TS Bulletin
Hand-typed one to two page newsletter published by Bill Harmer.
Amateur Programmer's LineAmateur programming with home computers has become more of a niche activity.
Amateur Programmers' LineRuminations on amateur programming in light of advancing technology.
American Micro Systems catalogQL Z88 QL and Z88 hardware and software available.
BOSTUG, TSUG has mutatedQL Closing down as a special interest group; restarting as New England QL User Group.
Bugs, Fixes & What You Can and Can't Do (Maybe)TS 2068 User group in Ohio working on project to interface Commodore 1541 disk drive to TS 2068.
Computer Shopper discontinues articlesHad published articles about Commodore 64, Sinclair, TI, Atari 8-bits.
Congratulations to Toronto Timex-Sinclair clubClub continues to support TS 2068 and Larken DOS users.
Disk LibraryTS 2068 TS 2068 disk utilities program available from RA Hilsman in Menomonee Falls, WI.
Donald Lambert reports his ZX-81 LDOS disk system upTS 1000 Fix for mating LDOS with Tandon disk drives. Also working on a custom ZX-81 for controller applications, developed with Mike LeDuc.
Experiment with wordprocessingAlso working on implementing a machine language compression algorithm.
Fix for Timemachine BASIC CompilerTS 2068 Fix printed in August 1989 CATS and Dec 1989 Timelinez newsletters.
Larken ElectronicsTS 2068 Original designers of ZX81/TS 1000 LDOS and TS 2068 LKDOS turning attention to computer-controlled shaper/router/plotter, driven by IBM PC compatible. Software originally written in Pascal on TS 2068.
Magazine NewsSyncWare News lost approximately $5,000 before going out of circulation.
Mailing List ChangesUpdates to contacts for groups in Ohio and Pennsylvania.
Mailing list updatesDec 1989 issues was final newsletter and notice of dissolution of Harrisburgh Area TSUG.
Mark Yost working on deal to buy out-of-business stockWide variety of TS 1000 and TS 2068 tapes may be available.
Maxcom TS2068 BBS system for LKDOSTS 2068 BBS software available from RMG. Larry Kenny working on desktop publishing system and is PC-based marketing plotter, engraver, router/miller.
- MScript upgraded to 5.5
News for this yearTS 1000 QL Macintosh and NeXT emulators being readied. Author working on several self-published books about ZX81/TS 1000 computers. Local group developing simple compiler.
News from SNUGDue to illness and personal situations, work on newsletter is delayed. Seeking donations for public domain library.
News of a Local NatureOttawa-Hull Timex-Sinclair User Group continued to meet.
Newsletter hardware articlesTrend is shifting to Z88 and QL modifications.
Newsletters and ClubsUpdate on Vancouver TSUG, where Wilf Rigter has contributed a number of technical articles. New addresses for other groups, notices of user groups disbanding or discontinuing newsletters.
Ottawa-Hull TSUG meetingTS 2068 Exchange of experiences in Pascal programming; Dave Solly using HiSoft Pascal on TS 2068.
Pixel Print Plus (ver 4) releasedTS 2068 Indiana Timex Sinclair User reports program was almost finished when Stan Lemke, the author, exited market. Steven Spalding of Sting Graphics completed program.
Published-Program Survey of NewslettersList of programs appearing in user group newsletters in late 1989.
Sincus runs list of TS2068 ROM routinesTS 2068 Source released for non-commercial use.
Supplier FileUpdates on contact information for software, hardware and documentation.
SuppliersUpdates on Larken Electronics, RMG, Update Magazine, EMSoft, John McMichael, Byte Power.
- Time Designs Magazine v5 n2 issued
TreeForthSource code for TreeFORTH (a ROMable, TS1000, slightly non-standard FORTH) has been released for non-commercial use by author Bob Alsum.
TS1000's still availableTS 1000 Gary Young in Iowa has working and non-working units, RAM packs and software.
Useful Sinclair Programmer Notes (On Telephone Nos.)TS 1000 Type-in program Hints on how to store a telephone number in three bytes (encoded) versus seven bytes.
Using an audio transformer as cassette load aidTS 1000 TS 2068 Article appeared in August-December 1989 issue of CRAGIST.
ZX-81/TS1000 TipsTS 1000 Using the CODE function instead of numbers to save bytes; saving space with DIMensioned variables.