Dallas Timex-Sinclair Amstrad Users Group Newsletter
Publisher: Dallas Timex/Sinclair/Amstrad Users Group
Chairman's ChatAs expected, the combined June meeting with the FORT WORTH users was a HUGE SUCCESS! Everyone had a great time either building FRANK BOULDIN’s TIMEX-SINCLAIR LOAD-SAVE CONTROL UNIT or “the little TSLS Box” as Frank calls it, or getting involved with DAVID BAULCHโs system!
Computer Council of Dallas NewsThe Hay and June User Forums continued to grow, both in vendors and meeting rooms used. Attendance may be slightly suffering competition from the beautiful weather, but remains high. The financial growth is welcome and necessary. CCD’s only source of income, table rentals in the vendor area, increased in May compared to April, and again…
Everything You Ever Wanted To Xerox About CopyrightsI want to explain a little I have found out about copyright law, because it is really getting to be an important subject for everybody in the computer world, not just for artists and playwrights and novelists. Now it is necessary for programmers to know what part of their work, if any, is protected from…
Note From The EditorThis is the twelfth issue of the DTSA Newsletter I have helped edit. It is kind of a personal watermark. It means I have a diskette with one full year of files. Actually most of it is not all that timeless. I could probably delete quite a few words and come up with a compact…
Our Next MeetingWe are going to try out something sort of new, this tine. George calls it “Show ‘Nโ Tape”. The idea is to bring your recorders (whole systems welcome also), and any programs you have been working on or would like to share with the rest of us. We want to see the screens you’ve cooked…