinemay automatically be saved totape now." 640 PRINT '"Press" 650 PRINT ''" R TO READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS AGAIN.": PRINT '" S TO SAVE ""TRACER"" TO TAPE." 651 PRINT ''" Q TO QUIT & LOAD NEXT PROGRAM" 660 LET a$=INKEY$: IF a$="" THEN GO TO 660 670 IF a$="r" OR a$="R" THEN GO TO 100 675 IF a$="q" OR a$="Q" THEN CLEAR 65367: CLS : PRINT AT 10,10;" Loading...": LOAD "" 680 IF a$<>"s" AND a$<>"S" THEN GO TO 660 700 REM SAVE THE M/C TO TAPE 710 SAVE "TRACER"CODE 65279,257 720 PRINT #1;"VERIFY Y/N" 730 LET A$=INKEY$: IF A$="" THEN GO TO 730 740 IF A$="n" OR a$="N" THEN GO TO 600 750 IF a$<>"Y" AND a$<>"y" THEN GO TO 730 760 VERIFY ""CODE 65279,257 770 GO TO 600 9000 REM PRINT "PRESS ANY KEY" 9010 PRINT BRIGHT 1; PAPER 1; INK 7;AT 21,3;"PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE" 9020 RETURN 9100 REM DRAW PAGE HEADING 9110 PRINT PAPER 2; INK 6;AT 1,12;" TRACER " 9120 PAPER 0: INK 7 9130 PLOT 91,171: DRAW 74,0: DRAW 0,-16: DRAW -74,0: DRAW 0,16 9140 RETURN 9999 CLEAR : SAVE "TRINS" LINE 1