ZX81 Scroll

Date: 198x
Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 1000

Appears on

Assembled by Tim Ward from many sources. Contains programs 10122 – 10175.


ZX81 Scroll

Source Code

  10 PRINT ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  20 PRINT TAB 3;"    \ '         \ :     \'     "
  30 PRINT TAB 3;"\:'\''\''\''\ :\ :\''\''\''\: \:'\''\''\''\ :\ '\''\''\''\: \: \:'\''\''\''"
  40 PRINT TAB 3;"\''\''\''\':\ :\ :   \: \:    \ :\ :\''\''\''\: \: \:    "
  50 PRINT TAB 3;"\''\''\''\''\ '\ '   \' \''\''\''\''\ '\ '\''\''\''\' \' \'    "
  60 PRINT ,,,,
  70 PRINT TAB 12;"\''\: \: \: \:'\: \: "
  80 PRINT TAB 12;"\.' \.'\. \:'\: \: "
  90 PRINT TAB 12;"\''\' \' \' \''\' \' "
 100 FOR N=1 TO 50
 110 NEXT N
 120 FOR F=1 TO 16
 130 SCROLL 
 140 NEXT F
 145 CLS 
 150 GOTO 10
 160 SAVE "1015%4"
 170 RUN 


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