Volume: 3
Issue: 11
Timex Printer and Modem InfoTS 2050 TS 2040 Timex’s 40-column thermal printer will be available in Dec.82 for $99.95, says Timex VP Danny Ross. Despite its 40-column format, it LLISTs in screen format (32-col). Ross also said Timex’s new 300-baud modem will be ready first quarter of ’83.
TS1000 Service Center and Computer HotlineTS 1000 Contact information for both.
CAI Offers Computer Network PackageCAI now offers a network package including Lexicon 11 modem, ASCII modem and cable.
Macronics Announces Floppy Disk InterfaceTS 1000 Run a 5 1/4″ disk drive with your ZX/TS and Macronic’s new FIZ 1.1 interface. Interface plugs into rear edge connector with an expansion bus.
New Products (Syntax v3 n11)New products from R.S. Panwar, Wisconsinc Electronics, Sinware, P. Pollack, Nanos.
Syntax ErrorsCorrections to Grading Program, Unit Pricer, Monthly Calendar, Hex Math.
Etching ProgramTS 1000 Type-in program Draws patterns by itself. It traces a continuous line, starting at the left-hand center edge of the screen, bouncing off the edges, and stopping only if the line leads into one corner.
QSAVETS 1000 Hardware review Aids in loading balky tapes and the time saved in loading long programs is certainly worthwhile.
Self Running ProgramsTS 1000 Type-in program Making a self-running program on the ZX81 is very simple. Just insert a SAVE statement at the place you want the computer to continue from.
ZX81 Basic BookZX81 TS 1000 Book review Review of the book by Robin Norman.
Star HunterTS 1000 Type-in program In Star Hunter, you control a laser cannon. Your ship is stationary on the left side of the screen as stars move towards you. The object is to shoot a star before one of them hits the left side of the screen.
Pie Chart Graph and DisplayTS 1000 Type-in program Program draws a pie chart graph with up to 10 sections.
Solar Program for Flat Plate CollectorsTS 1000 Type-in program If you’re using solar technology to reduce your energy bills, a computer can help maximize your benefits. SOL will help you orient that flat plate collector.
Decimal-Hexadecimal Conversion ProgramTS 1000 Type-in program Utility converts values in decimal (base 10) from 0-65535 to hexadecimal (base 16) equivalents.
MC Programming #11: Storing MC Subroutines in REMZX80 Tutorial While you can store machine code subroutines anywhere in your BASIC program, the best place is 1 REM (& 2 REM, if you have two subroutines) .
ZX81 Home Computer PackageZX81 TS 1000 Software review Lamo-Lem’s Home Computer Package of 4 machine code programs offer a good variety.
Dear EditorQuestions about the Spectrum; entering functions; upgrading a MicroAce; sound from the ZX81; RST 28; merging programs; diodes.
- Users' Groups
Hardware ProjectTS 1000 Hardware project This circuit will simplify loading and saving programs by eliminating ground loop noise without the need to pull out the earphone plug during saving and the microphone plug during loading.
Computer Keyboards Professional Keyboard Kit and Enclosure for ZX81ZX81 TS 1000 Hardware review Review of Gladstone’s keyboard and enclosure.
Boolean DemonstrationTS 1000 Type-in program Program demonstrates boolean logic.
MD-1 Direct-Connect Modem and RS-232 PortTS 1000 Hardware review Review of Byte-Back’s modem.
Two Numbers in One ByteTS 1000 Type-in program Storing two integers (0-15 range) in one byte.