Date: July 1991
EditorialReflection on publishing the newsletter and updates.
Check Book BalancerQL Program that leverages Abacus to balance a checkbook.
QLUSTer_LITEQL Iteration of QLUSTer program.
QL Desktop PublishingQL Brief overview of Page Designer.
Bad QL Membranes Crisis InterventionQL How to repair or replace broken keyboard membranes.
Archive Series - Part 5: Alter and Delete CommandsQL Further exploration of Archive.
Files 2QL Review of file management tool for QL.
Errata and AddendaTS 2068 QL Using loops in QL DO files; moving TS2068 code blocks.
When to Upgrade: The QL in TransitionQL Upgrades to the QL.
Justified TranslatesQL Addressing a spacing shortcoming in Quill.
QL_GenealogistQL Review of the program by Chris Boutal.
Exploring Def FN and FNTS 2068 Z88 Type-in program Programming math formulas using DEF FN.
A Review of 'Manual A' for the Z88Z88 Manual for the Z88 written by Mike Fink.
2068 Home ROM Corrections - Part IITS 2068 Type-in program Corrections to the ROM, in part to support bank-switched memory.
Character String Emulation in Hisoft Pascal Version 4TS 2068 Type-in program Routines to handle strings in Pascal.
TS-2068 Tool to Convert Chr StringsTS 2068 Type-in program Program to convert two dimensional character arrays to three dimensional arrays.
Basic Programming with DEF FN() and Boolean LogicTS 2068 Type-in program Program that converts between binary, decimal and hexadecimal numbers and performs math operations across them.
The Dayton Computerfest - Sinclair Sub ShowDetails about upcoming computerfest.