Volume: 2
Issue: 9
- Cosine Functions on 4K ROM
ZX80 TableZX80 Type-in program Constructs number tables with columns lined up.
Problems Solving Principles for Programmers: Applied Logic, Psychology and GritBook review Review of the book by William Lewis.
Know Your Gas HogsZX80 Type-in program Use your ZX80 to compare fuel economies and estimate total gas expenditures.
Machine Code Print RoutineZX80 ZX81 Type-in program Machine language (ML) permits you to print characters anywhere on the screen. Harness the ZX80’s own print routine with RST 0010.
Reading Machine Code AssemblyZX80 Tutorial Beginning machine language (ML) programmers sometimes have trouble deciphering all the numbers that make up an assembly listing.
Prime NumbersZX80 Type-in program Program lists all prime numbers between 1 and 1000.
Hardware ReportZX80 Hardware project Potential solution to problems with LOAD.
Reader's Report on MicroAce VideoZX80 MicroAce Hardware review Not for neophytes– that’ s John Strain’s assessment of the MicroAce Flicker-Free Video Add-on Board. According to John, “The flicker-free mod circuit board does not physically fit inside the ZX80 case. The components supplied completely prevented mounting the circuit board inside the ZX80.” Also, you can’t use the top display line; you must add components…
Random Functions in 4K, 8KZX80 ZX81 Tutorial Compare RND (4K, 8K), RAND (8K), and RANDOMISE (4K) .
- [Cut RF interference to the ZX80]
Printing on the 8K ROMZX81 One of the 8K ROM’s nicest features is its increased printing capability.
Manipulating StringsZX80 Type-in program Routines broaden your ability to use strings in interesting ways.
[The following SYNTAX readers wish to contact ...]Readers from Califonia, Florida, Illinois, Maryland.
Dear EditorLetters about 4K ROM; tape recorders; modifying the ZX80 cursor; TV interference.
- [Would you like a ZX80 interface to the outside world?]
From Other Basics - VAL and LENZX80 Reference ZX80 Basic substitutions for LEN and VAL functions.
ZX80 BudgetZX80 Type-in program Can keep track of expenses. As written, program keeps addition totals on 18 accounts.
Data DubberZX80 The Peripheral People offer a device to help you LOAD and SAVE cleanly.
The Math ProgramZX80 Type-in program Program that presented tailored study, using ZX80s, to those who want extra help in math.
Landing a LEM on the MoonZX80 Type-in program This ZX80 version sets a LEM 2,530 meters above the moon with only 300 liters of fuel. You must land without crashing or running out of fuel.
Sine Functions on 4KZX80 Type-in program Closely approximate sine functions on your 4K ROM with a few BASIC statements.
[If you have a logic probe ... ]Use logic probe to record state of ICs in the computer.
Syntax ErrorZX80 Corrections to ZX80 Checkbook; Improving Display.
Continuous Display UtilityZX80 Want a flicker-free screen? JRS Software now offers software for continuous display.
ROM List DelayZX80 Reference 4K ROM assembly listing has been delayed for a couple of weeks.
Microcommander InterfaceZX80 Interface Technology has resumed plans to adapt the TRS-80 Microcommander to the ZX80. The device gives the computer direct control of up to 256 lights and appliances.
Sinclair Fall Computer ShowZX81 Sinclair Research plans to hold computer shows to introduce its ZX81 this fall.
8K ROM UpdateZX80 Sinclair now has another source of 8K ROMs. According to Nigel Searle, the new manufacturer will deliver by September 1 enough ROMs to both replace bad ROMs and satisfy demand for new ones.