Date: January 1992
Sinclair Publications - A ReviewMentions of ZX-91, International QL Report, QL Hacker’s Journal, Computer Monthly column.
QL Desktop PublishingQL Notes on DTP using the QL applications.
Video Interface with QL ComputerQL Notes on connecting TV or a variety of monitor types to the QL, along with generating the necessary signals.
Cable ColumnQL Order, Locate, Reset commands in Archive.
Sorted DirectoriesQL Type-in program Program to save programs in alpha order.
QL SolitaireQL Review of the game from Softshoe Software.
New Commands Effective with JLO Safe v2.6TS 2068 Updates to the disk operating system.
Computer MeanderingQL Notes on the QL.
Connect A Composite TTL Monitor to a TS1000/QLTS 1000 QL Hardware project Schematic to connect a TS1000 or QL to a monochrome TTL monitor by extracting HSYNC and VSYNC signals.
A Few Z88 CLI ApplicationsZ88 Short routines for the Z88.
Z88 ASCII Translation ProgramsZ88 Type-in program Program to convert Z88 text file to one that can be used on a QL or PC.
FD-ZX Floppy Disk InterfaceTS 1000 Notes for users of the Aerco FD-ZX disk interface.
12 Volt ModificationTS 2068 Modification helps clean up video signal.
- More About Daisy Smart TextTS 2068
Household Accounts on the TS2068TS 2068 Type-in program Program to track living expenses.
Wall Street, Here We Come!TS 2068 Type-in program Program to plot stock data.
The Year of DiscoveryCall to make 1992 the “year of discovery” for Sinclair.
Graphic Screen$ DumpTS 2068 Type-in program Program to print screens to the Tandy DMP105.
- The Editor Speaks
- Z88 Spreadsheet UseZ88