BAZUG Newsletter
- "Fone" File ProgramTS 1000 Type-in program
- A Presidential Message
- BASIC Fun: A Kids Guide to BASIC ProgrammingBook review
- Charter Members
Comments on SQ (Syntax Quarterly)Review of the first issuel
Comments on the January 20th MeetingTS 2000 Last month at the West Branch Library our meeting had a carnival atmosphere. Sunset Electronics (see ad) was in attendance along with a fair sampling of products for the Timex/Sinclair user. Sam Barron, the Timex rep for our area, was also a special guest. He supplied Timex t-shirts as prizes to encourage attendees to fill…
Computer Faire's a cominAnticipation for the Computer Faire, one of the largest microcomputer shows of the time.
CopterZX81 TS 1000 Type-in program Short program.
Easy Save/Auto-RunTS 1000 Type-in program Method for auto-run programs on the ZX81/TS1000.
Grimm's Fairy TrailsTS 1000 Software review Review of the game.
How I Made My Fullsize KeyboardZX81 TS 1000 Hardware project Describes how to connect a surplus keyboard to a ZX81.
It's Almost HereTS 1000 Type-in program Announcement that Sam Barron, Timex district sales manager for northern California, would be at the January 20, 1983 meeting of the Bay Area ZX80/81 Users Group to answer questions, potentially demonstrate TS2000.
MarsZX81 TS 1000 Software review Review of the adventure game from Aardvark.
Mastering Machine Code on your ZX81ZX81 TS 1000 Book review Review of the book.
Mastering Your Timex Sinclair Personal ComputerTS 1000 Book review Review of the book.
New Product AnnouncementTS 1000 Announcement of Computer Continuum’s analog interface board.
- Organizational Meeting Held at Integral Urban House in Berkely
- QUEST by AardvarkTS 1000 Software review
- Report on the Computer Swap in America
Restart without ReloadZX81 TS 1000 Use the WAIT signal to restart a ZX81/TS1000.
Rumors from the Editor's deskTS 2000 The TS 2000 will not look like the color brochure shown the prior month’s meeting. It will have a full-size space bar and other features. The TS 1500 will use the TS 2000 enclosure.
- San Francisco Sinclair Users' Group
- Sinclair ZX Spectrum UpdateZX Spectrum
- Space Invaders and BomberTS 1000 Software review
- Spectrum UpdateZX Spectrum
Surprise! A Visitor from BostonZX Spectrum Beth Elliot, from Sinclair Research, visits San Francisco for the West Coast Computer Faire and demonstrates a Spectrum for BAZUG.
- T/S 1000 Program EvaluationsTS 1000
- The New CompilersZX81 TS 1000
Timex Sinclair 1000TS 1000 Article condensed from Sync May/June 1982 issue.
VU-CALC(S) by PsionTS 1000 Software review The spreadsheet type programs (Visi-calc and its clones) are one of the most popular utilities for microcomputers for business and home financial use.
- Will the Spectrum steal sales from the BBC Micro?ZX Spectrum
Word Processing on the ZX81?TS 1000 Author recommends Word Juggler, a program in Randle Hurley’s The Sinclair ZX81: Programming for Real Applications.
ZX ComputingShort bits of news from the English magazine.
ZX81/TS1000 Software RatingZX81 TS 1000 Numeric rating of several software titles.
Publisher: Bay Area ZX User Group
Newsletter of the Bay Area ZX80/81 Users Group.