Volume: 2
Issue: 10
Rounding off RoutineZX81 Type-in program Tutorial The 8K ROM’s floating point decimal is great, but sometimes you don’t need 9 decimal places.
A Tool to Help Debug ProgramsZX80 ZX81 Tutorial To determine what occurs during a loop portion of a malfuntioning program, use a PRINT statement called a flag.
Sort RoutineZX81 Type-in program This routine can sort 20 words of 20 characters in about 8 seconds.
Sinclair Printer by 1982Sinclair engineers will redesign the printer to meet US requirements at the end of September, 1981.
Beginners: User-Friendly ProgramsZX80 ZX81 Tutorial Some easy programming methods to write user-friendly programs for either 4K or 8K ROM programs.
Crash Course in MicrocomputersBook review Review of the book by Louis Frenzel.
A Night in Las VegasZX80 Software review Review of the cassette from Lamo-Lem.
8K ROM Monitor RoutinesZX81 Reference Continuation of article from prior issue examining the 8K ROM.
[These SYNTAX readers would like to contact ...]Readers from Louisiana and Nebraska.
Dear EditorLetters about magazine index; resistor values; ordering from England; errors in books; TV interference; bad connections; memory problems; replacement parts.
Annotated 4K ROM Listing - Systems VariablesZX80 Reference Listing tells you the values of all major variables used in the 4K ROM.
Bingo Number GeneratorZX80 Type-in program Generates numbers with their preceding letters and prints them at 8x their normal size at the top of the screen.
Gradebook for TeachersZX80 Type-in program Program helps teachers average grades at the end of the grading period.
Trouble-shooting Your MicroAceMicroAce You’ve put together your MicroAce and examined the PC board solder connections — everything looks good. Power up — you get a white screen and no cursor. What do you do now? Here is a chart compiled by removing each IC chip from a working MicroAce and observing the effect. It may provide you with…
Changes to Super ZX80 InvasionZX80 Type-in program Add new levels of difficulty.
Changes to September Budget ProgramZX80 Type-in program User interface changes to the program.
Syntax ErrorZX80 ZX81 Two errors in Machine Code Print Routine.
CAI Peripherals UpdateCAI Instruments will ship their first Widgets the week of Sept. 21.
Sinclair Product UpdatesZX81 Sinclair’s ZX81 computer reaches the US on Oct. 7, 1981.
MicroAce-ZX80 Component EquivalenceZX80 MicroAce Chart showing part numbers and designations between the two computers.