Date: January/February 1985
Volume: 2
Issue: 3
2068 & Spectrum ReviewsTS 2068 Software review Hall of the Things, Manic Miner, Jet Set Willy, Lunar Jetmen. These four programs for the ZX Spectrum have several things in common. First of all, they are all of truly “ARCADE” quality with excellent graphics and sound. Secondly, they have all occupied the #1 spot on the European charts in 1983 or 1984. Lastly,…
Converting the Oliger 64K Ram for the 2068TS 2068 Hardware project To use the JLO 64 K RAM board (from the TS1000) on the 2068, it is necessary to make these changes.
For Your SupportTS 1000 TS 2068 Product announcements from Barry Carter, Aerco, Zebra Systems, Pete Petri, JRC Software, Chia-Chi Chao, Poretsky & Poretsky, D. Lipinski Software, K. D. Lewis, American Surplus Trading, Toronto Software World, John Oliger, Rick Munday, A.F.R. Software, Sum-Ware, Al White and WMJ Data Systems.
ForumTS 1000 TS 2068 Terminal program for TS1000; bus conversion to Spectrum; tilde character; Byte-Back modem with Modem II; converting Spectrum software; RAMTOP with Compusa drive; making backups on the 2068.
2068 Character BuilderTS 2068 Type-in program The TS2068 offers a very powerful feature in its capacity to build up user-defined characters. However, the procedure for building up those characters is a bit of a pain in the neck. This program will simplify that procedure for you.
Tyd/BytsTS 2068 Type-in program This first little “ditty,” (UFO 2068) creates a UFO that you can add to your games and play around with. Bits will print out all of the possible bit patterns (0 to 255).
EditorialAnother amazing year has passed and we have seen a number of computer companies bite the big one, as well as a number of computer related publications. Syncware News is now firmly planted and has every intention of “sticking around.”
AERCO Disk DrivesTS 2068 Aerco has announced their disk drive interface, which will have an extra 64 K of memory (cartridge bank) for you to use (see more details inside). CPM 2068 should follow soon, which would enable file transfer between other types of CPM computers (that can read the standard IBM 3740 disk format) by disk, which is…
Celestial ComputingComputerists and astronomers have much in common. Both have a fastidious interest in detail, an appreciation of precision and a love of things beyond the ordinary. It is natural that this publication carry a regular column devoted to computer astronomy.
The Cassette ConnectionTS 2068 Hardware project In Volume 1, I ran a series on improving cassette reliability on the ZX81. Well, now that the TS2068 has arrived, that’s all obsolete, right? Wrong! If anything, in my experience the 2068 needs even more “outside help” in getting reliable loads.
Celestial Basic: SkyplotTS 2068 Book review Eric Burgess’ “Celestial Basic,” is a collection of astronomy programs converted for Sinclair Basic and published in “More Uses for your TS1000: Astronomy on your Computer.”
Basil's Compendium: Where to Put the ProgramZX81 TS 1000 TS 1500 Tutorial This chapter will list some requirements for the place where we will put the machine code, and will show you how to find a memory location that meets those requirements.
Spectrum Compatibility & the 2068 RomswitchTS 2068 ZX Spectrum Hardware review As most 2068 owners know by now, you can gain access to the hundreds of Sinclair Spectrum software titles available in the U.K., by changing your 2068 ROM (Read Only Memory). This can be done in a number of ways, and one quite elegant method is by the use of the Russell Electronics’ Romswitch.
Forth is a State of MindTS 2068 One of the problems encountered when introducing Forth to others is explaining how a language that is so strong and rich can and must be extremely simple and elegant. These terms are not as contradictory as they seem on the surface.
Decoding the EXROMTS 2068 Hardware project The following circuit will allow you to use the memory area above the EXROM, which ocupies the 0 to 8K chunk in that memory bank, as RAM.
Microdrives!TS 2068 Zebra Systems has the Sinclair microdrives running on a 2068 (with a Spectrum ROM). They should have a bus conversion out soon for attachment of those and other Spectrum peripherals.
Spectrum SoftwareTS 2068 ZX Spectrum There is just a ton of excellent Spectrum software from games to a floating point compiler. You can get this software from any number of suppliers in this country. With the Pound slipping in price, the cost of Spectrum programs is, relatively speaking, very low. This differential may help justify the acquistion of a Romswitch…
The TS2192 ComputerTS 2068 The greatest part of this announcement is that if you own a 2068, then you don’t have to buy another computer! However, nothing is for free. It does require converting a 1000 64K RAM pack, of which we show the conversion for one.
Bank Switching the 2068TS 2068 Tutorial TS2192 COMPUTER The 2068 was introduced to us as a memory manager, capable of handling up to 256 banks of 64K memories, a veritable elephant among small plastic boxes. Close inspection revealed that an item called a BEU (meaning either Bus Expansion Unit or “hello” in Elephant) was necessary to access most of the extra…