Author(s): Scott McCourt
Publisher: Timex Computer Corporation
Pages: 12
Date: October 12, 1983
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- TS 2065 Microdrive (product)
This document describes the functionality of the system software which controls the following devices on the TS 2000:
- one or more microdrives
- an RS 232 interface
- a local area network
The commands in Section 5.0 are to be implemented as a set of commands in BASIC.
When the operating system first boots up, the user is prompted for the current date. The format to be used when entering the date is mm-dd-yy. An invalid date will produce an error message and the user will be prompted to re-enter the date. This date is not updated, but is used only for file directory information (date created, date last updated). If nothing is entered (i.e., the null string) the date is set to be 00-00-00.