TS 2068: Software Reviews
- 'Fontman' Varies Type Styles on 2068 Screen or Printer
- "PRO" a Program for Surveyors - Program to facilitate work by civil engineers and surveyors.
- 16 Point Font Patrol - Review of 16 Point Font Designer from Mountaineer Software.
- 2068 - Logical - Review of Bob Swoger’s Logicall.
- 2068 & Spectrum Reviews - Hall of the Things, Manic Miner, Jet Set Willy, Lunar Jetmen. These four programs for the ZX Spectrum have several things in common. First of all, they are all of truly “ARCADE” quality with excellent graphics and sound. Secondly, they have all occupied the #1 spot on the European charts in 1983 or 1984. Lastly,
- 2068 and Spectrum Software - Short review of Letaset from Eclipse Software.
- 2068 AOS Logicall, Part 2
- 2068 Review: Checkrec & Inventory - Review of “Checkrec 2000” and “Household Inventory 2000“, two programs written in BASIC, in spreadsheet format. Programs available from WMJ Data Systems.
- 2068 Review: Greeting Card Designer - Thanks to Zebra Systems (the same great folks that brought us Tech-Draw… ZPRINT80… and many other fine products), we now have… GREETING CARD DESIGNER!
- 2068 Software Reviews - Reviews of BIZ (a home budget management program) and DRAW II.
- 2068 Word Processing - Short description of improvements to MSCRIPT in version 5.3
- 2068 Word-Processor Software Evaluation (Part III) - Mscript, Text Editor 2000, Word 1.5, Word-Most, Textman, T50WS84B reviewed.
- 2068 Word-Processor Software Evaluation, Part I - Overview of word processing software for the 2068 and evaluation criteria.
- 3 Font Packages for the TS2068/Spectrum You Should Know About - Reviews of Byte Power’s First Class Fonts II, Jack Dohany’s Font Manager and Bill Ferrebee’s Font Packages and Font Editor from Mountaineer Software.
- A New Professional DTP - Review of Pixel Print Professional 5.0, available from Stan Lemke.
- A Review of a Aerco FD-68 Utilities Program Disk - This is a nifty set of disk utilities for the Aerco FD-68.
- A Review of Tech Draw Jr.
- A Screen Copy in Full Color and More - Review of interface and software to print in color on Okimate 20.
- A Touch of Grey: ZPRINT-80 - If you own a full-size dot matrix printer and a Centronics interface, you can now produce full-page graphic screen dumps. You will also be able to faithfully reproduce your color artwork in shades of gray, thanks to Zebra Systems Inc. “ZPRINT-80”.
- A Universal Data Base Manager
- ACZ General Ledger - ACZ GENERAL LEDGER 2.000 is a small business accounting system for the TS 2068 computer. This program will provide the small business with the following financial reports: Monthly and Year To Date Income Statements, Ledger Detail, Balance Sheets, Chart of Accounts, Trail Balance, and Journal Entries.
- ACZ General Ledger 2000 - ACZ GENERAL LEDGER 2,000 is designed to run on the T/S 2068 with the T/S 2040 printer. An option is provided for use of a CARDCO numeric keypad utilizing either of the T/S joystick ports. The program is designed to produce the most important financial reports required by a small business at minimum expense. A
- Adventure Time - Review of Star Hunter by John Camarata.
- American Football - Review of the ZX Spectrum game.
- An American Original - Preview of Diamond Mike from JRC Software.
- Ant Attack - Review of the ZX Spectrum game, running on Spectrum emulator.
- Appointment Watch - APPOINTMENT WATCH is a spread sheet program written in machine code and BASIC. It requires at least 16K of memory. In 16K, Appointment Watch allows the user to enter and store 100 appointments. It allows you to enter the Date, Time, and Place of your appointments, as well as with whom they are, and the
- Art Studio - Review of the drawing/graphics package for the ZX Spectrum from Rainbird Software.
- Artworx - Review of drawing program for the 2068.
- Asleep at the Wheel - Short review of Pyjamarama, a game for the ZX Spectrum.
- Astronomer - Review of the program from CP Software. Requires a Spectrum ROM.
- Astronomy Program Pack - A Review - Collection of six programs by Imre Auersbacher that astronomers, astronomy educators and others will find helpful and easy to use.
- Back To The Drawing Board - For many in the computer world, the name Timex conjures up images of a tiny, black “toy.” Timex Computer Corporation now has a larger, more expensive machine, the TS2068, and they are convinced that it is a powerful home computer. After experimenting with the hi-res graphics capabilities of VU-3D, a new cassette-based program for the
- Badgammon - This is a very good version of the game “Backgammon” for the TS 2068. It has full color and sound: playing pieces are drawn in hi-res graphics.
- Banners in Colour - Review of John McMichael’s Bannerific, a program for creating banners on the VIC-1520 plotter.
- BASLOAD - Review of program to convert TS 1000 programs to the TS 2068.
- Beta Basic 3.0 - Extension to Sinclair Basic with 100 new or enhanced commands.
- Bob Swoger's LogiCall Provides Those Little Extras to Larken Users
- Boriel ZX Basic Compiler - Overview of the compiler with example code.
- Brickworker - BRICKWORKER is a utility-type of program for those who require help, or are interested in the “art” of brickworking. BRICKWORKER will operate on either the Spectrum or the un-aided TS 2068 computer.
- Bugaboo - Review of the game.
- Burning the Midnight Oil - Review of JazzoFire, a compilation of Paul Bingham’s Classy Front End series.
- Byte Power - Review of Byte Power magazine (on tape).
- Byte Power 1st Class Magazine Review
- Byte Power Magazine
- Byte Power Magazine's The Print Factory - Review of the desktop publishing program.
- Calorie Counter review - Of the many people trying to lose weight, a few eventually discover that calorie intake must not exceed calorie expenditure. Counting calories can be a bothersome task, but for some of us, this may be the only way, at least initially, to balance our metabolic budgets. CALORIE COUNTER by Foote Software could be a handy
- Casby's Loader V - 'The Spoiler'
- Celestial Computing: Astronomical Software 1, Planet Finder - AS1 provides functions frequently found only on more expensive software for more expensive computers. Combined into two compact “Time Options” and “Coordinate Options” menus, we see many selections that were treated as separate programs in Eric Burgess’ ‘Celestial Basic.’ Planet Finder is a collection of astronomical images and information. It’s a cleverly designed, graphically interesting
- Check-B - Review of a menu-driven checkbook balancing program.
- Chequered Flag - Review of auto racing simulation game, translated from the ZX Spectrum version.
- Chequered Flag - Brief review of the racing game, from Psion, for the 2068.
- Circuit Board Designer
- Clone: Review
- COLOR2GREY - Review of the utility to convert color images to greyscale images for printing.
- Colossus - Like it’s namesake, the Colossus of Rhodes, Lemke Software Development’s graphic banner designer utility “Colossus” stands head and shoulders above similar software. Colossus contains features that heavyweight software developer Broderbund Software has just recently added to its popular program “The Print Shop”.
- Coloured Screen Dumps for the TS 2068 - Review of PIC-PLOT from John McMichael. PIC-PLOT prints monochrome or two-color screen images to the VIC-1520 plotter.
- Compass - Review of the BASIC compiler from JRC Software..
- Compass Compiler Assembler Package - Review of the BASIC language compiler from JRC Software. Reviewer notes shortcomings of the compiler.
- Coupon Magic, The Dealer's Den: 2 Programs - Review of the two programs. Bill’s Coupon Magic is written by Bill Erickson. Dealer’s Den is by Timothy Kessler.
- Crazybugs and Cyberzone - Reviews of Crazybugs (Timex) and Cyberzone (Softsync).
- Creating Graphics for Print Factory with The Creator - Review of graphic design program.
- Database Showdown
- DeathChase - Review of the game, originally for the Spectrum and converted to the 2068.
- Desktop Publishing on the TS2068
- Deux Ex Machina - Short review of game for the ZX Spectrum.
- DOS-64: A Review - Review of MakeDOS-64, a machine code system which allows use of the OS-64 cartridge code on an Aerco Disk Drive without loss of Aerco DD commands, and with access to the full 256K RAM via bank switching.
- Educational Software for the TS2068 - Kids on Keys, Facemaker and Kindercomp from Spinnaker Software.
- EF's 50 Best Games - Round-up of the magazine’s top 50. Flight Simulator for the TS 2068 is number 45.
- Electret Scientific Company's Musician Royale - Musician Royale is a comprehensive TS 2068 program for transcribing, composing, playing, and saving music.
- Fall of the Third Reich - Review of the program by Mark Stueber.
- First Class Fonts II - 1st Class Fonts II’s main program has three basic parts: a library of “fonts” (or type styles), a simple word process and a “definer” that allows the user to modify or change any character within one of the font sets.
- Fish Locator
- Football Manager
- Fourth - Review of Abersoft 2068 Forth.
- Game Playing on the T/S 2068: Chess Review - Review of Chess from Timex.
- Game Review: King's Keep
- Game Software Review
- Games from 'Games' - Review of Deathchase and Frogger, available from Games to Learn By.
- Games To Play Now That The War Is Over
- Getting Started with Beta BASIC - Introduction to Beta BASIC, an extension of Spectrum BASIC. Requires a Spectrum BASIC ROM or cartridge.
- Grafist - Review of drawing program for the 2068.
- Grafist - Review of drawing package from Canaan Software.
- Graphic Design Files for The Print Factory family of programs - Review of John McMichael’s graphic disks.
- Graphics - Review of graphics available in Byte Power’s Print Factory and Companion.
- Graphics for Zebra's Designer Series
- Greeting Card Designer
- Gremlins, the Adventure
- Hacker
- Handicap Helper: Review
- Horace ... At Last!
- HOT Z-2068 - Ray Kingsley has brought out one of the most powerful machine-code monitors I have ever seen. Everyone planning to write machine code routines on the 2068 owes it to himself to buy a copy of this package.
- Hot Z-2068 - Review of the disassembler from Sinware.
- HOT Z/Zeus Comparison - Comparison between the two machine-language utility programs.
- I.S.T.U.G. TS2068 BBS - Review of the simple BBS program written by the Indiana Sinclair Timex User Group.
- In Spec: Rotronics Toolkit - This series of programs, available all on one wafer, offers a variety of useful tools. To quote the manual, “The routines are a compilation of the most popular programs available via the ROTRONICS Information Service.” All of these programs self-initialize upon loading and most are Then called with one simple command.
- In Spec: Trans-Express by Romantic Robot [Review] - There are two main things you will find you can do with the program. The first is transfer programs from tape to wafer… but not all programs. The main problem with this is that the Wafadrive uses a bit over 2K of the computer’s memory for itself, so that programs that use a lot of
- Integer BASIC Compiler - If you have lots of experience programming in languages that don’t tell you about errors, JRC has a BASIC compiler that you may be able to use.
- Killer Emulator is Bigger and Better -
- Koala Pad With Zebra Graphics Interface Including ZPaint and Tech Draw
- LDOS Version 3 - One can upgrade to version 3 by ordering a new EPROM for LKDOS. It provides a raft of great improvements.
- Library Notes - Review of Moon Base Attack.
- Logical 'Auxiliary Operating System' For the Larken Equipped Multi-Drive 2068
- LogiCall Review - Review of the disk management program by Bob Swoger.
- LogiCall Review
- M-Script review - MSCRIPT is the word processor that was supposedly going to be offered by Timex themselves, possibly even on a cartridge. MSCRIPT has been developed not only for the Timex 2068, but also for other computers such as IBM and Radio Shack.
- Machine Code Tutor - Review of The Complete Machine Code Tutor by Malcom Evans, available from Knighted Computers.
- Machine Code Tutor: A Comprehensive Review - Review of the tape/booklet lesson program available from Knighted Computers.
- Mailing List - The program is written entirely in BASIC language. It stores from 100 to 425 NAMES, ADDRESSES, and PHONE NUMBERS; lists all names; searches by NAME, by CITY, by ZIP code, or by PHONE number. It allows changes to entered data, or deletions of data. It allows a print out of the complete listing, or a
- Masterfile - MASTERFILE is a cute and powerful file program originally written for the Spectrum. This review covers Version 09, converted to run on the T/S 2068 without any type of “Spectrum emulator”.
- Masterfile Review
- Meet Musicola
- Micro Review - Review of The Complete Machine Code Tutor.
- Mini XMOD Review
- Money Machine, Puzzle Maker and additional comment on Money Machine II - The original Money Machine is a little different than Money Machine II: it does not have Bann Brite nor the enlarged type of the latter. It has 400 puzzles and provides for loading in new puzzles.
- Money Manager
- More Educational Games [Review] - Reviews of Logic Levels, Number Tumblers, Up & Add ‘Em, Alphabet Zoo and Aegean Voyage. Ports of educational games by Fisher Price/Spinnaker.
- MSCRIPT - Review of the word processor.
- MSCRIPT Review
- MScript Version 5.3 for Larken DOS - Mscript is a totally different word processor from Tasword. Once you get used to the protocol and press the right keys, Mscript is just as easy to use and a lot more rewarding.
- Mscript Version 5.3 for Larken DOS - Review
- MTOS, A 2068 Utility
- Multi-Draw 2068
- Music Library - Music Library is a data base management program that provides a convenient format for organizing your music collection. It allows you to store three lines of information (each 32 characters wide) on 100 or more items of music.
- Musician Royal - MUSICIAN ROYAL is one of the most recent programs released for the 2068. Written by Dr. Oleg D. Jefimenko and sold by Electret Scientific Company, it proves to be one of the more comprehensive music programs available.
- New Customized Pixel Print - Description of new features added by Steve Spalding.
- New Items - 256K RAM from Larken; PC-DRAW from MDM Enterprises; tax software from ABBA Soft; Beta Basic 3; BBSes; West coast fair planned; Pixel Print Plus.
- News, New, Views and Reviews - New QL newsletter: QLusa. Speedysoft has Spectrum software. Reviews: Omni Calc2, Pixel Print Plus!, MScript v5.3, Font Manager and Mail Sort/Label Print.
- Night Gunner - Review of the game as translated by Digital Integration for the TS 2068.
- Night Gunner and Fighter Pilot
- Oh Banna ... Give Me a Letter
- Oh Banna ... Give me a letter: A Software Review of 'Money Machine II' - Review of Herb Bowers/ABBA Software’s version of Wheel of Fortune.
- OmniCalc 2 Spreadsheet - OmniCalc 2 is a spreadsheet program that will allow you to have up to 99 columns or 250 rows of data with a maximum of 5000 cells.
- Partial Review of Maxcom
- Pascal for the TS2068
- PC-Draw Review - Review of program for drawing printed circuit boards.
- Penetrator - Penetrator is a fast action arcade-type game written for the Timex-Sinclair 2068. The game is packaged in a neatly styled box with excellent instructions.
- Personal Portfolio Manager
- PIX-FX Review
- PIX-FX, A Review
- PIX-FX: Not Another Graphics Program! - Review of graphics manipulation program from Ed Grey Enterprises.
- Pixel Sketch and Graphics Editor (PS/GE) 2.0 - The Pixel Sketch and Graphics Editor, Version 2.0 (or PS/GE, for short) uses the standard video mode, the extended color video mode with eight times the standard color resolution, and the high resolution graphics video mode to draw and to print text. This versatility is very useful especially if you like lots of color or
- Pixel Sketch and Graphics Editor Version 2.0 - Pixel Sketch and Graphics Editor lets you create, edit, and label original graphics and modify, merge, and analyze existing screens with electronic tools. Some of the editing functions on PS/GE are found in Apple graphics software like Mouse Paint and Dazzle Draw.
- Pixie - Review of Boss Package T2203-C, a user defined graphics and drawing program.
- Pole Position Review
- Print Factory by Byte Power
- Print Factory by BytePower, A Review
- Printer Drivers
- Pro/File 2068 - Review of Tom Wood’s database program.
- Pro/File 2068 Filing System: An Outstanding Value - In-depth review of substantive data base program for the 2068.
- Pro/File Cartridge - Review of the database program. Cartridge-based version has greater data capacity (37k) and boolean operators.
- Product Review: Musician Royal Demo
- Products from Russell Electronics [Review] - Reviews of ROMFIX, GAMESMATE JOYSTICK INTERFACE. ROMFIX upgrades the Russell Electronics ROMSWITCH to run all Spectrum programs. The joystick interface is a cartridge dock board that gives your 2068 a Kempston style joystick port.
- Program Review: TS Tinyboard
- Program Review: Videotex, Video 3D and Videocopy
- Program Review: Yacht, Tarot
- Rating Game
- REM - Review of MSCRIPT.
- Review of "Grader" For the 2068 - Review of the program by Robert Fisher.
- Review of DBAddres An Archive Program
- Review: Bugaboo - Review of the Quicksilva game for the TS 2068.
- Review: Byte Power's The Print Factory
- Review: Disk Library
- Review: Fighter Pilot
- Review: First Class Fonts (Byte Power)
- Review: Ghostbusters! - Review of the game for the 2068.
- Review: Multi-Draw 2068
- Review: Penetrator
- Review: Rainbird's OCP Art Studio - Graphics editing package for the Spectrum, run on the TS 2068 with Spectrum emulator.
- Review: Redcoats - A strategic game written for the Spectrum that will run on the TS2068 with or without a Spectrum emulator
- Review: Timegate
- Review: TS2068 Speech Synthesizer - Same as the TS1000 reviewed in Fall 1985 issue with enhancements based on the greater power of the TS2068.
- Review: ZIP BASIC Compiler
- Review: ZPrint 80 Universal Print Driver
- Reviewer Corner - Review of Generala.
- Reviewer Corner: Generala - Software version of game similar to Yatzee.
- Reviews by Tex: Softaid - The Softaid tape is one cooperative effort to support relief efforts for victims of famine in Africa.
- Reviews: TS2068 Basic Compilers - Reviews of Compass from JRC Software and ZIP Compiler from Knighted Computers.
- Revised Review: Specterm-64
- Revised Review: Specterm-64
- Scrabble Review
- Sharing My Experience with Pro/file +3
- Shuttle Designer - Design a rocket to put the assigned payload into a suborbital trajectory at the correct velocity before it runs out of fuel. If you succeed, then you are given an “access” code. The code is necessary to continue so that you can design a more complicated rocket. A second success gives you a final access
- Sign Designer, Banner Designer - Design and print greeting cards, signs, and banners with your 2068 and full-size printer. The quality of Sign Designer and Banner Designer are equal that of Greeting Card Designer. Commands are identical for all three progams. With the Graphic Designer Utility (provided with each of the three programs), you can design your own graphics that
- Smart Text TS-2068 - Many programs may be evaluated and either reviewed or rejected in a single session at the keyboard. This IS NOT TRUE in the case of Bill Jones’ SMART TEXT TS-2068. In fact, upon first reading the 70-page manual, my reaction was, “Egad, he has reinvented Wordstar!” Of course I jest. Nevertheless, a mere listing of
- Smart Text TS-2068 - “SMART TEXT TS-2068” is Bill Jones’ effort to create an AppleWorks environment for your TS-2068. The package includes a text editor and manager integrated with a small mailing list routine. Other convenient features are printer formatting for a variety of utilitarian purposes and in a variety of type styles.
- Smart Text TS-2068
- Soft-Aid Review
- Soft-Aid Review
- Softaid Tape Reviews
- Software - Spy vs. Spy, Ghostbusters, Locomotion, Gift from the Gods, Softaid tape.
- Software Impressions - Cyclepath (Deathchase), Penetrators, Quack!, TS Demo EPROM.
- Software Review - Off the Hook: ten programs for the ZX Spectrum.
- Software Review: Bombjack - Review of the game as run on the 2068 with Spectrum ROM cartridge.
- Software Review: Circuit Designer
- Software Review: COLOR2GREY
- Software Review: Fall of the Third Reich
- Software Review: Money Machine II - For those unfortunate ones who are able to observe Vanna infrequently or not at all, but are nevertheless equipped with a T/S 2068, there remains the option of MONEY MACHINE II. This option not only permits discretionary observation of Miss Banna Brite (as shapely an assembly of pixels as one could wish for), but also
- Software Review: MSCRIPT v5.3
- Software Review: MSCRIPT v5.5
- Software Review: Multi-Draw 2068 - Review of the graphics/drawing program.
- Software Review: Omnicalc 2
- Software Review: Pix Fix - Review of the program by John T. Nguyen.
- Software Review: Pix Fix by John T. Nguyen - Review of the image editing/creation program for the TS 2068.
- Software Review: PIX-FIX
- Software Review: Pix-Fx - Review of the program by Michael DiRienzo.
- Software Review: Sprites 2068
- Software Review: Starion & Space Scan - 3-D space blaster and educational program to teach star positions.
- Software Review: T/S 2068 Checkbook Manager - Review of the program Timex Computer Corp program for the TS 2068.
- Software Review: Talking Educational Software
- Software Review: The New Tax Law & You
- Software Review: Top Drawer - Brief review of drawing package written by Jim Turner, a member of the Ottawa-Hull Timex Sinclair User Group.
- Software Review: Videotex v.15 - Review of the shader program that works with the SMUG image digitizer.
- Software Review: Voice Chess - One of the software packages recently introduced for the TS2068 is “Voice Chess” by SoftSync. Available on cassette, the program loaded easily and utilized well the features of the computer.
- Software Review: VU-File
- Software Review: War in the East
- Software Review: YS Mega Basic - Review of extended BASIC utilities for Spectrum computers.
- Software Review: Zaxxon - Review of Zaxxon as ported to the Spectrum.
- Software Reviews - Reviews of Screen-Calc (Banta), Screen File (Banta), Gridlock (2-Bit Software) and Timex/Sinclair 1000 Basic Programs in Minutes.
- SPDOS or Yet Another TS2068 Disk DOS
- Specterm-64 v4.0 & v4.1
- Spectramonitor Revisited
- Spectrum Program Reviews - Beach-Head, Dangermouse in Double Trouble, reviewed.
- Speech Recognition System - Review of the program from G. Russell Electronics.
- Speech Synthesizer for the TS-1000 - Software speech synthesizer for the TS1000 and TS2058.
- Sprites 2068 - SPRITES 2068 is a sprite development and handler package. Those of you that have the Technical Manual will note that there is an appendix, number C-5, devoted to this subject. This program is none other than this same code. SPRITES 2068 co-authors Tidwell and Ruegg have “debugged” the Timex sprite package code.
- Sprites 2068
- Syntext-2000 Review
- T/S 2068 Grade Book - Short review of teacher assistance program.
- Tasprint - TASPRINT is a utility produced by Tasman Software, the same firm in England which sells Tasword II and the Tasman interface.
- Taswide - Review of Taswide, a program that lets programmers use the 64-column mode of the TS 2068.
- Taswide
- Taswide Review
- Tasword II - Mini Review
- Tasword Review
- Tax Time … and Some Help - For those with TS 2068s there is help available in the form of SPECTAX85 from Poretsky and Poretsky.
- Textwriter 2000 Plus: A Brief Review
- The 2068 Emulator - I have finished the code to make the Timex run under Gerton’s Z80 emulator and finally debugged the Series One interface code to work with the Timex 2068. The final product is changed greatly from the one that I demonstrated down in Dayton. The machine stack is located where it is suppose to be at
- The Companion Arrives at the SDPJ Office - Review of Byte Power’s Print Factory Companion.
- The Computer: A New Tool for the Garden - Yard Improvement Planner, by Timex Computer Corp. for the 2068, is one of the programs mentioned.
- The Great Game and Graphics Show - Review of the cassette (with 17 programs) from JRC Software.
- The Kruncher - Review of a program for 1000/1500 and 2068 that can make program code smaller through common methods.
- The Print Factory Gains in Popularity - Description of the program and its utilities from Byte Power.
- The RAM Music Machine - Review of a Spectrum program, from DATEL Electronics, that offers MIDI sequencing and sampling.
- The Textwriter Series - Of all the word processing software S.U.M. has reviewed, the Textwriter series by Robert Fingerle offers the most versatility for all Timex computer users.
- The Wiz - Review of small business accounting system.
- Through the Magnifying Glass - Short review of Sherlock, a game for the ZX Spectrum.
- TIMACHINE - A BASIC Compiler - Timachine will compile virtually all of the Sinclair BASIC commands into a much speedier program.
- TIMACHINE Review - Review of the floating-point BASIC compiler for the TS 2068 and Spectrum.
- TIMACHINE: A sort of review
- Timegate
- Timex Sinclair 2068 Guidebook - Cassette “guidebook” to publications, hardware, software and supplies for the 2068.
- Tomahawk - Review of the flight simulator program.
- Tomahawk - A Software Review
- Tomahawk by Dave Marshall - Review of AH-64A Apache flight simulator for TS2068.
- True 64 Columns on the 2068
- TS 2068 Colour Printouts
- TS 2068 Colour Printouts
- TS 2068 Gradebook
- TS2068 Review: The Horace Saga... - There are three programs in the Horace saga: Horace and the Spiders, Horace Goes Skiing and Hungry Horace. Having all three, I think they are quite entertaining.
- TSDPJ Dives Into The Print Factory's The Press Desktop Publisher - Review of The Press desktop publishing program.
- Turbo Esprit - Review of the ZX Spectrum game.
- Two Programs from Executive Workshop - Review of the Straits of Hormuz and Executive Clue, both for the TS 2068.
- Two User Reports on Tasword Two
- Typeliner - Review of the desktop publishing extension to Word-Master.
- Uploader 2000 - Almost any program you have in BASIC for the ZX81/TS1000 can now be used on the TS2068 with the use of UPLOAD2000. This is a program that allows you to convert most BASIC 1000 programs into working versions for the 2068.
- VIEWord - Review of the word processor.
- Vieword Mailist Formail - VIEWord, MAIList, and FORMail are utility programs that would be most suited for the small business environment or personal home computing. VIEWord is an interesting (but easy-to-use) word processor. MAIList, as the name implies, is an address manager, and FORMail is a utility that uses files from both VIEWord and MAIList, to print formal type
- VU-3D 10 Years Later
- VU-CALC - Only the name of this program resembles the ZX/TS VU-CALC. This version occupies 37K when resident without any data. Due to its design, large tables use very little additional memory.
- VU-Calc
- VU-Calc Revisited
- War Games
- War Games (Feb Mtg) - More than 4,000 copies of “The War in the East” by Mark Steuber have sold.
- War Games Review
- What's In Store: VU-3D - Review of program.
- White Lightning - Review of the game development program that supported 255 sprites and was programmed in FORTH.
- WINKJET1 Review - Review of William Pedersen’s printer driver for the Olivetti PR2300 inkjet.
- WMJ Data Systems Software
- Word Processing
- Word Processing for the 2068: Tasword II - Tasword comes in a black plastic case about 6×9 inches with a 20 page manual. It loads easily in about a minute and signals its beginning with a beeping tone.
- Word-Master: A Review - Review of a wordprocess/desktop publishing program for the Spectrum.
- WordMaster
- Workin' in the Software Patch
- WP32 Word Processor - Word processor with additional features.
- Writing and Playing Music with Romantic Robot's Music Typewriter - Reivew of the program.
- You Too can be an Artist - Review of The Artist by Bon Jangeborg, published SofTechnics. Requires Spectrum ROM.
- Zeus Assembler
- ZIP Basic Compiler - Review of the program, notes issues.
- ZIP BASIC Review