For Timex/Sinclair enthusiasts, published by WMJ Data Systems. A quarterly publication with an emphasis on the use of the BASIC computer language, as it relates to the T/S computers. QTS provides: programming tips and articles, up to date T/S products, dealers, catalogs, publications, reviews on hardware and software.
- A&J Microdrive 2000TS 2068 Hardware review
- Acey DuceyTS 1000 Type-in program
Basic Can Be Faster: A dozen easy ways!TS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial Techniques for making BASIC faster.
- CombinationTS 2068 Type-in program
- Database ShowdownTS 1000 TS 2068 Software review
Dealer CatalogsList of catalogs received.
Dear QTSZX81 TS 2068 Type-in program Sheingorn runs part of his clinical practice on a ZX81; Bower purchased a 2068 to do freelance bookkeeping and writing; Freeline submitted a program that turns a directory listing into a program loader.
- Dear QTSTS 2068
- Dear QTSTS 1500
Dear QTSTS 2068 Albrecht asks about sound generator playing music independent of a Basic program; Arneson has issue with program in a prior issue; Kealy asks about whether a business can be run on a 2068.
Dear QTSTS 1000 TS 2068 Programming techniques for the 2068; thoughts from a die-hard TS 1000 fan; request for a C64 emulator cartridge; letter from another die-hard TS 1000 fan.
- DLS Buyer's GuideTS 1000 TS 2068 Book review
- For You... Dealer Catalogs
- For You... User Groups
From the Desk of Bill JohnsonWinter 1987 will be last issue.
From the Desk of Bill JohnsonSinclair sells personal computer business to Amstrad.
- From the Desk of Bill Johnson
- From the Desk of Bill Johnson
- From the Desk of Bill Johnson
Input of Default Values in Interactive ProgramsTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program Routines to allow users to enter values to override constants if necessary.
- Joystick ApplicationsTS 2068 Reference
- Letter from Joanna CohenTS 2068
MatchsticksTS 1000 Type-in program Computer version of the traditional game.
MODEM CommunicationsList of services available to modem owners.
- More on Read/Write for the TS1000TS 1000 Type-in program
More on TS Disk DrivesTS 2068 Hardware review Brief review of the Timex FDD disk system.
New Product NewsTS 2068 Announcements of ROMSWITCH, DLS Buyer’s Guide, A&J Micro Drive, Textwriter software and Fastfile.
Other Basic CommandsTS 1000 TS 2068 Tutorial Tips on converting string manipulation to/from other BASICs.
Program to Reformat and PrintTS 2068 Type-in program Reformats 32 column content to 64 columns for printing.
- Question and AnswersTS 1000
Review: BugabooTS 2068 Software review Review of the Quicksilva game for the TS 2068.
- Review: PenetratorTS 2068 Software review
Review: RedcoatsTS 2068 Software review A strategic game written for the Spectrum that will run on the TS2068 with or without a Spectrum emulator
Review: TS2068 Speech SynthesizerTS 2068 Software review Same as the TS1000 reviewed in Fall 1985 issue with enhancements based on the greater power of the TS2068.
- Review: Zebra OS-64 Sixty-Four Column CartridgeTS 2068 Hardware review
- Review: Zebra Systems Spectrum Emulator CartridgeTS 2068 Hardware review
Reviews: TS2068 Basic CompilersTS 2068 Software review Reviews of Compass from JRC Software and ZIP Compiler from Knighted Computers.
Screen ReaderTS 2068 Type-in program Fast and versatile machine code subroutine that reads a character off the screen from any print location.
Short T/S TipsTS 2068 TS 2040 Type-in program Hints for saving/loading; using Radio Shack TP-10 paper on the 2040; password protect a 2068 through ON ERROR.
Short T/S TipsTS 2040 Alternate source of 2040 paper; SAVE/LOAD tips.
Short TS1000 ProgramsTS 1000 Type-in program Loan calculator, slot machine and address book.
Something strange about "VAL"TS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program Program to demonstrate memory vs time savings on using VAL instead of actual values.
T-S PublicationsList of then current publications, including: Computer Trader Magazine, Family Computing, SUM, SyncWare News, Syntax, T-S Horizons and Quarters.
T.O.S. Disk Drive "Start" ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program Create an autoloading menu for Timex/Zebra FDD system.
- Tasword 2 Changes for Multiple CopiesTS 2068 Type-in program
Timex TipsTS 1000 TS 2068 Tips for TS 2068 and TS 1000 users.
- Timex TipsTS 2068 Tutorial
Timex TipsTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program PEEKs and POKEs to access the built-in “clock”; how to convert a number and first two digits after decimal to an integer.
Timex-Sinclair BASIC (Part 1)TS 1000 Tutorial Tutorial on programming in BASIC.
- TS 2068 Basic TutorTS 2068 Tutorial
- TS 2068 GradebookTS 2068 Software review
TS1000 TipsTS 1000 Programming tips for TS 1000 users.
TS1500 A&J Microdrive Problem and SolutionTS 1500 Technique for bypassing a SAVE/VERIFY problem brought about by the combination of a TS 1500, TS 1016 RAM and the A & J Microdrive.
TS2068 Basic TutorTS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial Fourth article in series that discusses the various means that TS2068 Basic provides for identifying a character in print positions.
TS2068 Basic TutorTS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial Fifth article in a series that discusses the various means that the basic language of the TS2068 provides for the identification of a character in the print position of the screen.
TS2068 Basic TutorTS 2068 Type-in program Tutorial Techniques for using SCREEN$ to find out the content of specific locations in the display.
- TS2068 Basic Tutor: SCREEN$TS 2068 Tutorial
TS2068 Machine Code HelpersTS 2068 Type-in program Two programs to help with machine code programming.
TS2068 Subroutine Adds Intelligence to ProgramsTS 2068 Type-in program Hereโs 3 short subroutine that adds intelligence to your programs to make them user friendly. It will compare a userโs input to a list of words that a computer is expecting. If an exact match is not found it calculates the best match based on the similarity of the letters in the words. This allows…
TS2068 TipsTS 2068 Programming tips for TS 2068 users.
- TS2068 TipsTS 2068 Reference
- TS2068 Tips: DeleteTS 2068
User Groups We Have Heard FromShort list of user groups.
VISA ProgramTS 2068 Type-in program Program to track charges made to a credit card.
- Zebra Joystick AdaptorTS 1000 Hardware review