Publisher: Central Pennsylvania ZX/TS Users Group
- Active Users Groups
Binary DemoTS 1000 TS 2068 Type-in program Program to teach binary math.
Caveat EmptorQL Information about the QL gleaned from UK magazines.
Chequered FlagTS 2068 Software review Review of auto racing simulation game, translated from the ZX Spectrum version.
- Comlink ITS 1000 Hardware review
- Curve FittingTS 1000 Type-in program
- Football ManagerTS 2068 Software review
FourthTS 2068 Software review Review of Abersoft 2068 Forth.
From the Editor's DeskTS 2068 Concern about other newsletters copying material without attribution. Peeks and pokes for the 2068. Notes about other newsletters.
- From the Editors Desk
Grader for the TS2068 and TS1000TS 2068 Reply to review of his programs in prior issue of the club newsletter.
- Letter from the Editor
Letters to the EditorTS 1000 Type-in program Letters about newsletters, programming techniques.
- Lunar EclipseTS 1000 Type-in program
- Making 2068 Back-ups on the A & J MicrodriveTS 2068
Math ZapTS 1000 Type-in program Program teach math functions.
Mini Watson InterfaceTS 2068 Type-in program Program implements electrical formulas with user-friendly interface.
Number MasterTS 1000 Type-in program Guess the number game similar to Mastermind.
Paint or Paint II, an updateTS 2068 Type-in program Update to VIDIOM by Phil Doughty.
Print Darker with Your 2040 and T/S 2068 ComputerTS 2068 Type-in program Machine language routine to print bold on the 2040.
QL Drive FormatterQL Type-in program Short program to format QL tapes.
Quickie CheckbookTS 2068 Type-in program Program to balance a checking account.
Review of "Grader" For the 2068TS 2068 Software review Review of the program by Robert Fisher.
- ScrollingTS 1000 Type-in program
Softball StatsTS 1000 Type-in program Program to track player and game statistics.
Spectrum Plus Now Sold Here By a Third Party: Portuguese T/S 2068 Rumors TrueTS 2068 TC 2068 Bob Dyl, of English Micro Connection, is importing the Portuguese TC 2068. Reprinted from Hampton Roads T/S User Group Newsletter.
- SquirmTS 2068 Type-in program
Super VariableTS 1000 Type-in program Using string variables as arrays.
Surviving Without TimexTS 1000 TS 2068 Vendor listing.
Surviving Without TimexList of vendors.
T/S ConnectionLetter from Jack re his company and the Timex repair facility in Little Rock.
TelecomputingDescribes how to get online and what equipment is required.
You Can Do It! Program WritingTS 1000 Type-in program Tutorial Programming tutorial.
Z80 Extra Op CodesTS 1000 TS 2068 Op codes for machine language programmers. Reprinted from T-S Horizons n12.
ZXLR8 Part I: ZXLR8 DifficultiesTS 1000 Suggestions for challenges in using ZXLR8.
ZXLR8 Part II: ZXLR8 as a Word ProcessorTS 1000 How to use the program as an ersatz word processor, copying a screen at a time to the printer.
ZXLR8 Part III: TS1500 & INBYTETS 1500 Type-in program Modifying the program to work with the TS1500 and Hunter board.
ZXLR8 Part IV: Modifications and CorrectionsTS 1000 Fixes for bugs in the program.