Date: March/April 1989
Volume: 7
Issue: 2
- Speshul QLers Hear ThisQL
One Chip Mod for the 2050 ModemTS 2068 TS 2050 Add RS232 port to 2050 modem with MAX232 chip.
EMY Extnbasic MultitaskingTS 2068 Type-in program Adds 10 commands to BASIC.
- System 15000 on the Larken Disk SystemTS 2068
Mismatch ... A terrific readMention of a book about hacking/phreaking.
- Technician Ted and the LarkenTS 2068
QLQL RGB monitor from Active Surplus for QL.
- Of Interest to QL Owners: A new regulartor for your QLQL
- QLipsQL
- Larken "Maxcomm" BBS SoftwareTS 2068
Check It OutP66204 128K static RAM.
- RS232 Interface
- SNODGITS and the Larken SystemTS 2068 Type-in program
- Sinclair Northamerican Users Group
- Larken: A Tip on Disk DrivesTS 2068
Easy Keyboard FixTS 2068 Hardware project Fixing the TS 2068 space bar. Reprint from Clackamas County Area T/S User Group
- Aligning NumbersTS 1000 Type-in program
- QL Cartridge Print-outQL
- Wordsquare
- Larken Disk LibraryTS 2068
- RLE Graphics
- Hacker's Haven Presents: ZX-81 MIDI Interface ProjectTS 1000 TS 2068 Hardware project
- International Post Office Money Orders
Letters from Steve GunhouseTS 2068 Type-in program Joysticks, disk drive definitions, conserving memory, plotting functions.
- Larken NotesTS 2068
Larken LinesTS 2068 Questions and answers about LARKEN. Copied from the CCAT/S User Group Newsletter, The Plotter.
Bob's Notebook: Disk MenuTS 2068 Type-in program Disk menus, printers.
- Editorial