TS 1000: Software Reviews
- 'Rithmetic - Review of Supermath by Timex.
- 2K games will please - Starblaster is one of six 2k games sold by Softsync.
- 3 in 1: Mixed Game Bag 1 - Review of the game from Timex.
- 3D Monster Maze - Review of the game published by Melbourne House.
- 3D Monster Maze and Mothership - In 3D Monster Maze you are in a maze running from T. (Tyrannosaurus) Rex. The object is to get out alive!
- 8k ROM Upgrade - Improved ZX81/TS 1000 ROM from Tom Bent. Changes include normal FAST mode, 6 character shape improvements, change British pound symbol to an apostrophe, LPRINT decimal numbers with leading zeros, fast SCROLL, proper divide of numbers in repetitive math, proper CLS action, fixed display file, DIMension single string arrays up to 64K and invoke LPRINT commands
- A personal computer with many office applications - Biers describes using the TS1000 for business applications. He also authored several programs for business, incuding Business Pack I, Business Pack II and Personal Financial Planning Pack, all published by Gladstone Electronics.
- A Sampling of Diet and Fitness Programs - Personal Weight Control Program from International Publishing and Software for the TS 1000 listed, desccribed.
- A-maze-ing 3-D overview - Review of Labyrinth, from Mindware.
- ACZ General Ledger - ACZ General Ledger, a very reliable double entry bookkeeping and accounting system, caters to small business needs.
- Aliens Attack - Review of Galactic Invaders from Sams.
- Aliens Attack Again - In Invasion Force, you control a laser base and must shoot through a moving force field and destroy an alien ship. If you hit a black blob in the moving force field, all your damage to the ship is repaired. Smaller ships fly by and drop bombs on you. The game ends when you run
- Aliens earn top marks (3D-Orbiter) - Review of the game from Melbourne House.
- American ZX-81/TS1000 Software - Brief description of programs from A.F.R. Software.
- Amusement for Brainy Types - Reviews of The Nowotnik Puzzle, Mega Mind and The Cube Game.
- Analogies, Logical Reasoning - Analogies and Logical Reasoning, two separate programs, pleasantly teach important concepts in logical thought.
- Angry Ape - Review of Krazy Kong by Intercomputer.
- Appointment Watch - APPOINTMENT WATCH is a spread sheet program written in machine code and BASIC. It requires at least 16K of memory. In 16K, Appointment Watch allows the user to enter and store 100 appointments. It allows you to enter the Date, Time, and Place of your appointments, as well as with whom they are, and the
- Assembler offers aid - Review of ZX Assembler, from International Publishing and Software.
- B-17 Reunion: The "Little Computer That Could" And A Data-Base Program Bring WWII Vets Together With New Ties - Roberts uses Timex Organizer to keep records for his locksmith business and to track B-17 vets.
- Backgammon Reviewed - Review of the machine language game from Biocal Software.
- Bank Switching and Operating System - BSOS - Review of extension to ZX81/TS 1000 that adds bank switching RAM features to the computer.
- BASLOAD - Review of program to convert TS 1000 programs to the TS 2068.
- BBDOS: A Disk Operating System for the Aerco FD-ZX Interface - ZX81/TS1000 owners who have been using the Aerco FD-ZX Disk Drive Interface owe Jerry Chamkis and his Texas staff a debt of gratitude for providing them with a reliable, high speed, mass storage system. But even as nice as the FD-ZX unit is, its disc operating system (DOS) leaves much to be desired.
- Big Graphics - Small Challenge - Review of Orbyte Software’s Mega Mind.
- Book-cassette package teaches programming - Review of Programming for Real Applications by Dilithium Software.
- Breaking Into The Transylvanian Tower
- Budget Master 1000 for Timex/Sinclair micros - Budget Master 1000, from HES (Human Engineered Software), is a household-budget program for the Timex/Sinclair 1000. Until I ran into a major flaw and support vacuum, I considered it one of the best programs I had seen for the Timex.
- Celestial Computing: Astronomical Software 1, Planet Finder - AS1 provides functions frequently found only on more expensive software for more expensive computers. Combined into two compact “Time Options” and “Coordinate Options” menus, we see many selections that were treated as separate programs in Eric Burgess’ ‘Celestial Basic.’ Planet Finder is a collection of astronomical images and information. It’s a cleverly designed, graphically interesting
- Check Book, a computerized checkbook register - Check Book, from American Micro Products, creates a compterized checkbook register that lets you list checks by number, use or sequence. More important, it codes each check by category, for example, medical expense, education or gasoline.
- Check our handy chess guide - Survey of chess programs including Timeware Chess, Chessmaster, Superchess, 1K Chess, 2K Chess, Timex Sinclair Chess.
- Checkbook Balancer: Old Standby Reviewed - Program that comes with a keyboard overlay to help balance a personal checkbook account.
- Checkmate - Review of ZXCHESS from Gladstone Electronics.
- Chess for the Sinclair - Review of chess programs and tutorial.
- Chroma Soft TS 1000 Review - Review of a program that displays color by flashing at different rates.
- City of Xon
- Client Package - Review - Review of Boss Package #121 from S & S Company.
- Complex galactic conflict - YOU WILL need at least one opponent, writing materials and plenty of time for Cyborg Wars, produced by Stratagem Cybernetics for the Timex Sinclair or the 16K ZX-81.
- Computerized Filing Cabinet - Review of ZX-Data Finder by Thomas B. Woods.
- Copy Katt - Review of software copying program.
- Cyborgwars - Cyborgwars is a strategic game in which four warring cybernetic empires each call upon a human leader to take control and become the supreme leader. This game is the managing an economy, resource allocated type. The resources, in this case, are the robots themselves.
- Database Showdown
- Defend your planet - Review of Galactic Invasion, from International Computers Ltd.
- Deja-vu (ZX Scramble) - Review of the game from International Publishing and Software.
- Double Feature Adventure - Review of “The Elusive Mr. Big” from Softsync.
- Dungeon of Ymir - Dungeon of Yair is a multi-level maze adventure game written completely in machine code. Ymir requires 24K of RAM, and versions are available for the 1500 with a Hunter Board or other 8-16K RAM, OR for the 32K 1500 (with 16k RAMpack). Ymir is true HI-RES, using a HI-RES technique which works only with the
- Easy Math - Easy Math essentially turns your system into a calculator, with formulae storing ability and a 26 item user stack.
- Eat the dots ... (GULP) - Review of the Pac-Man clone game from Mindware.
- Ephemeris V
- Ephemeris V - Review of an Astronomy Program - Review of program that predicts locations of stars and planets and generates a view.
- Extended BASIC for the TS 1000 - Review of Thomas Woods’ Extended Basic. Reprinted from The Plotter, vol 2, no. 7 & 8.
- Extended Basic For The TS1000/ZX81 - Review of Thomas Woods’ Extended Basic. It is an extension/BASIC interpreter which lives in a 3.5K long 0 REM statement. All commands are entered after an initial REM statement on a line; multiple statements can be entered with a colon.
- Extensions to Pro/File Review - There are four issues of Extensions that total 31 pages of well documented changes, additions, and instructions. These modifications can either be keyed into your computer or you can purchase the programs on tape.
- Fantasy Island - Review of Psion’s Fantasy Games.
- Fast Action In 2K - Review of TS Destroyer and Space Raid, both from Softsync.
- Fast Aliens (Galaxia) - Review of the game from Artic Computing.
- FASTLOAD - Review of the program.
- Fastload Review
- Fastload Revisited
- Filing and Inventory Systems - Review of database programs The Organizer (Timex), Home Inventory (Orbyte), Data Storage and Display System (ZX-Panding), Business Inventory Control (Mindware), Inver Inventory Accounting (D. Lipinski) and ZX Pro/File (Thomas B. Woods).
- Flying High: Pilot - Review of the game from Mindware.
- Flying Your T/S1000 - Review of Night Gunner.
- For Football Fans - Review of Pick ‘Em by Stuart Software.
- Fringe Benefits - Review of ZXAK-MAN by Pleasantrees Programming.
- Frogger - Frogger helps Timex step up to the big time arcade with fast action, good medium resolution graphics and a challenge tough to beat.
- Fun In The Carrotpatch - Review of Packrabbit.
- Game cassette for Timex/Sinclair 1000 or ZX81 - Reviews of Gamestape 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 from Melbourne House.
- Games To Play Now That The War Is Over
- Gamestape 1 For The Timex/Sinclair - Review of Melbourne House’s Gamestape 1, a collection of 11 games for the 2K Timex/Sinclair.
- Gammon Your ZX/TS - Review of Psion’s Backgammon.
- Go FORTH - Review of ZXFORTH from Gladstone Electronics.
- Go-fer - Review of sophisticated data base system that supports cassette and disk drives.
- Graphics and Programming Utilities For Sinclair/Timex - Review of Programmers Toolkit and Graphics Kit from Softsync.
- Grimm's Fairy Trails - Review of Timex’s response to PACMAN. The maze-pursuit game has 6 levels of play, from crawl to very fast.
- Grimm's Fairy Trails - Review of the game.
- Ham Hacker Programs from Hawg Wild Software - Review of programs for amateur radio operators.
- Happy Simulated Landings - With the Flight Simulation program you must land your airplane successfully on the runway without crashing. Sitting in the cockpit, your control panel shows your speed, altitude, fuel and power. The top of viewing window for the landing.
- Hardware/Software Reviews - Exatron stringy floppy with interface, Hunter 2K-8K non-volatile memory board, Z-XLR8 fast load program.
- Hi-Res Graphics for the TS-1000: A Review of I.S.I.'s Software - Review of “High Resolution Graphics MK. II”.
- Home Budget Review - Checkbook Machine and Billpayer Machine by Synchro-Sette.
- Home Computer Games: Four Great Games For The Timex Sinclair 1000 - Reviews Mothership, Sea War, 3D Monster Maze and Mazogs.
- Hot Stuff - Review of SinWare’s HOT Z.
- How educational are the "educational" programs - Brief overview of effective educational software and review of educational programs from International Publishing, Mindware, Reston, Softsync and Timex.
- How to Save Money on Your Mortgage - Review of Boss Package 117 from S & S Company.
- I Break for Arcadians: Mazogs - In this adventure game, your hero is a black shadow in the shape of a man. Keying guides you left, right, up or down in a maze as you search for treasure. The screen shows a tiny portion of the maze. If your figure takes three steps in any direction, a new small area (originally
- In The Fast Lane - Review of Timeblasters by Robotec.
- Large Scale Fun for Small Scale Computers - Reviews of Keystroke Management (2-Bit), TS Destroyer and Space Raid (SoftSync), Millepede (Axis Software), Meteorites (SoftSync) and Merchant of Venus (Timex/Crystal Computing).
- Lazy Monster: 3D Monster Maze - Review of the game from Melbourne House.
- Let this software help you run your home - Reviews and compares four programs specifically designed to help manage money; one to set home files straight (birthdays, recipes, phone numbers, and so on) and one full 16K program just for all those bonus coupons that accumulate.
- M(inus) Coder - Review of Personal Software Services’ M-Coder.
- Machine Code Tape Offers Seven Utilities - Review of Machine Code Test Tool from Oxford Computer Publishing.
- Machine Code Tutor
- Magic on Tape - Review of Programmer’s Toolkit and Graphics Toolkit from Softsync.
- Mailing List - The program is written entirely in BASIC language. It stores from 100 to 425 NAMES, ADDRESSES, and PHONE NUMBERS; lists all names; searches by NAME, by CITY, by ZIP code, or by PHONE number. It allows changes to entered data, or deletions of data. It allows a print out of the complete listing, or a
- Mars - Review of the adventure game from Aardvark.
- Mazogs - Review of the game from Softsync.
- Mazogs for Sinclair/Timex - Single-player treasure/maze game.
- MCoder II BASIC Compiler - Brief review of the compiler.
- Memocalc - Review of the program as replacement for VU-CALC.
- Memotext Specifics - User’s notes on the program.
- Memotext Word Processor - Review of Memotech’s word processor.
- Meteorites And Red Alert for Sinclair/Timex - Review of two video games from Softsync, Inc.
- Microdex: Timex/Sinclair Software - CarCost from Specialized Financial Systems, Inc.
- Mined-Out - Review of the game, from Quicksilva.
- Mini-Reviews: Timex Sinclair User, Nightgunner, more - Reviews of Timex Sinclair User magazine, Multi-Program tape from SyncWare, Nightgunner from Softsync, Key Stroke Management and Truth Tables from 2-Bit Software, Inventory Control and Manufacturing Control from Timex.
- Mini-Reviews: XFORTH, Synchro-sette, more - Short reviews of XFORTH by Hawg Wild Software, Synchro-sette magazine, direct video interface from AERCO, 123 Go and Making Treks by 2-Bit Software.
- Mixed-Use 4-Pack is a Mixed Blessing - Review of Powerpack 1 from Timex.
- More Missile Madness - Review of Missile Launcher, from Intercomputer.
- More Software: Educational Software - Educational software from Softsync and Timex.
- More Software: FAST DUET, LINGO 1, Dominoes - Product reviews of FAST DUET by Cosmonics, LINGO 1 by Mornae Software, Dominoes by JPR Software.
- More Software: Hot Z - Review of the disassembler/monitor from Sinware.
- More Software: Key Load - Review of Key Load by G. Russell Electronics
- More Software: Timex Household Programs - Reviews Home Asset Manager, Home Improvement Manager, Personal Finance Planner from Timex.
- Mothership
- Mothership For Timex/Sinclair - Review of Softsync’s Mothership video game.
- MULTIFILE -- A Data Storage System - Review of the program available from Gladstone Electronics.
- Multiple Regression Analysis - Review of the program from Programmers at Large.
- Music Library - Music Library provides database management program with a convenient format for organizing your music collection.
- New Calc - Review of VU-CALC.
- Nova 1000 - Nova 1000 claims to provide the humble TS1000 with the ability to perform multi-tasking. In case you are unaware, the usual method to achieve multi-tasking is to use one of the newer CPUs. The reason is that they have the additional registers and have been specifically designed for multi-tasking. Obviously then, this is no small
- Othello - Review of several variations of Othello/Reversi.
- Part-Way Down the Road with Partial Pascal - Partial Pascal from Semper Software was the subject of an earlier review. This is a follow-up which includes a book review plus other “adventures” with Partial Pascal.
- Partial Pascal - Overview of the three-part Pascal compiler/interpreter.
- Partial Pascal [Review] - Review of a Pascal editor/compiler for the 1000.
- Personal Data Bank - Review of Psion’s VU-FILE.
- Pinball
- Plane Frame - Plane Frame is a mechanical and structural engineering program.
- Player ZX81: A Tune-Playing Program For The Sinclair/Timex - Review of Player ZX81 from Wm. Maples.
- Points Lost for Program Flaw - By skillfully piloting your ship through space and firing at enemy craft, you must protect your convoy from destruction in Cosmos, You must direct your ship near an alien and fire your laser before it gets away. Points are scored by destroying alien ships.
- POKEs by Paul - Review of Hi RES by Richard Taylor.
- Previously Reviewed - Short summaries of previously reviewed software.
- QSAVE Cuts Save/Load Time - QSAVE, a 2-part package, drastically cuts your ZX81 SAVE/LOAD time. The software increases the baud rate, or data transfer, of ZX81s to 4000, saving or loading 16K in 29 seconds.
- QUEST by Aardvark
- Quest for the Holy Grail - In this game you have thing you can pick up like guns, machetes, fishing nets, gold coins and other things. Since you are in the jungle and you can be killed by a savage ape, I suggest you use your gun, but you can use your own judgement.
- RAM-Drive - RAM-Drive is a machine code utility program that gives you powerful program editing comands.
- Rebuilding the Pyramids - Reviews of Gamestape 2, Pyramid, Artist, all from Melbourne House.
- Redalert - Review of the game from Softsync.
- Reversi - Review of the program published by Zeta Software.
- Review - SDA (Software Development Associates) Games One.
- Review of Boss Package #118: Mail List and Inventory Control - Review of programs from S & S Company, who also published the magazine.
- Review of Boss Package 114: Biorhythm, Rorschact and Reaction - Review of programs from S & S Company, who also published the magazine.
- Review of Bouncy - Review of video game produced by Infinity Research Development.
- Review of Graphics Kit - Review of the programming kit from Softsync.
- Review of Master Math
- Review of Matrix Planner - Review of the program from Mindware.
- Review of MCODER, An Integer Compiler - Review of the compiler from Personal Software Services.
- Review of The Organizer from Timex - Review of the data base program from timex.
- Review of TS 1000 Software - TS Football by Ed Hagen, Biorhythms by Frank Ralston
- Review of ZX Forth from Gladstone - Review of the software, originally available from Artic Computing.
- Review: Distacalc - Review of the program used for calculating long distances via great circle method. Reprinted from SUM, April 86.
- Review: The Fantastic Music Machine - The Fantastic Music Machine gives the Timex/Sinclair 1000, Sinclair ZX81 or “8K BASIC” ZX80 the ability to play music with no hardware additions. If you have cassette-recorder storage and a TV set display, you’re ready to bloop and bleep with this $10 toy. The sound comes from your television speaker or an AM radio placed
- Reviewing Two TS-1000 Programs - Distacalc and Raiders of the Lost Tomb.
- Reviews - Short reviews of Mothership, Gamestape 1, Graphic Golf, Mazogs, Wallbusters, Caves of Zulu, Combat Flight, Vault of the Centaurs, 80 Hours Around Europe
- Reviews for the Non-Programmer - Review of SuperScreen, a machine language program that allows you to manipulate the display as ‘windows’, effectively displaying output from several programs at once.
- Reviews for the Non-Programmer - Review of Chroma-Soft, a program and a yellow filter for the TV screen, that generates some color through flashing. Update on Word* for the ZX81.
- Reviews for the Non-Programmer: Word* from Siriusware - Word processor for the 1000.
- Reviews: Mini Xmod 1.7 - Review of the terminal program, for use with the Byte-Back modem.
- Search and Destroy - Review of Spacetrek from Beam Software.
- Shoot Your Way To Safety - Review of Combat Flight from Melbourne House.
- SINC-ARTIST Hi-Res Graphics Program Review - Review of the graphics program with notes on required 8K non-volatile RAM.
- Sky-High ZX/TS - Review of Psion’s Flight Simulation.
- Sleeper (Demolisher) - Review of the game from Intercomputer.
- Snake - Review of the game published by Zeta Software.
- Softrev: Graphics Kit - Reivew of the graphics kit tape from Softsync.
- Software Impressions - Cyclepath (Deathchase), Penetrators, Quack!, TS Demo EPROM.
- Software Impressions - Ator the ABC Gator.
- Software Review - The Home Asset Manager, The Coupon Manager, The Checkbook Manager, The Gambler, and Supermaze, all for the TS1000, reviewed.
- Software Review - Review of The Complete Machine Code Tutor.
- Software Review: British TS1000/ZX81 Software - Reviews of Rocketman, Forty Niner and ZXtricator.
- Software Review: Snake Eyes and Truth Tables - Review of the programs from 2-Bit Software.
- Software Reviews - Reviews of Screen-Calc (Banta), Screen File (Banta), Gridlock (2-Bit Software) and Timex/Sinclair 1000 Basic Programs in Minutes.
- Software Reviews: Frogger, Mothership - For those who have played the arcade version of FROGGER, there are differences. Besides the things we are used to with our TS1000s โ no sound and no color โ the Timex version compensates for the fairly coarse graphics of its screen by presenting only half the typical arcade at a time. MOTHERSHIP reminds me
- Software Reviews: Sea Wolf, Coupon Manager - Reviews by club members.
- Software: Z Extra by Sinware - Product review.
- Space Invaders and Bomber
- Speech Synthesizer for the TS-1000 - Software speech synthesizer for the TS1000 and TS2058.
- Star Performer - Review of WORD*, a word processor for the TS 1000/ZX81.
- Star Softrev: VU-CALC - Brief review of the program.
- Star Trek
- Stranded on Mars - Reviews of Aardvark’s Mars, Softsync’s Super Invasion, Melbourne House’s Reversi.
- Supertape - Review of the tape from JRC Software.
- sz81 Emulator - Review and how to use the emulator.
- Tape does a variety of tasks - Review of ZX-Toolbox by Melbourne House.
- Tax Return Helper - Review of the program from KSOFT.
- The Fantastic Music Machine and Light Show - The Fantastic Music Machine is a unique program that transforms your computer keyboard into a 3-octave musical instrument with reasonably good tonal quality with 16K it can handle up to 7000 notes.
- The Flight Simulator For The Timex/Sinclair - Review of The Flight Simulator, available from Gladstone Electronics.
- The Forth Corner - Introduction to Forth and review of Pluri-Forth from Tree Systems.
- The Forth Corner - Review of Word Tree, a word processor for the TS 1000, for use with Tree-Forth.
- The Graphics Kit - Review of Graphics Kit, available from Softsync.
- The Kruncher - Review of a program for 1000/1500 and 2068 that can make program code smaller through common methods.
- The Miracle Worker - Review of ZX Compiler-Integer BASIC Compiler from Bob Berch.
- The SYNTEXT Word Processor - Description of the program functions.
- The ZX Pro/File - Review of Thomas Woods’ data base program.
- The ZXADream - Review of ZXAD Assembler and Debugger from Scientific Software.
- This is Word Sinc II.5 - Product announcement. Includes WordFont examples.
- Three Software Reviews - Reviews ZX PRO/FILE, Critical Path Analysis and The Fantastic Music Machine.
- Timex/Sinclair 1000 Emulator for MSDOS - Review of the emulator by Jeff Vavsour.
- Timex/Sinclair games offer excitement or ennui - Here’s some more recreational software for you hard-working Timex/Sinclair 1000 (and ZX81) owners. Reviews of Mothership (Softsync), Gulper (HES), Bat-Cage (Timex).
- Tiny LOGO - Review of the version of LOGO, implemented in BASIC.
- To Buy or Not to Buy? - Reviews of ES-II system switch box by Electronic Shop, ZXFORTH by the Forth Dimension, Memotech keyboard.
- To Buy or Not to Buy? Software - Reviews of the Programmers’ Toolkit and Graphics Toolkit from Softsync, CIOUTIL by Cosmonics, Flight Simulation from Timex.
- To Buy or Not to Buy? Software - Reviews of Mothership from Softsync, ZX Compiler from Bob Berch,
- To Buy or Not to Buy? Software - Review of Z-Tools and Step by Sinware.
- To Buy or Not to Buy? Software - Review of Mega Mind, Expo Tic Tac Toe, Words and Compatibility from Orbyte software.
- To Buy or Not to Buy? Software - Review of Understanding Sinclair BASIC from A+ Associates.
- TS1000 Review: Stock Plot - If the terms “Dow Jones Industrial Average”, “Price Earnings Ratio”, “shares”, “Current Dollar Profit”, and “Portfolio” mean anything special to you, buying this program might just be the kind of “investment” you’d like to look into.
- Two High Speed Loading and Saving Systems for Tapes - Review of two fast load systems.
- Unknown Tongues Alternative Computer Languages - Alternatives to BASIC: Forth (Tree-Forth, X-Forth, ZX-Forth) and Partial PASCAL.
- Video-Plan, Computacalc - Review of two spreadsheet programs.
- View of VU-Calc - Review and tutorial.
- Voxcomp - Vocabulary manager for R.I.S.T.โs Parrot voice synthesizer.
- VU-CALC - Review.
- Vu-Calc - Vu-Calc, developed for the Timex/Sinclair 1000 with 16K RAM, displays a table of 36 columns (numbered 01 through 36) and 26 rows (designated A through Z). Each of the 936 boxes can store up to eight characters, alpha or numeric. The screen displays 27 boxes at a time, three columns by nine rows. The “window”
- VU-CALC(S) by Psion - The spreadsheet type programs (Visi-calc and its clones) are one of the most popular utilities for microcomputers for business and home financial use.
- Wedge Works: Memotext
- What's In Store: Face Odyssey - Review of program from Red Balloon Software, similar to Spinnaker’s FaceMaker.
- Word
- Word Processing on ZX/TS Computers - Comparison of wordprocessing and text editing programs for the Timex/Sinclair 1000.
- Word Sinc II.5 & Wordfont: TS1000 Review - If you’re looking for a general use word processor program for home use, WORD SINC II.5 might just be for you. Although several people who have used the earlier versions of WORD SINC, including myself, did not care for the program, this adaptation has several features that make it worth buying.
- WP package - Review of Word Sinc II.
- XTender - A Review
- zeditor - Review of a high-resolution word processor for the ZX81.
- ZETAPAK #3, SciFi Fantasy - Review of the games from Zeta Software.
- ZX Color? Chroma-Soft - Review of Russell Electronics’ “experimental software color graphics” that used software tricks to create the illusion of color.
- ZX PRO/FILE - Review of the database program.
- ZX PRO/FILE - ZX PRO/FILE uses one of the most sophisticated and efficient data storage and retrieval systems I ever expect to see for the ZX/TS.
- ZX Scramble - Review of the game from International Publishing & Software.
- ZX-81 Home Computer Package for Sinclair/Timex - Sampler of four programs, all run in 1K. Etch-A-Screen, Music Composer, Checkbook Balancer, and Billboard by LAMO-LEM Laboratories.
- ZX-CALC + R.F.R.G. - ZX-CALC + R.F.R.G. is a complex and comprehensive spreadsheet/accounting package. R.F.R.G. is a supplement to ZX-CALC called an “accounting model” (R.F.R.G. stands for Rodriguez Financial Report Generator). The author states that it is used primarily for sole proprieterships who do not have the company’s assets tied up in land.
- ZX-Term*80 - Review of the terminal program for the TS1000.
- ZX/TS University - Review of several learning programs from Sinclair Research.
- ZX81 Chess vs. ZX Chess II - Computer chess is becoming a very popular hobby for those who cannot find opponents on their level, and a large number of ”dedicated” machines are appearing with increasingly greater strengths. Another area of growing popularity is designing a chess program which is more powerful (i.e., a better player) than other chess programs. Two powerful chess
- ZX81 Home Computer Package - Lamo-Lem’s Home Computer Package of 4 machine code programs offer a good variety.
- ZX81 Program Review: Tape Doctor
- ZXAD: Assembler is full-featured, easy to use - Review of the assembler program from Scientific Software.
- ZXDIS Disassembler - Review of the program Scientific Software.
- ZXLR8 - Review of load/save accelerator.
- ZXLR8 Fast SAVE/LOAD System - ZXLR8, a versatile and reliable fast SAVE/LOAD cassette storage system, not only quickly SAVES programs, but also arrays, graphics and binary data (machine code).
- ZXMAN - Review of the program from Atto-Soft.