The Authoritative Website for Timex/Sinclair Computers
The Authoritative Website for Timex/Sinclair Computers
The Sinclair membrane keyboard was widely acknowledge as its Achille’s heel and reviled in the popular press. Solutions for correcting the shortcoming were numerous and immediate: the first information about attaching a “real” keyboard appeared in the second issue of Syntax ZX80.
As with other hardware solutions to Sinclair challenges, the variety and ingenuity of keyboard fixes was quite astounding.
One popular resolution involved overlays to the membrane keyboard. They didn’t solve the lack of haptic feedback but did address the “touch-typing” problem of finding the exact spot to press.
At the other end of the spectrum, Memotech (and others) offered full-size keyboards that plugged into the TS 1000 or provided an entirely new case and keyboard for the computer.
Dry transfer key cap graphics in red and black; identical to those on the Sinclair keyboard. For use on full size keyboards with standard 1/2″ key caps.
Overlay with moving keys. Fits over existing keyboard and is held in place by adhesive strips. Keys press the membrane keyboard via specially marked dimples on the underside. Keys are color coded and all functions clearly printed. The filesixty buttonset and Secondbase keyboard are the same mechanism. The filesixty has color keys with black printing.
Improves speed and accuracy of keyboard data entry. The sound varies from a buzzy-chirp to a click and depends on what the computer is doing. Sound is produced when a program runs, so some sound effects can be created. Installs inside computer.
A thin transparent keyboard overlay that speeds input and improves accuracy. Lets you feel key positions, yet thin enough not to interfere with typing.
Full function keyboard in metal case. Two space keys, full space bar and numeric pad. Single-stroke keys for DELETE, STOP, EDIT and FUNCTION. Shift keys are blue with blue legends for shifted operations. Function key is green; function operations in green. Delete, stop and edit are red. Numeric keys are blue. All other keys and
Cased keyboard with 52 keys, 12 of which are on the number pad. Case measures 15 x 9 x 2 1/2″. Computer fits inside (removed from original case). Comes with motherboard to attach RAM and extend expansion bus to rear edge of case.
Full-size, full-stroke, 53 key, fully assembled, gold contact keyboard for all Sinclair ZX80/ZX81, MicroAce, and TS 1000 computers. Full-length space bar and 2 oversized shift keys for easier typing. Includes plans and schematics for three special circuits you can build to utilize the 12 extra keys: electronic shift-lock, automatic repeat, automatic shift.
Large 60 key tactile feel keyboard plugs into same connectors as the existing keyboard on your ZX81, TS1000, TS1500 or TS2000. TS1000 legends and graphics in three colors on the base-molded moving key with alphanumeric characters; 8 automatic shifted keys, 2 shift keys, numeric key pad, 5″ space bar. 60 small calculator-style keys, silk-screened legends
Fully cased with 44 full stroke keys. Special features include a beep for every key, a repeat key, and a full space bar. An additional shift key and an “ON-OFF” beep and CPU switch.
Fully cased fully sized keyboard for the TS1000 or ZX81. 40 full stroke keys with all legends printed in 2 colors. Simple soldering of ribbon cable is all that is needed for installation. Repeat key.
Full size keyboard conversion. 41 keys with full-size space bar. Allows touch typing. Same key layouts as Sinclair. Two color keytops. Keyboard case holds both keyboard and computer. Commands and graphics spelled out on keytops. Rear cutout allows any RAM to be plugged in.
Same key mechanism as used by IBM, Texas Instruments, Hewlett Packard, and others. Full travel, gold inlaid contacts. 40 keys plus space bar. Custom molded enclosure. Sharp TS1000 legends in two colors are easy to read and will never wear off. Connector for numeric keypad. Strikingly similar to the Byte Back Keyboard.
Instructions on how to add a full-size keyboard to a ZX80 or 81. Includes instructions to use extra keys for shift lock, automatic shift, automatic repeat and reset.
Plugs into expansion port; beeps when a character is accepted by the computer’s keyboard input routine. Expansion connector allows other devices to be connected. Beep can be triggered from Basic.
Kit allows the use of either the full-size keyboard or the Sinclair/Timex keyboard. Full-size industrial grade keyboard with 62 keys, 2 p.c. boards, 18″ ribbon cable, DIP socket and 4 rubber feet. The keyboard conversion kit can be mounted in DTE-AK enclosure. A label representing the ZX81/1000 keyboard layout is placed on the enclosure.
Plans to convert a full-size keyboard with shift-lock key. Includes parts list, source of materials, directions and working drawings for a wood case to hold keyboard and computer.
Keyboard interface; plugs into the edge connector so that you do not have to open your computer to plug a keyboard in. KBD-1 for TS 1000; KBD-2 for TS 2068. Board component and schematics corrected by Eduardo Fuentes are below in the gallery.
73 full size keys with 46 automatically shifted functions, editing/game key row and special graphics section. Double-sided PC board, 3 color silkscreened key legends, parts and instructions.
Adhesive overlay for the TS 1000 keyboard. Raised outline around each key aids in positioning. Key labeling is all white with a thick white border around each key.
47 key keyboard with interconnecting cable, interface card, wooden cabinet and keycap legends. Plugs into cartridge port of 2068. Includes single key entry for EDIT, DELETE, CAPS and cursor keys.
Two different keypads available, matching double H keyboard. Both are assembled but unwired, so you can use them either for numerical keypads or as extra keys.
Keyboard attaches directly to the TS1000 or ZX81, replacing the existing membrane. Positive response from the keys. All legends marked in 2 colors. Also sold by E. Arthur Brown as the MK II Keyboard.
The Kradle was a keyboard and enclosure upgrade for the ZX-81 and TS 1000. It had 50 calculator-style keys (including a full-size space bar and two shift keys), 64K of RAM and circuitry to improve tape load/save. The Kradle allowed users to copy the ROM to RAM and then turn the ROM off. Unlike some
High quality standard typewriter keyboard with TS1000 legends. The keyboard is cable connected to a buffered interface which is housed in a standard Memopak case and plugs directly into the back of the TS1000 or other Memopaks. The blue version was available first.
Full-size keyboard plugs into the ZX81/TS1000 circuit board. Comes with standard Sinclair legends on removable key tops, a full-size space bar and seven extra keys, plus edge card connector for adding extra memory. Likely the Dean Electronics keyboard, imported from England.
The filesixty buttonset and Secondbase keyboard are the same mechanism. The filesixty has color keys with black printing. Its the ‘Enter’ key is labeled ‘New Line’ and the 0 is ‘Rub’. The same keys on the Secondbase are labeled ‘Enter’ and ‘Delete’, respectively, and all of its keys are black with white lettering.
Enables one-finger keying via touch switch to suit user, on/off keyboard. Holds SHIFT active about one second, freeing one hand. Speeds keying; helps handicapped. Module, capacitor and LED fit inside all cases.
Incorporates a 58 key keyboard, 14 additional keys and a full space bar. All symbols are enlarged by 25%. Aluminum and steel construction. The Synergistic Design keyboard shown in their early advertisements was not the product delivered.
The System Logic KBD-2 incorporates a 58 key keyboard; 15 additional keys and a full space bar. All symbols are enlarged by 25% and reproduced onto a white field. Aluminum and steel construction reduces RFI (radio frequency interference). Keyboard features single-stroke/single-entry electronic shift/shift lock and auto repeat. ENABLE prevents unwanted key entries. Connects without soldering.
Allows “touch typing” and improved game playing. Made of clear, self-adhesive vinyl with key-shaped rectangular holes for easy finger positioning and tactile feedback.
Full size 43 key keyboard with single key selection of Function, Shift Lock and Graphic modes. 2 LED mode indicators. Simple plug-in installation. Fully enclosed. Made by Maplin Electronics.