Disk Drive Systems
Low cost, high-speed mass storage system that uses on “wafers” (endless loop tapes). Data transfer rate is many times faster than cassette and more reliable. Loads a 28k program in 24 seconds. Micro drive controller attaches to the expansion connector on the back and peripherals attach behind it. Most programs will run with little or
TS 1000
The CAI/ESF (Exatron Stringy Floppy) used endless-loop tapes and a small operating system to perform many of the functions available on disk operating systems. It could load or store 27K bytes in less than 30 seconds.
TS 1000
Disk drive controller with routines on ROM plus 2K RAM buffer. True random access data files supported. Compusa marketed this interface in the United States.
TS 1000
Supports 1-4 drives of any size, single/double density. Software driver in EPROM.
TS 1000
Floppy disk controller with disk operating system in EPROM. The controller plugs into the edge connector of the computer, drawing power from the computer and has cables for interface with two floppy disk units. The controller works with standard Shugart disk drivesโsingle and double density, single and double sided. User interface with the control is
TS 1000
Actually the Macronics F.I.Z. DOS is in EPROM. Compatible with RAM packs. DOS commands include: INITIALIZE, DSAVE, DLOAD, NEWD, DIRECTORY, STAT, READ, WRITE, KILL, CREATE. Loads 8K program in 10 secs; saves 8K file in 20 secs, with verify.
TS 1000
Controller for standard floppy disks. Stores 43K per disk. Manufactured by Indescomp.
TS 1000
Gives 448 extra pre-programmed graphics symbols. The ROM contains lower-case letters, bombs, bullets, rockets, tanks, a complete set of invaders graphics and more. The board also has a spare socket that will accept another 4K of ROM, like the 4K TOOLKIT ROM or 1K/2K RAM, for user-defined graphics. dk’Tronics and Kayde published several games that
TS 1000
Create your own unique character set. Up to 32 characters for creating game pieces, musical notation, foreign alphabet.
TS 1000
Peripheral enabling alternate character sets to be used and printed either from EPROM or user-defined character sets in RAM. 4K of EPROM is supplied containing 4 character sets and routines to print, copy, lprint and switch between character sets. A further 2 x 2K of RAM or EPROM can be added.
TS 1000
256×192 graphics, 114 plot modes; mixed text and graphics including PRINT AT. User defined graphics. Modes include points and line types, textured triangle fill, absolute and relative coordinates, line drawing to points off screen.
TS 1000
Full programmable high resolution (192 x 248 pixels) graphics module. Enables “arcade game” style graphics through resident 2K EPROM, programmed with a full range of graphics subroutines. Video page is both memory and bit mapped and can reside anywhere in RAM. Display file takes about 6.5K RAM.
TS 1000
Standard letters; inverse characters may be mixed or interchanged with 2 sets of programmable characters. 8×8 matrix. Written by 8 POKE commands. Occupies 1E00h-1FFFh region of BASIC ROM.
ZX80 TS 1000
Character generator giving 128 separately programmable characters. 1K on board RAM. Enables creation and display of your own characters to screen or printer. Maps 1K RAM to 8400h-87FFh, allowing for 128 custom characters (64 normal and 64 inverted characters). Each character can be individually defined. The RAM contained random data at power-up, resulting in a
TS 1000
High resolution graphics board giving 256×192 pixels. 2K ROM, 6K RAM on board. Software select/deselect. Mixed text and graphics. Resident machine code graphics software provides these commands: MOVE x,y; PLOT x,y; DRAW x,y; PRINT X$; COPY; BLACK; WHITE; CLEAR.
TS 1000
A 4K (2K populated) memory expansion that allows changing of the ZX81/TS 1000 character set in the region between 12 and 16K. May be populated with 6116 RAM or 2716 EPROMs.
TS 1000
User defined characters for use with DROM or RAM 08. Define a set of 128 characters. Characters can be stored in EPROM by using TOOLKIT. A module in the BASICare Modular Expansion System.
TS 1000
High resolution hardware unit with 48K RAM. Allow for creating memory-mapped images at 256×192 pixels. Graphics can be drawn, moved, rotated, mixed with text, saved on cassette or printed. Software on cassette supports drawing lines, circles and rectangles. Four high resolution screens can be stored in addition to 16K program. May have been later sold
TS 1000
High resolution hardware unit with 64K RAM (56K usable). Create memory-mapped images at 256×192 pixels. Graphics can be drawn, moved, rotated, mixed with text, saved on cassette or printed. 32×32 pixel sprites, 5 graphic planes. Software on cassette supports drawing lines, circles and rectangles. Four high resolution screens can be stored in addition to 16K
TS 1000
Fully programmable 256 x 192 pixel high-resolution display. Hi-Res-Basic monitor in 2K EPROM includes PAGE, PRINT, PLOT, (inc. LINE), SCROLL, INV, CLS, COPY. Includes lower case character set for word processing. Full dynamic control of user-definable graphics. Fits between ZX81 and RAM pack. 16K.
TS 1000
Interface to one Thurnall device. Uses Zilog PIO. Fully decoded, so it doesn’t conflict with other devices. Interfacing to more than one device requires the Thurnall motherboard.
TS 1000
Controlled using BASIC, with suitable interface circuits will control LEDs, motors, relays, lights, sound generators.
TS 1000
Programmable 8255 PIA. Space for analog-to-digital converter, relays, clock chip, etc. Expansion connector for RAM pack.
ZX80 TS 1000
I/O board with our real time clock/calendar. 8 outputs capable of driving relays 8 TTL inputs Feed-through Sinclair bus connector to allow normal expansion Battery back-up for clock Expandable ports
TS 1000
TS 1000
TS 1000
TS 1000
TS 1000
TS 1000
TS 1000
8 LED output; displays binary equivalent of the data on one port of the Thurnall I/O board.
TS 1000
8 channels, 256 level analog-to-digital converter. Can be used with Atari paddles.
TS 1000
Four channel analog-to-digital conversion board. Connect analog joysticks or other A/D uses. Supports the Mikro-Gen analog joysticks and games that use them.
TS 1000
Provides two channels of ADC and two channels of DAC. 8-bit resolution is obtained in 100 microseconds. The I/O command requires a single line of PEEK or POKE. Sample programs are provided and simple applications are suggested, e.g., temperature measurements and an interactive servo circuit. Programs are also provided which show the user how to
TS 1000
8 channels each of A/D and D/A. Up to 200K samples per second, 1.6 microsecond A/D conversion time, 100ns acquisition window. 1 microsecond D/A time, 8 bits, 0-5V or 0-2.5V full scales. Board allows rearrangement of the pins and other features for easy interfacing to many types of host computers, including Sinclair, Apple, TRS80, others.
ZX81 TS 1000 TS 1500
With the addition of the A-D module, the BB-1 or BB-68 can read analog signals. The A-D is a single channel successive approximation device. It can read an analog signal on 5 different scales: <0 to .25v, 0 to .50v, 0 to 2.75v, 0 to 5.00v and 0 to 10.0v.
TS 1000 TS 2068
Features socket for ASZMIC ROM, socket for additional 4K/8K EPROM or RAM, 24 programmable I/O lines (8255) and EPROM programming socket. Allows for switching between Sinclair and ASZMIC ROMs.
TS 1000
Timer/clock, beeper and switch input interface. The clock is a 15 bit stopwatch and uses 2 of the 16 bytes available on the I/O board. It has a resistor/capacitor time base, can be switched for 0.1 or 1.0 second intervals. An independent beeper is on the board and an extra output bit is available to
TS 1000
Main interface. RS232, 3 ports parallel IO, printer port, tape port, memory expansion port. Replaced “Widget”.
TS 1000
Converts the TS 1000 into a complete home computer system. Applications include memory expansion, A/D D/A, wireless thermostat and security system, EPROM programmer, music and speech synthesis, etc. Provides fully buffered lines with status indicators. Six expansion slots.
TS 1000
Vision kit is a linear 1×15 pixel array, electronics, LED video display and PC board. Includes sample programs to run the vision electronics.
TS 1000
For general purpose measurement 14 channels of analog input; simple interface to Sinclair Basic. Individually software configured channels, allowing any mixture of temperature, voltage, current, resistance, or frequency measurements. Integrating A/D converter allows trade measurement accuracy and noise rejection for conversion time. Maximum resolution: 200 microvolts DC, 0.05 degrees F. English language control over all
TS 1000
8 bit, 8 channel A-D converter, 4 relays, 4 switch inputs, 8 bit input port and 8 bit output port. DCP bus at rear of unit for other add-ons. Complete interface pack for ZX81 or Spectrum.
TS 1000 TS 2068 ZX Spectrum
A set of packs giving ZX81 memory, control and analog interfaces. The P-Pack plugs gives 4K of CMOS RAM plus I/O Port. The analog pack or control pack onto the rear of the P-Pack.
TS 1000
Provides connection for peripheral devices and RAM pack. Includes card edge connector, interface board, plated 50 pin strip header and 12″ 50 wire ribbon cable with socket connectors.
TS 1000
Fits onto input/output port to give one analog output (0 to 2.55 volts); space on board for two extra converters.
TS 1000
Many vendors sold ZX80/ZX81/TS 1000 compatible edge connectors in solder-tail and wire-wrap versions. The wire-wrap connector could be used with a small printed circuit board to build a feed-through device that would allow for connecting another expansion unit.
TS 1000
4 or 6 slot expansion board for use with Oliger projects for the ZX81/TS 1000.
TS 1000
Turn the Timex-Sinclair into an automated measurement, data acquisition and control instrument. Fully buffered address, data, and control buses for I/O; 6 decoded device codes; 2 14-conductor, 6″ cables to connect interface to other boards. A number of science experiments have been developed to aid teachers in illustrating scientific principles.
TS 1000
Connect the HS-1 interface to a spare TS1000 to create a computing system that is quick and responsive. Fast mode flicker no longer occurs when entering program lines and data. D System used direct memory access to copy the display file from a fast mode computer to a slow mode TS1000, which then produces the
TS 1000
32 line I/O board. Ports mapped to 4 absolute locations. Port A has 8 LED indicators. Port B has 8 outputs. Splits into 2 ways each so one instruction can be used to switch between two peripherals. Port C is uncommitted. A status indicator gives a 16 LED indicator of the state of Port B.
TS 1000
Provides a buffered bus that decodes the address lines and inhibits the internal 1K RAM (and external 16K RAM) when I/O is selected. Up to 8 byte-wide ports. Connects to the ZX-81 via a custom cable.
TS 1000
Schematic, documentation and software listing for 24 line input/output port that can be used to program 2716, 2732 and 2764 EPROMs.
TS 1000
Expansion module with 6 input/output ports (24 input and 24 output lines) and 4 sockets for 2K memories. Save USR programs in 2716 EPROM for ready access or use static RAMs.
TS 1000
Fully programmable controller for home, office, lab and workshop with four power sockets. Turn on/off lights, motors, etc. Software programmable with time intervals from fractions of seconds to days. Connect up to four Intercontroller units to the computer with a Softbox. Uses memory addresses 8192-8195.
TS 1000
Versatile interfacing board that included: 12 unbuffered TTL digital I/O lines 8 unbuffered analog inputs (0-5v) 8-bit analog to digital converter LED status indicators Clock/calendar Buffered digital outputs (500 ma) TRIAC outputs, 400v 2 amp zero-crossing optically isolated (IOC 24-4 has 4 TRIAC outputs, IOC 24-12 has 12 TRIAC outputs) Regulated 5v power supply
TS 1000
Parallel digital input/output (16 lines) expansion option for Kradle. Adaptable to parallel printer port.
TS 1000
16K or 32K and two 8-bit LS TTL input ports and two 8-bit latching output ports.
TS 1000
Plugs into the back of ZX81 or ZX80. Printer/RAM pack plugs onto back. Has two female connectors to accept expansion boards.
ZX80 TS 1000
Expansion board for use with other Thurnall modules. Required to connect more than one device to the I/O board; connect up to four Thurnall modules.
TS 1000
General purpose, user-programmable 24 lines of input/output. Up to 4 PERICONa can be used together. Up to four can be used simultaneously allowing basic I/O, strobed I/O, and bidirectional 8 bit data transfer with handshakes. A module in the BASICare Modular Expansion System.
TS 1000
24 lines of heavy duty output to access and control the outside world. Lines are capable of operating relays or driving long signal lines. Up to 4 can be used. A module in the BASICare Modular Expansion System.
TS 1000
6 I/O ports useful for many applications. 3 ports can be used for vendor’s “Polyphonic System” musical synthesizer. Depending on application, an output connector or cable may be needed.
TS 1000
Interface board for programming EPROMs. Includes two I/O ports, access to 8K of executable memory and tools for duplicating, revising and verifying EPROMs. In 1984, it was marketed as a solid state “Disk Drive.”
TS 1000
Printed circuit board designed for prototyping circuits with the ZX81/TS1000.
ZX81 TS 1000
Allows for connecting 16K RAM pack, QS Sound Board and another board.
ZX80 ZX81 TS 1000
Integrated expansion system. Analog, digital I/O ports and 16K RAM expansion on one card.
TS 1000
Supports a variety of applications including LOAD signal conditioner, ohm meter, capacitance meter, signal conditioner, tachometer, thermometer and more.
TS 1000
Modular interface system to permit real-time application of the ZX80/81. Connected by motherboard; 5 modules available. The RD 8100 is a modular interface system capable of performing a wide variety of scientific tasks, when coupled with a Sinclair Computer (ZX 81 and Spectrum). Flexibility and compatability are built into the system, which is simple to
ZX80 TS 1000
Data acquisition and control module with Centronics printer interface. Supports LPRINT, LLIST and COPY. CMOS real time clock calendar with battery backup. 8 bit parallel I/O ports. CMOS A/D converter. Bus connector for RAM pack.
Downloadable TS 1000
Construct an RS232/TTL level converter from inexpensive components. This converter, when used with the Cosmonics TTL Serial Input/Output Port Package, allows connecting a TS1000 or ZX81 to most RS232C peripherals.
TS 1000
Input/output board with 8 latched outputs (capable of driving an LED, transistor switch or relay) and 8 inputs (switched or TTL level). Can be used alone or with the Computer Continuum buffered expansion bus board for up to 32 simultaneous I/O lines. The RX81 was used in Bruce Taylor’s H.E.N.R.Y. robot, described in Robotics on
TS 1000 TS 2068
TS 1000
Converts the ZX bus to STD Bus. Allows for use of peripheral interface cards from numerous manufacturers. On-board memory expansion option. Memory-mapped ports.
TS 1000
Interface 2 small stepper motors (1 Amp max.) to a standard Centronics printer interface and make fully coordinated 2-axis moves. Provides 4 limit-switch inputs and all the software you need to completely and accurately control a 2-axis machine. This is available for the 1000/1500 and the 2068 machines, but the 2068 is the recommended choice
TS 1000 TS 2068
Three programmable counters. Controlled in Basic. May be used as timer, counters, or frequency generators (including audio range).
TS 1000
Control and sense external devices using any TS computer. 8 bits parallel input, 8 bits latched output plus 2 handshaking lines. Easy to set up or reconfigure many times. This board forms the foundation of a series of software applications that teach concepts of port programming.
TS 1000 TS 2068
The VOTEM was a hardware/software package that could measure, display and record real world analog signals via the cassette input. Any physical phenomenon (pressure, light temperature, etc.) that could be represented by a DC voltage could be measured. The name of the product came from the fact that it could measure VOltage and TEMperature. The
ZX80 ZX81 TS 1000 TS 2068
8-channel analog-to-digital interface for ZX81, TS1000, TS1500, TS2068. Manual includes sample applications and I/O software. 8-bit resolution, 0-5 volt scale range.
TS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2068
Small board allowing 8 independent input channels and 8 output channels, directly controlled from Basic or machine code.
ZX80 TS 1000
For one or two joysticks. Controls eight directions, including 45 degrees and fire.
TS 1000
ZX80 TS 1000
TS 1000
Designed for use with Atto-Soft’s ZX-Man but includes examples to write your own programs.
TS 1000
Connect Atari compatible joystick to the ZX81/TS 1000. Plugs into back of computer; expansion connector for other peripherals. Instructions for patching popular games. Uses port 1Dh.
TS 1000
Analog joysticks plug into controller board which fits expansion slot of ZX81 or Spectrum.
TS 1000
Connect Atari joystick to ZX81. Access through Basic or machine code. Complete kit.
TS 1000
Use two joysticks with ZX81 games. Includes instructions to program your own games and adapt existing games. Manufactured by Indescomp.
TS 1000
Board/kit that plugs in to the Oliger expansion board. Fully decoded, can be used with the TS 1000.
TS 1000 TS 2068
ZX80 TS 1000
WICO trackball originally designed for use with the Apple II, which had analog joysticks. Came with WICO trackball and Apple interface card, Zebra-designed Apple-to-Timex bus interface and instructions for reading trackball X and Y values. Combination worked with TS1000/1500 and TS 2068.
TS 1000 TS 2068
Tiny rectangles of self-adhesive foam pads printed with a portion of the legends on the TS 1000 keyboard.
TS 1000
Module with built-in self-test LED, automatic and continuous character input.
TS 1000
Dry transfer key cap graphics in red and black; identical to those on the Sinclair keyboard. For use on full size keyboards with standard 1/2″ key caps.
TS 1000
Gives feedback for keyboard by causing each key press (except shift alone) to produce a distinctive beep. Inserts between the keyboard and computer.
TS 1000
Overlay with moving keys. Fits over existing keyboard and is held in place by adhesive strips. Keys press the membrane keyboard via specially marked dimples on the underside. Keys are color coded and all functions clearly printed. The filesixty buttonset and Secondbase keyboard are the same mechanism. The filesixty has color keys with black printing.
ZX81 TS 1000
Improves speed and accuracy of keyboard data entry. The sound varies from a buzzy-chirp to a click and depends on what the computer is doing. Sound is produced when a program runs, so some sound effects can be created. Installs inside computer.
TS 1000
A thin transparent keyboard overlay that speeds input and improves accuracy. Lets you feel key positions, yet thin enough not to interfere with typing.
TS 1000
Full function keyboard in metal case. Two space keys, full space bar and numeric pad. Single-stroke keys for DELETE, STOP, EDIT and FUNCTION. Shift keys are blue with blue legends for shifted operations. Function key is green; function operations in green. Delete, stop and edit are red. Numeric keys are blue. All other keys and
TS 1000
Documentation packet that covers decoding a standard ASCII keyboard, decoding shift keys, reset, and repeat keys, and keyboard beeper.
TS 1000
TS 1000
Full-size, 62-key keyboard with instructions for converting to work with Sinclair computers. Keyboard manufactured by Texas Instruments.
TS 1000
Cased keyboard with 52 keys, 12 of which are on the number pad. Case measures 15 x 9 x 2 1/2″. Computer fits inside (removed from original case). Comes with motherboard to attach RAM and extend expansion bus to rear edge of case.
TS 1000
Full-size, full-stroke, 53 key, fully assembled, gold contact keyboard for all Sinclair ZX80/ZX81, MicroAce, and TS 1000 computers. Full-length space bar and 2 oversized shift keys for easier typing. Includes plans and schematics for three special circuits you can build to utilize the 12 extra keys: electronic shift-lock, automatic repeat, automatic shift.
ZX80 TS 1000
Replacement flat keyboard with embossing around each switch and three-color legends and graphics. Plug in replacement for original keyboard.
TS 1000
44 key tactile feel keyboard. Includes all graphics and legends. 4 additional keys for edit, delete, quote, function.
TS 1000
Large 60 key tactile feel keyboard plugs into same connectors as the existing keyboard on your ZX81, TS1000, TS1500 or TS2000. TS1000 legends and graphics in three colors on the base-molded moving key with alphanumeric characters; 8 automatic shifted keys, 2 shift keys, numeric key pad, 5″ space bar. 60 small calculator-style keys, silk-screened legends
ZX80 TS 1000
Hammond 11″ sloped case customized for use with the E-Z Key 60 keyboard. 11″ wide x 9″ deep x 3″ high.
TS 1000
Hammond 14″ sloped case customized for use with the E-Z Key 60 keyboard. 14″ wide x 9″ deep x 3″ high.
TS 1000
Keyboard and case. Case measures 8″ x 14″ 2 1/2″. Sinclair fits inside, connects without soldering. Extra shift and newline keys.
TS 1000
Tactile overlay, raised keys, labeled in four colors. Overlays existing keyboard.
TS 1000
Fully cased with 44 full stroke keys. Special features include a beep for every key, a repeat key, and a full space bar. An additional shift key and an “ON-OFF” beep and CPU switch.
TS 1000
Fully cased fully sized keyboard for the TS1000 or ZX81. 40 full stroke keys with all legends printed in 2 colors. Simple soldering of ribbon cable is all that is needed for installation. Repeat key.
TS 1000
Full size keyboard conversion. 41 keys with full-size space bar. Allows touch typing. Same key layouts as Sinclair. Two color keytops. Keyboard case holds both keyboard and computer. Commands and graphics spelled out on keytops. Rear cutout allows any RAM to be plugged in.
ZX81 TS 1000
Instructions on how to add a full-size keyboard to a ZX80 or 81. Includes instructions to use extra keys for shift lock, automatic shift, automatic repeat and reset.
TS 1000
Same key mechanism as used by IBM, Texas Instruments, Hewlett Packard, and others. Full travel, gold inlaid contacts. 40 keys plus space bar. Custom molded enclosure. Sharp TS1000 legends in two colors are easy to read and will never wear off. Connector for numeric keypad. Strikingly similar to the Byte Back Keyboard.
TS 1000
TS 1000
TS 1000
TS 1000
Plugs into expansion port; beeps when a character is accepted by the computer’s keyboard input routine. Expansion connector allows other devices to be connected. Beep can be triggered from Basic.
TS 1000
Provides missing feedback. Beep in SLOW and FAST modes. Fits inside case under keyboard or PCB; suits most full size keyboards.
TS 1000
TS 1000
Kit allows the use of either the full-size keyboard or the Sinclair/Timex keyboard. Full-size industrial grade keyboard with 62 keys, 2 p.c. boards, 18″ ribbon cable, DIP socket and 4 rubber feet. The keyboard conversion kit can be mounted in DTE-AK enclosure. A label representing the ZX81/1000 keyboard layout is placed on the enclosure.
TS 1000
Plans to convert a full-size keyboard with shift-lock key. Includes parts list, source of materials, directions and working drawings for a wood case to hold keyboard and computer.
TS 1000
TS 1000
Keyboard interface; plugs into the edge connector so that you do not have to open your computer to plug a keyboard in. KBD-1 for TS 1000; KBD-2 for TS 2068. Board component and schematics corrected by Eduardo Fuentes are below in the gallery.
TS 1000 TS 2068
73 full size keys with 46 automatically shifted functions, editing/game key row and special graphics section. Double-sided PC board, 3 color silkscreened key legends, parts and instructions.
TS 1000
Adhesive overlay for the TS 1000 keyboard. Raised outline around each key aids in positioning. Key labeling is all white with a thick white border around each key.
TS 1000
Clear vinyl keyboard overlay with holes for each key.
ZX80 TS 1000
Two different keypads available, matching double H keyboard. Both are assembled but unwired, so you can use them either for numerical keypads or as extra keys.
ZX80 MicroAce ZX81 TS 1000
Keyboard attaches directly to the TS1000 or ZX81, replacing the existing membrane. Positive response from the keys. All legends marked in 2 colors. Also sold by E. Arthur Brown as the MK II Keyboard.
TS 1000
Full-size space bar, additional ENTER and extra shift keys. Optional numeric keypad and aluminum case.
TS 1000
The Kradle was a keyboard and enclosure upgrade for the ZX-81 and TS 1000. It had 50 calculator-style keys (including a full-size space bar and two shift keys), 64K of RAM and circuitry to improve tape load/save. The Kradle allowed users to copy the ROM to RAM and then turn the ROM off. Unlike some
TS 1000
High quality standard typewriter keyboard with TS1000 legends. The keyboard is cable connected to a buffered interface which is housed in a standard Memopak case and plugs directly into the back of the TS1000 or other Memopaks. The blue version was available first.
TS 1000
TS 1000
TS 1000
Full-size keyboard plugs into the ZX81/TS1000 circuit board. Comes with standard Sinclair legends on removable key tops, a full-size space bar and seven extra keys, plus edge card connector for adding extra memory. Likely the Dean Electronics keyboard, imported from England.
TS 1000
TS 1000
TS 1000
ZX80 TS 1000
The filesixty buttonset and Secondbase keyboard are the same mechanism. The filesixty has color keys with black printing. Its the ‘Enter’ key is labeled ‘New Line’ and the 0 is ‘Rub’. The same keys on the Secondbase are labeled ‘Enter’ and ‘Delete’, respectively, and all of its keys are black with white lettering.
TS 1000
Enables one-finger keying via touch switch to suit user, on/off keyboard. Holds SHIFT active about one second, freeing one hand. Speeds keying; helps handicapped. Module, capacitor and LED fit inside all cases.
TS 1000
Incorporates a 58 key keyboard, 14 additional keys and a full space bar. All symbols are enlarged by 25%. Aluminum and steel construction. The Synergistic Design keyboard shown in their early advertisements was not the product delivered.
TS 1000
The System Logic KBD-2 incorporates a 58 key keyboard; 15 additional keys and a full space bar. All symbols are enlarged by 25% and reproduced onto a white field. Aluminum and steel construction reduces RFI (radio frequency interference). Keyboard features single-stroke/single-entry electronic shift/shift lock and auto repeat. ENABLE prevents unwanted key entries. Connects without soldering.
TS 1000
Vinyl overlay for Sinclair keyboard with punched holes to aid in data entry.
ZX80 MicroAce TS 1000
Allows “touch typing” and improved game playing. Made of clear, self-adhesive vinyl with key-shaped rectangular holes for easy finger positioning and tactile feedback.
ZX80 TS 1000
TS 1000
Vinyl stickers for standard keycaps, printed in three colors (red, blue and black).
ZX81 TS 1000
Full size 43 key keyboard with single key selection of Function, Shift Lock and Graphic modes. 2 LED mode indicators. Simple plug-in installation. Fully enclosed. Made by Maplin Electronics.
TS 1000
This programmer was also described in SQ #s 1 and 2, so this article is recommended reading on this one, too. The programmer is memory mapped at 2000-27FFh and programs easily from Basic by simply poking the desired data to one of the epromsโ locations. The programmer has its own latches onboard and does NOT
TS 1000
This programmer is identical to the 2716 Programmer except for the following: The circuit has been changed to accept 28 pin 2764 eproms : The eprom is mapped 2808-3FFFA. 21VDC is now required for the programming voltage. This board comes with its schematic, assy instructions, and a theory of operation sheet.
TS 1000
This modular system was designed to expand a ZX81, TS 1000 or TS 1500 computer into machine capable of handling advanced applications. The cornerstone is the PERSONA, a module that is the interface between the computer and the other modules. With the PERSONA and other modules, the TS 1000 could be expanded to one megabyte
TS 1000
Conduct experiments safely at home. Complete instructions, plans and ideas for use. 2K.
TS 1000
Brain waves control computer to give 256 commands. Can control a programmed English vocabulary with print to screen, printer, or voice synthesizer and can control an external robotic device. Or use galvanic skin response unit to output percentage of stress with English sentences. Can be used as talking lie detector. Based on the book “Human
TS 1000
Accessory for the Timex/Sinclair that turns it into a traveling companion. The Car Comp is a rigid platform to which the computer and cassette recorder are attached. It can be used anywhere with AC power or a 12-volt cigarette lighter outlet.
TS 1000
Hardware and software package to allow for programming TS 1000 software on a TRS-80 Model I or III. Circuit board connects TRS-80 to TS 1000. Develop on TRS-80, transfer to TS 1000 for testing.
TS 1000
Piggy back as many as 3 modules with no further loose mounting problems. Also allows for quick mounting or removal.
TS 1000
Programs 2716 EPROMs with data provided by a 2816A EEPROM or another 2716 EPROM. Ideal for low-cost permanent storage of data or programs.
TS 1000
Interfaces via three parallel I/O ports on the I/O Unit. Programs 2716 EPROMs.
TS 1000
Programs EPROMs directly in the 8192-10239 region of the TS 1000 memory map. The bytes to be stored being POKEd directly at the required address. Full software and instructions supplied.
TS 1000
EPROM demonstrators intended for use in stores as selling tools. EPROM contains a BASIC demonstration program that starts on power up. It includes graphics and interactive examples of what the computer could do. A description of the kiosk retailers could purchase that used this demonstrator is in the Timex Price List 1983. The E. Arthur
Downloadable TS 1000
A flexible ribbon for connecting any RAM or expansion device. Prevents the usual system crashes caused by RAM pack movement.
TS 1000
Game module with cartridge interface, sound and Atari-compatible joystick ports. Cartridges would support up to 8K ROM via 2716, 2732 or 2764 EPROMs. Black anodised aluminum case, 6 1/2″ long x 1″ deep. Joystick ports are two 8-bit parallel ports. Built-in speaker. No evidence it was ever produced. All ads claimed it was soon to
TS 1000
Cross-connects the Atari 2600 VCS and TS1000, allowing either to take control of whole blocks of shared memory. The shared memory includes the ROM inside the Atari game cartridge and shadow copies of that ROM in the TS1000 RAM. Using this system, you can download ROM games to your ZX/TS, disassemble the 6502 machine code,
TS 1000
TS 1000
Female solder-tail connector with key to match the TS1000/ZX81. Custom label identifies each pin number and corresponding signal name.
TS 1000
Plug-on module with three modes: DRAW, ERASE, and CLEAR. Allows entering complex graphics by just touching the screen. Upper 90% of screen is free for graphics; lower portion divided into three zones for changing modes. Images stored in strings, can be saved to cassette.
TS 1000
Light pen, manual, computer interface module, demonstration programs on cassette.
TS 1000 TS 2068
Small board to make RAM above 32K available for machine language. ULA plugs into this board, which corrects the M1 NOT memory addressing problem.
TS 1000
Eight LEDs indicate which bank of memory the Z80 is accessing. Uses only one IC. Can be useful in debugging hardware projects and machine code programs that cause the computer to crash by indicating where the CPU is after the crash. Supplied as bare PC board and schematic.
TS 1000 TS 2068
Two-board PCB set and software for transmitting and receiving Morse code. Split-screen display separates receive/transmit functions. Cliff Nunnery, NU4V, is the software author.
TS 1000
Program you computer to make the platform move in any direction. Battery powered.
TS 1000
The PERSONA is the base module of the BASICare Modular Expansion System, interfacing to other modules. It buffers all the signals from the expansion port via a ribbon cable. It connects to other modules via a 64-way Organic Bus, configured to fit into the ZX81/TS1000 memory map. Gladstone Electronics planned to introduce a PERSONA module
TS 1000
Modular expansion unit. Base unit (enclosure and expansion interface) was $49. Expansion modules included 64K RAM, color graphics (248×192 pixels), voice module, modem, Centronics and RS232 modules. Each expansion module was $99.
TS 1000
Metal clamp that eliminates RAM pack wobble. It includes the capacity for printer and other equipment.
TS 1000
Clock module with battery back up. Logic signal output with LED status indicator can be used to control external devices based on time independent of the computer. DIP switches allow mapping of the module to the 8-10, 10-12, 12-14 or 14-16K areas of memory.
TS 1000 TS 2068
TS 1000
Add system reset capability to permit quick recovery from crashes without powering down peripheral equipment. Control attaches to computer with two wires.
TS 1000
Robot motion platform controlled by ZX80, ZX81 or TS 1000. Dedicated microcomputer controls the two drive motor positions.
TS 1000
Household robot with upgradable, transportable electronics and software to a full-size, man- rated domestic robot. Plug compatible with Timex/Sinclair.
TS 1000
Modular expansion system. Base system included metal cabinet, detachable keyboard, motherboard with four slots, power supply. Options included 32K and 64K RAM, Centronics interface, RS232 interface, floppy disk, modem, 80 column video and CP/M.
TS 1000
Expansion system for the ZX81/TS1000. Included full keyboard. Additional features included direct video, battery backup, loading filters, expanded memory and STD Bus interface. No evidence that it was actually produced.
TS 1000
Moves at speed of slow walk; on-board computer control by TS 1000. Hearing sense, human-approaching detection and alarm. Obstacle sensing, ambient light sensing. 8 channel remote radio control. Connect to TV and play games through the robot.
TS 1000
Expansion unit for ZX81/TS 1000. Promised 64-key auto-repeat big keyboard, 15 colors, 32K RAM onboard, 3 kinds of sound, 33 new BASIC commands, multiple statement and input lines, 6 video pages, high resolution (256×192 pixels) and animation capabilities, user-definable characters and character sets and up to 9 user-definable functions. RS232 and parallel interfaces, two Atari-compatible
ZX81 TS 1000
Stand that holds ZX81, provides an angled stand for the TV, conceals cassette leads and power supply. Includes power switch.
TS 1000
Heavy duty replacement for the standard Sinclair/Timex supply. Supplies up to two amps to run external memory, printer, I/O modules, and other add-ons. Eliminates black bars and other problems caused by an insufficient power supply. Includes LED power indicator.
TS 1000
Small power switch that inserts between the computer and the power supply. Later called the Lyon Switch.
TS 1000
Plans or kit to power computer for 25 or more minutes with 1K, 10 or more minutes with 16K.
TS 1000
Provides up to 30 minutes of power via D cell batteries. Connects between power supply and computer.
TS 1000
Provides up to one hour of power via NiCd batteries. Connects between power supply and computer.
TS 1000
Provides more than two hours of power via NiCd batteries. Includes built-in, heavy duty power supply, power indicators and power switch.
TS 1000
Pre-regulator conditions the incoming DC voltage from the ZX/TS power pack into the minimum required to operate the computer. Also included is a system reset switch.
TS 1000
Power switch, ON indicator, load/save isolation switch with load level monitor and reset control. Isolation switch prevents feedback during program save. Reset allows recovery from crashes without powering down peripherals.
TS 1000
Engineered heat transfer solution. No modification to interior of computer.
TS 1000
Machined from aluminum alloy. 50% thicker and more than twice the surface area of the original part.
TS 1000
Protect all ZX80/81 ICs if voltage regulator fails by crowbar and fusing.
ZX80 TS 1000
Provides regulated DC power. Power switch with a visual indicator and push button system reset that allows convenient system reset or power up/down.
TS 1000
Protects against pulsed, continuous and/or intermittent radio frequency interference which can cause malfunctions in electronic equipment. Also protects against high voltage transients and surges such as those produced by lightning, switching surges, and noise spikes. Includes power switch, pilot light, 5 amp fuse and two protected outlets.
TS 1000
Plug-in unit, twice the size of its 9V rechargeable battery. Provides power/RESET switch, up to 15 minutes of battery back-up, and a power LED (green for line, red for battery).
TS 1000
Design and build your own supply to fit your needs. Includes how to estimate both present and future needs and covers both single and multiple-voltage.
TS 1000
Two filtered outputs. Output 1: 5 volts at 1.5 amps; output 2: adjustable from 6.5 to 15 volts at 1.5 amps. Incorporates push button to clear the computer, an LED power indicator and connecting plug and cable. Overcomes problem of heat in the original power pack.
TS 1000
Battery-backed power supply buffer; supplies 9 volts for up to 30 minutes. Fits between computer and power supply, recharges automatically.
TS 1000
Eliminates wear on power jack. 3.25 x 2 x 1 inch black case with heavy duty rocker switch.
TS 1000
Nine volt, two amp power supply. Provides all power needed for expanded system operation.
TS 1000
Battery-powered backup system. Power supply plugs into module, computer is powered from module. Activated by drop in voltage from power supply. On/off/reset switch. Uses two standard 9 volt batteries. UPS-1M includes program loading monitor to solve tape loading problems.
TS 1000
Battery-powered backup system. Power supply plugs into module, computer is powered from module. Activated by drop in voltage from power supply. On/off/reset switch. Use rechargable Ni-Cd batteries. UPS-2M includes program loading monitor to solve tape loading problems.
TS 1000
Battery back-up uninterruptible power supply. Up to 7 hours operation, 4 hours with 16K.
TS 1000
Heavy duty power supply designed for the ZX81 or TS1000. Fully regulated, rated at 1.5 to 2 amps. Made to supply enough power for the ZX81 or TS1000 and any add-on.
TS 1000
Schematics and information on electronic and mechanical principles of operation.
TS 1000
40-column thermal printer that prints all TS1000 and ZX81 alpha-numerics and graphics. Used with either a mini-interface ($20) or the CAI/O board. Printer has six modes of print: screen dump, print listing, and print string, each of which may be printed in normal or expanded style.
TS 1000
Uses ports A and B of the I/O board. Printer commands and machine language programs are stored in an 8K memory area not used by computer. Professional Electronics I/O board required.
TS 1000
Smart printer interface that can autoboot disk system, set RAMTOP and disable Memotech control characters in some software.
ZX81 TS 1000
Interfaces printers to the Sinclair. Serial or parallel. Uses no RAM nor USR routines. Works with any printer, single key operations.
TS 1000
Port-mapped expansion board using the Intel 8255 PIA chip. Provides two Centronics ports, one for output to a printer, the other for data input. A 32 byte PROM overrides ROM printer routines and directs the commands to driver software. Fully supports BASIC LPRINT, LLIST and COPY statements. Driver software loads above RAMTOP but can be
TS 1000
Centronics parallel interface pack enables the Sinclair to use a wide range of compatible printers. The resident software in the unit gives the ASCII character set. Interface provides lower-case character capability.
TS 1000
Plain paper, dot matrix printer that printed on 1 3/4 inch paper rolls. Three printing modes:
TS 1000
Interface to Centronics parallel interface printers. Driver translates Timex/Sinclair code to 80 column ASCII and sends printer via USR calls to simulate LPRINT, LLIST and COPY.
TS 1000
This project was detailed completely in Syntax Quarterly, issues 1 & 2. Port is memory mapped at location FFFFh and is completely decoded. Project includes schematic, theory of operation sheeta and machine code listing comments of a copy routine for use with the Okidata ML80 and ML82A printers. Circuit and software can be adapted to
TS 1000
Solves the interface problem of connecting the TS2040 printer to a TS1000 computer with Memotech or other non-Timex add-ons.
TS 1000
Updated version of Tasman B printer interface with more decoding to improve compatibility with both TS 1000 and TS 2068 computers.
TS 1000
The 2040 printed on 4.3″ wide thermal paper in 32 columns. All Timex computers could print individual lines (LPRINT), list programs (LLIST) or dump the screen (COPY) to the printer. The 2040 improved on the ZX Printer by adding two ferrite rings around the cable to reduce TV and radio interference and an interface IC,
TS 1000 TS 2068
32 column thermal printer; prints on 3.2″ wide paper. Supports Sinclair BASIC printing commands and screen dump.
TS 1000
Designed exclusively for use with the ZX81 (and ZX80 with 8K BASIC ROM), the printer offers full alphanumerics and highly sophisticated graphics. COPY command prints out exactly what is on the whole TV screen. Printing speed is 50 characters per second, with 32 characters per line and 9 lines per vertical inch.
ZX80 TS 1000
Parallel and serial interface (Centronics printer and RS-232) on the same board. Supports LLIST, LPRINT and COPY; communicates at up to 9600 baud. On-board driver routines in EPROM.
TS 1000
Plans to expand 1K model to 16K or ZX81 with 16K to 32K for under $30. Fits inside ZX81.
ZX81 TS 1000
ZX80 TS 1000
TS 1000
TS 1000
TS 1000
TS 1000
TS 1000
TS 1000
Highly crash resistant RAM pack that can be mounted inside the computer under the keyboard or plugged into the rear connector. Requires no extra power supply; comes with a special high pressure edge connector.
TS 1000
Injection molded plastic case; overcomes wobble and disconnection problems characteristic of other units; optional extra is a keyboard sounder giving audible feedback when a key is pressed.
TS 1000
Plans to expand memory up to 24K, using 2K RAM chips, placed anywhere from 8192 to 32768.
TS 1000
Allows ZX81 to run 48K Basic programs including up to 16K of assembly code. ZX81 sits on custom built case containing the Memotech.
ZX81 TS 1000
ZX80 TS 1000
64K DRAM board for the TS1000, TS1500 or ZX81. Special features of this memory include: 8-12K on/off switch 12-16K on/off switch two banks of 8K ram available mapped 8-16K (Bank A/B switch) and 48-64K on/off switch
TS 1000
TS 1000
TS 1000
TS 1000
TS 1000
TS 1000
ZX80 ZX81 TS 1000
64K RAM upgrades which mount inside the TS 1000 or ZX81. Installs in a minute with no soldering, and easy to follow instructions. Disable the 10-12K, 8-12K, or 8-16K areas of memory with a switch. Models specific to the ZX81 and TS 1000.
ZX81 TS 1000
TS 1000
Documentation packet that covers memory pack troubleshooting. Includes plans for constructing your own memory pack, EPROM reader and extending the memory of the 16K RAM pack up to 64K.
TS 1000
16K RAM pack using CMOS 6116 static RAM chips for permanent data retention. Data can be stored almost indefinitely and loaded almost instantly with virtually zero chance of error. A long life (10 years) lithium battery supplies power in standby mode. In the active mode, power is taken from the ZX81. Used on its own,
TS 1000
Non-volatile memory designed by Wilf Rigter. 32K RAM with Rigter Operating System (ROS). File-handling system in less than 600 bytes. Includes: DIRECTORY: displays all programs stored in memory by name and length in bytes. 44 entries per directory. SAVE: transfers BASIC programs, variables, and machine code to storage. Works in conjunction with the NAME/RENAME features.
TS 1000
TS 1000
Budget model 16K RAM supplied without case, gold-plated contacts. Designed to prevent wobble.
TS 1000
Memory expansion that fits inside the Fuller keyboard and requires the Fuller motherboard.
TS 1000
Memory expansion that fits inside the Fuller keyboard and requires the Fuller motherboard.
TS 1000
Up to 8K RAM or EPROM; works with 16K RAM packs. Store your own system utilities or build a library of machine language routines. Can be used with any ROM or RAM.
TS 1000
32K RAM operates in tandem with a 16K to provide up to 48K RAM. Compatible with the Data-Assette ZX99. LED power indicator.
TS 1000
Low power, no extra power supply required. Area from 8-16K can be switched out in 2K increments to accommodate memory-mapped peripherals, EPROMs, etc.
TS 1000
Contains one or two 2K (6116) CMOS RAM chips. Memory is addressed into the ROM area from 8K-16K in the ZX-81 memory map. The address at which each chip appears can be adjusted to any 2K section within that area. Lithium battery in the unit provides a back-up power while the computer is switched off.
TS 1000
16K RAM unit expansion capabilities through its piggy back connection and is fully compatible with Timex or Memotech 16Ks to give 32K RAM.
TS 1000
The 32K Memopak could be combined with a 16K RAM for 48K RAM. It was initially incompatible with the 2040 printer.
TS 1000
TS 1000
16K or 32K and two 8-bit LS TTL input ports and two 8-bit latching output ports.
TS 1000
Memory mapping device to expand address space from 64K bytes to 1 megabyte. Organized into vertical 64K pages. Up to 16 pages can be supported. All memory can be dynamically defined from within a program, allowing (for example) a program in one segment to manipulate the contents of various data segments. A module in the
TS 1000
Low cost memory expandable from 2K to 8K. Located in an address space not used by BASIC. Ideal for data or machine coded routine shared by second program. A module in the BASICare Modular Expansion System.
TS 1000
16K memory module. On-board address decoding permits simultaneous use of many RAM 16 modules in conjunction with Minimap. A module in the BASICare Modular Expansion System.
TS 1000
Arranged in 4 blocks of 16K; all can be used under MINIMAP control. On board address decoding allows simultaneous use of many modules with MINIMAP. A module in the BASICare Modular Expansion System.
TS 1000
Integrated expansion system. Analog, digital I/O ports and 16K RAM expansion on one card.
TS 1000
Improved version of Hunter board. Comes with battery-backup to make memory non-volatile. Developed with Larken Electronics to support Silicon Mountain’s WRX-16-based high-resolution software. Mapped in the 8K from 8-16K block. Can be re-mapped to 16-24K or 24-32K. Three SCRAM boards can provide 24K RAM for the ZX81 or 40K for the TS 1500. BOARD ENABLE
TS 1000
SCRAM board with two 8K static RAM chips, mapped to the normal 16-32K RAM region. Top 8K can be switched out in 2K blocks, allowing you to keep machine-code above RAMTOP.
TS 1000
Efficient design, uses less power. Gold-plated, heavy-duty connector prevents glitches.
TS 1000
Fits inside computer; plugs in, no soldering; up to 16K in increments of 2K. Uses 6116 static RAM.
TS 1000
Timex’s version of the Sinclair ZX81 16K RAM pack for the Timex/Sinclair 1000. This, and the Sinclair unit, were famous for “wobble,” a condition that resulted in resetting the computer and loss of memory contents. Users overcame this problem with a variety of solutions, including Velcro between the computer and RAM pack, oversized rubber bands,
TS 1000
“Ultimate memory” RAM pack. Battery backup, reset switch, PROM/ROM socket.
TS 1000
64K RAM pack with additional features. 8-16K area selectable in 2K increments. EPROM socket for 2K/4K. Battery backup (6 AA batteries) powers RAM pack and computer for up to 30 minutes. ROM-RAM transfer: copy Timex ROM into the 0-8K area of RAM, flip a switch and operate out of RAM. Switch that only resets 16-32K
TS 1000
Contoured case fits snugly against the rear of the computer. LED power indicator. Expandable to 32K with plug-in module that fits inside the existing case.
TS 1000
Map its 2716 EPROMs anywhere in the 64K memory. Board is intended to be used as a “cartridge” for storing Sinclair programs on EPROM. It can be used to store machine code tools in the 8-16K block.
TS 1000
Board is capable of mapping either of its 2764 EPROMs anywhere in the 64K map in 8K blocks. Board is intended to be used as a “cartridge” for storing Sinclair programs on EPROM. It can be used to store machine code tools in the 8-16K block.
TS 1000
Works with EPROM-READ card. 2716 EPROM operating in 8192-10239 part of memory-map. Programmed with Breakout, Life, and Toolkit (renumber, including GOTO and GOSUB; READ, DATA, RESTORE; BLOCK-FILL, of screen; block delete, part of program; size, of program; free memory and others).
TS 1000
16 utilities that are relocatable to wherever you can execute machine code, on EPROM. Tape version available from Tom Woods.
TS 1000
All features of 6502 Software Emulator plus graphic display of 6502 hardware status.
TS 1000
Allows up to 8K of EPROM or RAM in 2K blocks to be added in the 8-16K ZX81 memory map. Supplied with EPROM I which contains 40 toolkit type routines, including scroll up/down/left/right, free memory, renumber program length.
TS 1000
EPROM (2716) used with the CAI/O board. Converts Sinclair code to ASCII code, allowing the TS1000 to communicate with other computers and serial devices. Supports BAUD rates of 110 to 9600.
TS 1000
Code and edit a source program in the Z80 language and assemble it into machine code. Editor mode allows you to code directly in the right format, manipulate individual lines and control the exact placing of source and machine code. Routines may be merged or listed. Assembler mode handles all standard Z80 mnemonics, numbers in
TS 1000
Plug-in replacement ROM for Sinclair Basic. Redefines hardware and transforms it into an assembly language programming unit. ROM appears at 3000h-4000h. Offers: According to Chris Johnson, the developer, โWe had a lot of TS1000 customers for ASZMIC, since it was mentioned in Sol Libes’ column in Byte magazine.โ The name is an abbreviation of โAssembler
Downloadable TS 1000
ROM holding 3 character sets. Upper/lower case, graphics and math/electronics. Supports custom, user-defined character set.
TS 1000
Service to store BASIC or machine language programs in EPROMs. For use with Professional Electronics’ printer interface board.
TS 1000
DROM stands for Development Read Only Memory. This module can have up to 8K of RAM, via plug-on 2K RAM chips. The memory is backed by rechargeable battery for non-volatile storage of programs and data. Behaves as normal read/write RAM when the computer is in use. Individual 2K blocks can be protected against overwriting. DROM
TS 1000
Board containing ‘SCOPE‘ and ‘FFT‘ programs on four 2716 EPROMs in 8-16K memory space, on the Hunter board.
TS 1000
Uncased board holds one 2716, 2732 or 2764, mapped 0-16K. Jumper selectable. Kit includes board, decoder chip, 28 pin socket, edge connector, tailpiece, small parts, and instructions.
TS 1000
Kit includes all parts necessary to build a plug in cartridge that will accept 2716, 2732, or 2764 EPROMs. Board may be memory mapped in 4K or 8K increments anywhere from 0-16K. Board accepts one EPROM and the memory mapping is jumper selectable.
TS 1000
Store programs in EPROM. Module holds four 2716 EPROMs for 8K of ROM in 8K-16K region.
TS 1000
Supports two 4K 2732 EPROMs in the 8-16K slot. Housed in slim plastic case with ribbon connector and expansion port making it compatible with RAM packs, printers, etc. Uses zero insertion force sockets for programs that load in seconds instead of minutes.
TS 1000
Accepts 2K 2716 and 2516 EPROMS. Operates in the 8192-10239 section of the memory map. Fits between the computer and RAM pack. With modification, it is compatible with certain other types of RAM.
TS 1000
Fast Fourier Transform on EPROM in 4K of Z80 code. 256 points of magnitude and phase data calculated in one second. Can be used as a subroutine with the ‘SCOPE‘ to display frequencies up to 75khz.
TS 1000
Debugged/improved LPRINT, CLS, SCROLL, DIM and more. Full display file, SCROLL/CLS work properly, LPRINT small numbers (.0001), DIM very large single strings (DIM A$(47000)) in 64K and a few other changes incorporated. For the 16K TS1000, TS1500 or ZX81.
ZX81 TS 1000 TS 1500
Spreadsheet analysis to assist with reports and financial forecasts. Performs complex number crunching routines with ease. Tables up to 7000 numbers, 250 rows or 99 columns with 64K. Calculate command reevaluates and displays the information.
TS 1000
Brings commercial standards of text editing to the Sinclair. Text is arranged in 32 character lines for the screen with comprehensive editing facilities. On output, the user chooses the line length required for printing and the system does the rest. When used with the Memopak Centronics interface, the word processor can print 80 character lines,
TS 1000
Pluri-Forth is both an operating system and a programming language, replacing the Sinclair ROM entirely. FORTH programs were compiled and ran about 10 times faster than interpreter BASIC. Pluri-Forth offered multitasking, a feature not available in Basic. When used with the Sinclair ROM, the channel 2/3 switch is wired to the Pluri-Forth board to select
Downloadable TS 1000
Automatically sets system RAMTOP, up to 64K, automatically boots AERCO DISC system on reset.
TS 1000
Store useful routines and commonly used information in EPROM. Accepts either 2716 or 2732 EPROMs to allow up to 8K of memory in 2K byte increments. Separate 2K and 4K decoding is link selectable. Mapped to the 8-16K area in the TS 1000 memory map.
TS 1000
EPROM is contained in the ASCII firmware. When used with the CAI/O board, allows the user to communicate with other computers and with serial devices such as printers and teletypes. Supports BAUD rates of 110 to 9600.
TS 1000
Solid state cartridges that plug directly onto the Softbox (up to 4 at a time) or onto the back of the computer (1 at a time). With control cartridges, you can perform different automatic functions. Cartridges eliminate waiting for cassette-based programs to load.
TS 1000
Uses up to four 2K EPROMs. Address space after on-board ROM. Allows calling TOOLKIT-held routines with USR function. Several TOOLKIT modules can be used under MINIMAP. A module in the BASICare Modular Expansion System.
TS 1000
Cartridge adapter for the TS 1000 and TS 1500 computers. Includes reset switch. Loaded Timex Command Cartridges instantly on the TS 1500 and with a USR call on the TS 1000. Four cartridges were listed in the Timex 1983 Winter Catalog.
TS 1000 TS 1500
Low-footprint card to replace original interface of Westridge/Timex 2050 modems. 26-pin header connects to modem and includes 8K EPROM socket. Through-connector for peripheral chaining.
TS 1000 TS 2068
An add-in expander for the Kradle, providing RS232 and printer/output ports, communication to modem or remote computer plus standard parallel output (8 bit) port with handshaking, hardware UART, software BAUD select, vectored interrupt capability. Requires no memory space; I/O mapped.
TS 1000
Works with any amount of memory on the 1000; with 64K will store 60 screens. Terminal software included. Prints to 2040 or any serial printer via built-in RS-232 port.
ZX81 TS 1000
Interface allows the Timex to connect to serial printers and peripherals. The interface has two main modes of operation: BASIC mode allows you to use the range of functions supplied in the RS232 EPROM with an ordinary BASIC program. TERMINAL mode allows you to use your Timex as a terminal to another processor. The EPROM
TS 1000
ASCII firmware, modem and modem cable. This with the CAI/O board allows the TS1000 to communicate with mini and mainframe computers.
TS 1000
Connect to RS232 printers and terminals. USR calls simulate LPRINT, LLIST and COPY commands.
TS 1000
Variable baud rate by software control. Upper and lower-case printout. Up to 120 characters per line with software control. Handshake facility. Output via 2 small jack sockets.
TS 1000
Plans and parts to build a serial output port using two integrated circuits. Plans also available separately.
TS 1000
Output RS-232 ASCII through MIC port. Software is 280 bytes of relocatable machine code; provides printing of characters, strings, program listings, and screen copying. Plans and listing.
TS 1000
Complete (hardware and firmware) communications package. Consists of 2050 modem, modem interface/firmware card, and ZX-TERM*80 EPROM.
TS 1000 TS 2068
One of the most eagerly awaited accessories was the TS 2050 Telecommunications Modem. Timex announced a modem, scheduled for release in November of 1983, that was compatible with the TS 1000/1500, ZX-81 and TS 2068. The modem is also known as the Westridge 2050. Unfortunately, Timex exited the computer market before they received the first
TS 1000 TS 2068
Software and plans for building input and output ports which fit inside a ZX81 or TS1000. When used with an RS232/TTL level converter, can connect to most RS232C peripherals.
TS 1000
Complete kit consisting of small printed circuit board, 3 ICs, DB9 connector and instructions. Turns WC2050 into true RS232.
TS 1000 TS 2068
PC board and instructions to turn WC2050 into true RS232 interface.
TS 1000 TS 2068
The Westridge Communications 2050 modem allows you to communicate through your telephone with other computers and information sources. With this modem and the included MTERM I cassette software, you can connect to other computers, bulletin boards and services like THE SOURCE, CompuServe, DOW JONES, and MCI MAIL. Features Prints displayed screens on the TS2040.
TS 1000 TS 2068
Parallel and serial interface (Centronics printer and RS-232) on the same board. Supports LLIST, LPRINT and COPY; communicates at up to 9600 baud. On-board driver routines in EPROM.
TS 1000
Amplifier unit allows complete control over speech volume. Works with 9V battery included.
TS 1000 TS 2068
Voiceprint identification, voice analysis or tone switch. 2K and 16K.
TS 1000
Hook up to any audio amplifier and start composing your own tunes. Pseudo-polyphonic output. Sample tune and full instructions included.
TS 1000
Speech recognition. Connects through I/O port. Microphone and cables included. Words are stored as voice patterns which the system learns from repetition. Voice prints occupy about 150 bytes each.
TS 1000
Speech recognition unit/response unit. Library of 32 words or short phrases. Can be trained to recognize voice commands. Requires 16K. It was made for other home computers but there’s no evidence it was produced for the Sinclair.
TS 1000
Compact cased speech unit. Built-in vocabulary; POKE commands make it speak. Additional word packs plug in inside. Contains all letters of the alphabet, numbers zero to over a million and some other general words.
TS 1000
Filtered connector plug conditions speech signal for use with external amplifiers such as AUO1. Plugs between MIC and amp. Internal speaker may be disabled by program if desired.
TS 1000 TS 2068
Compose yourself: music for the Timex-Sinclair computer. A complete hardware/software package. Three voices, noise channel. Built-in speaker. Plugs into ZX81 or TS1000 without modification. Complete instruction manual included.
TS 1000
Three independently programmable voices and noise generator (AY-3-8910). I/O is arranged as two 8-bit bidirectional ports.
TS 1000
TS 1000
AY-3-8910 sound generator based sound synthesizer. Three voices, 5 octave range. Sinclair Place imported a version manufactured by Indescomp.
ZX80 ZX81 TS 1000
Three-voice, AY-3-8910 sound-chip based module with stereo option. A module in the BASICare Modular Expansion System.
TS 1000
Programmable sound unit with built in loudspeaker, allow programmable generation of a whole range of rounds from music to special effects.
TS 1000
Uses phonemes to build up words. Average of 6 bytes will store the phoneme codes for a spoken word. Self-contained, including amplifier, speaker and bidirectional computer interface so other add-ons may be used. Jack to external speaker.
TS 1000
Detailed plans for hardware, parts sources, and software to make your computer produce natural speech.
TS 1000
Enables any sound source such as the loudspeaker or sound effects from a home computer to be heard direct through an unmodified TV set. Three snap on connections inside the computer.
TS 1000
Sound module with three tone generators, 8 octave range, 3 channel mixer, noise source; uses AY-3-8910. Two TTL I/O ports with mating connectors for Atari joysticks. Memory-mapped.
TS 1000
The Parrot used the General Instruments SP0256 speech synthesizer chip, which used 64 allophones to generate speech. Supplied with software on cassette enabling you to select, string together, and pronounce the sounds.
ZX80 TS 1000
Unlimited vocabulary voice synthesizer uses the Votrax SC-01 phoneme synthesizer with 4 programmable pitch levels and automatic inflection. It produces all the phonemes required for English speech. The Zebra-Talker comes complete with the ZTalker Text to Speech software on cassette. This software contains an advanced machine language algorithm with more than 400 rules of English
ZX81 TS 1000 TS 1500
Self-contained sound unit; uses AY-3-8910 3 channel sound chip. Full instructions and programs supplied.
TS 1000
Unlimited vocabulary, adjustable pitch, amp and speaker included. Bare board and assembled versions.
TS 1000
Eliminate swapping of plugs when LOADing and SAVEing programs on cassette. Single switch selection of TALK, SAVE, CUE, and LOAD modes.
TS 1000
Digital VU meter. Hooks up in seconds outside the computer; helps ensure proper loading level.
TS 1000
Schematic for precision setting of cassette output level.
ZX80 TS 1000
Documentation packet that covers troubleshooting tips and plans for LOAD monitor and signal filtering.
TS 1000
Tape loading aid. Accurate volume control setting, easy tape cueing, use remote feature.
TS 1000
Multipurpose tape loading aid assures LOADing. Features extremely sensitive, reliable microammeter. Output for earphone, amplifier, or duplicating.
TS 1000
Removes guesswork from adjusting cassette recorder volume. Optimum level attained when red and green LEDs flash in unison. Plugs between computer and recorder.
TS 1000
Calibrated distortion free tape loading amplifier for all tape machines. Triple LED displays for low, normal, overload. Connects between tape player and computer.
TS 1000
LOAD/SAVE a full 16K in 29 seconds (16 times faster). QSAVE amplifier/filter unit plugs between recorder and computer. A data transfer rate of 4000 plus baud vs 250 on the standard TS 1000.
TS 1000
Allows control of the SAVE and LOAD leads as well as the tape motor for one or two tape recorders. Relay isolation from the computer allows control of 110 volts AC 1 amp from the unit. Also has a built in 5 bit port (6 if only one motor relay fitted). Outputs can be used
TS 1000
Cartridge and flexible extension cable. Program in ROM speeds up load, promised to load a 5 minute program in 20 seconds.
TS 1000 TS 1500
Eliminate the frustration of tape loading. LED indicators show high volume or low/noisy tape. Earphone plug lets you monitor tape while loading. Reset switch. Save/Load switch allows both to be connected.
TS 1000
Helps align mono cassette recorder head for best results, check tape speed and path.
TS 1000
Small modification reduces RAM pack noise at the signal source. Kit and instructions. 16K.
TS 1000
Three step LED meter that monitors tape loading level with just a glance. Plugs inline between the computer and the tape player.
TS 1000
Monitors tape output level; gives a positive SAVE induction; detects blank tape without disconnecting cassette wires.
TS 1000
Standard cassette recorder modified for computer control. Offers file directory, read/write from programs. Uses endless loop tapes.
ZX80 TS 1000
Passive filter that plugged into the cassette tape recorder to produce easier tape loading. Supported other functions such as a tape duplication and listening via earphone.
TS 1000
Tape interface that filters noise when saving for clean, easy loading tapes. Duplicate any cassette โeven normally unsavable cassettes. Save on two cassettes simultaneously. Monitor signal via earphone to set optimum tape volume.
TS 1000
The Winky Board 2000 brought the same features of the Winky Board to TS 2068 users. It provided visual feedback of signal level, a jack for monitoring the signal itself and was a tool for duplicating cassettes as backups.
TS 1000 TS 2068
The Z-DUBBER is an interface between the Sinclair computer and its cassette recorder which allowed even the most difficult cassette program to load more easily. Additionally, the Z-DUBBER allowed you to connect two cassette recorders to create perfect backup copies of your programs. The Z-DUBBER operated on two AAA cells.
ZX80 ZX81 TS 1000 TS 2068
Cassette loading interface with VU meter. Reduce program load errors to a minimum by pre-setting your tape recorder to the level that is compatible with the computer.
TS 1000
Power driven cassette loading interface. This unit uses the power pack to test audio level and gives a red or green signal to indicate the proper setting for the computer.
TS 1000
Automatic tape control (up to 4 units) and RS-232C printer interface. Built-in USR commands provide program control over the cassette recorders and features such as “Tape to Tape Copy” or program list.
TS 1000
Video upgrade based on the Texas Instruments TMS9918A video display processor (VDP) designed by Daniel Roy. An article about the design, So You Wished You Had Bought a TS2000, by Roy was published in Sync v3 n4. Compusa announced it as “coming soon” in their ad in Sync v3 n6, two issues before the magazine
TS 1000
Documentation packet that covers video trouble shooting tips, UHF conversion, fine tuner for the RF modulator, direct and reverse video.
TS 1000
TS 1000
Provides direct composite out with option to invert video. Not compatible with units with UHF modulator. Steve Pence wrote an article describing this upgrade that was published in the May 1983 issue of Computers & Electronics.
TS 1000
Allows connection of standard (composite video) computer monitor to Sinclair computers for noise-free display. Two transistor circuit.
TS 1000
Provides direct monitor connection and inverted signal for white-on-black.
TS 1000
Permits normal black on white or inverse video on black. Solders inside case.
TS 1000
Texas Instruments TMS9918 video display processor (VDP) adaptor for the TS 1000. All of the features of the TMS9918, including: 32 sprites 256 x 192 pixel graphics User defined characters Extension of Basic commands include PAPER, INK, BORDER, BIN, SPRITE, OUT, INP 16K RAM dedicated to the VDP James Hastings-Trew, a Kolorworks owner, wrote a
TS 1000
Inverts video signal to display white on black. Installs inside computer; option switch to select normal or inverse.
TS 1000
Two board, extensive upgrade that integrates the TMS 9918A video display processor into the ZX81/TS1000. Provides: color multiple graphics resolutions, up to 256×192 pixels up to 32 sprites a SLOW mode almost as fast as FAST mode blink free FAST mode lower case characters instead of inverse upper case Interfaces the TMS 9918A color graphics
TS 1000
Replaces the VHF (ch 2-3) modulator on the ZX81 circuit board. UHF is less sensitive to the interference radiated from the computer or its peripherals.
TS 1000
Circuit to invert video signal (white on black); fits inside computer. Switch to select normal or inverted video.
TS 1000