Date: September/October 1983
Volume: 3
Issue: 5
LettersPayroll: Follow-up to article in v3 n2 Sync; adding printing ability.
Just for FunType-in program Downloadable Short reader programs:
Sync NotesEditorial about the issue.
- Try ThisZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program
SYNC at the LibraryZX81 TS 1000 TS 2000 ZX Spectrum Book review Books available about the TS1000/ZX81 and TS2000/Spectrum.
Resources (Sync v3 n5)TS 1000 Listing of new user groups, books and other resources.
- Glitchoidz Report
Extensions to BasicZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program USR routines to invert every character on the screen, print bytes of free memory, create an inverse program listing, and simulate READ, DATA and RESTORE.
- Directory of Publishers
Brick BusterZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program “Brick Buster” is a game in which the player earns points by knocking out as many of the bricks in the playing area as possible. On-screen scoring and a high score memory are provided for competitive playing. The active part of the game is written in machine code for fast action. The rest of the…
PerceptionsTS 2000 TS 2048 TS 2068 The TS2000 series of computers claims an extensive group of features – both hardware and software. The machines feature 24K ROM. The TS2048 has 16K RAM at its disposal while the TS2068 wields a well-utilized 48K RAM.
Sinclair ZX81/Timex Sinclair 1000 StatisticsZX81 TS 1000 Book review Review of Sinclair ZX81/Timex Sinclair 1000 Statistics: Twelve 16K Programs Including Multif actor Analysis of Variance by A. H. Wolach and M. A. McHale.
Using the Byte-Back ModemZX80 Hardware review The Byte-Back modem is a fine device. It works well and actually does more than advertised. The instruction manual, on the other hand, in its attempt to furnish operating instructions, assembly instructions, and engineering data, is a bit sketchy. A description of the non-standard output on the RS232 board is not given nor is there…
Hardware TipsZX80 ZX81 TS 1000 Robert Hartung comments on some letters from readers. His responses should be regarded as suggestions to help look for the answers.
The ZX81 CompanionZX81 TS 1000 Book review The ZX81 Companion, like other ZX81 books, is totally applicable to the TS1000. It begins with a chapter on graphics techniques. First the screen field is explained. Then PLOT and UNPLOT are used to develop the basic components in graphics: drawing straight lines, using triangles, circles, parabolas, and ellipses, and moving a point around the…
Memory Scrunching on the TS1000 and ZX81ZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program One of the most serious problems that TS1000 users are faced with (and ZX81 users even more so) is the lack of memory (RAM). Most commercial programs require a 16K RAM pack, and many printed in newsletters and magazines require over 2K (or 1K for ZX81 people). Although the package or listing calls for 16K,…
In and Out of SYNCMaking Borders and a Bouncing Ball; The Panasonic JC-200 Personal Computer.
3D Monster Maze and MothershipZX81 TS 1000 Software review In 3D Monster Maze you are in a maze running from T. (Tyrannosaurus) Rex. The object is to get out alive!
Mastering Machine Code on Your ZX81ZX81 TS 1000 Book review Though written for the ZX81, Mastering Machine Code on Your ZX81 applies equally well to the Timex Sinclair 1000. Each chapter also includes addressing and programming procedures for the ZX80. The light conversational style is both entertaining and understandable.
Quick-draw!TS 1000 Type-in program More than two years ago, Sinclair announced that the 4K ROM of the ZX80 would be expanded to an 8K ROM and that one of the new commands would be DRAW. DRAW was just what it sounded like— a command to draw a line on the TV screen. But DRAW never came to be. Even…
The Bookshelf Goes SupernovaTS 2000 ZX Spectrum Book review Books about the Spectrum.
The ZX Stock ExchangeZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program You have just inherited $10,000 from a wealthy uncle who made it big on the stock market. He also gave you the modem number of his broker, a computer. The ZX Stock Exchange carries stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange as well as stocks not listed there.
The Logical OperatorsAND and OR have two distinct usages in Sinclair Basic. One mirrors their use in English and is easily understood; the second is less straightforward, but is an extremely versatile programming technique. NOT, the third logical operator, is unfortunately overlooked or ignored by many beginner programmers; it, too, can be a powerful programming tool.
Learning Timex Sinclair BasicTS 1000 Book review If you have ever thrown down your TS1000 User Manual in despair— or disgust, help has finally arrived: David Liens Learning Timex Sinclair Basic. It is a clear, thorough guide to programming the Timex Sinclair 1000, but ZX81 and ZX80 users are not ignored. No matter how “learner friendly” the manual for the new TS1500…
Byteing Deeper Into Your Timex Sinclair 1000TS 1000 Book review Byteing Deeper into Your Timex Sinclair 1000 is catchy title, but do not take it too literally since the book was originally written for the ZX81 and retitled. Nevertheless, the content applies completely to the TS 1000. More importantly though, it does not just “byte” deeper than the User”s Manual, it covers many of the…
Letter from England (Sync v3 n5)TS 1000 New computers, software libraries, compilers and assemblers, magazines, hardware developments (joysticks, printer interfaces, modems, tape copiers).
- Data-assette
- Memotech
- E-Z Key
- Sybex
- Computer Add-Ons
- Robotec, Inc.
- Zebra Systems, Inc.
- Computer Continuum
- E. Arthur Brown Company
- Intercomputer, Inc.
- Byte-Back Co
- A. +Associates
- Melbourne House Publishers
- Sinclair Place
- 21st Century Electronics
- Stratagem Cybernetics Inc.
- Jameco
- Brainchild Computer Works, Inc.
- Datacon Corporation
- RAMEX International
- Computer Trader, The
- K-2 Electronics
- Syber, Inc.
- CompuSoft Publishing
- MBR Distributors
- Audio Vision
- Computer Assistance Incorporated
- MULE Electronics
- Earthscenes
- Research in Speech Technology (R.I.S.T.) Inc.
- Heath Computer Services
- PleasanTrees Programming
- Reston Publishing Company
- Filesixty
- Hunter Electronics
- Suntronics
- Mindware, Inc.
- Simplex Software
- Ganhart/EARTHings
- Independence Research
- Katt's Computers
- WT Associates
- SyncMaster
- Lyon Ware
- 3G Company
- Spyder Electronics
- Upstate Labs
- Speedware
- Hurricane Electronics Lab
- User Friendly Research
- Sinware
- Microsystems Specialists, Inc.
- BI-PAK Semiconductors
- Cottage Technology
- Peak
- Discount Software, Inc.
- 2-Bit Software
- People's Computer Supply, The
- Downsway Electronic Ltd
- Computer-Wear Software
- Semper Software
- AB Engineering
- Sinclair Users' Network
- Singh Computer Supplies
- Tesseract Software Development
- F. A. Burr
- Troiano Software Company
- Solutions
- RAm
- G. Russell Electronics
- Personal Computer Engineers
- Sinclair Supply Shack
- M. Sieder
- Ultimate Blackwood, The
- Bytesize Micro Technology
- Down East Computers
- Cinagro Software
- Golden Stair, The
- Compusport
- Advanced Energy Systems Software Group
- Curry Computer
- Daydesign
- Friendly Computer
- JST Enterprises
- User Friendly Software
- Savage Software
- Air Capital Software
- Computech
- George Bezushko
- Compuball
- Kinetronics Corp
- Lamb's Software, The
- Eugene Zweig
- Fourth Design, The
- Z-Tron International
- Powell Hargrave
- ZX Data
- SiriusWare
- Horizon Simulations
- Creitech
- Indiana Software Group Inc.
- Comprocsys, Ltd
- Wayne Green Books
- Busyness
- Atto-Soft
- Teletek Co.
- Synergics Unlimited
- D-RAM Products
- Softsync, Inc.
- Interface Innovations
- Sophia Systems
- Quicksilva
Buyer’s Guide Part 3: Sync at the Library.