- AERCO-Tasword Two Patch
- Full-Size Printer Patches for MTERM I Software
- Letter from England (Sync v3 n5)
- Make the Tasman 'B' Centronics Printer Interface Work with the Larken DS400
- Make the Tasman 'B' CPI Work With the LarKen DS-400
- Make the Tasman 'B' CPI Work With the Larken DS-400
- Olivetti Printer vs Tasman
- Pokes for Tasman Interface
- Printer Interfaces and Driver Software
- Printer Prose
- Tasman + Quadra Chart
- Tasman Parallel Printer Interface
- Tasman Printer Interface Pokes
- Tasman Utilities and Lister
- Tasprint
- Taswide
- Taswide Review
- Tasword II, Tasman Serial Interface, Brother EP-44 Printer
- Tasword Two Tips
- The Tasman 'B' CPI
- Using Tasword II with the Zebra Serial Ports
- VU-3D and the Tasman I/F
- VU-Calc and the Tasman I/F
- Word Processing for the 2068: Tasword II