Zebra Systems, Inc.

78-06 Jamaica Ave, Woodhaven, NY 11421
Owner(s): Stewart Newfeld

Incorporated in February 1983, and founded by Stewart Newfeld, Zebra Systems developed products for the Timex/Sinclair 1000 and 2068 computers. Newfeld quit a job as plant manager of a manufacturing company to start Zebra Systems, Inc.

Newfeld designed a keyboard-beeper, joystick adapter, A/D converter, and a speech-synthesizer for the TS1000, TS1500 and TS2068. He marketed Zebra products by taking out advertisements in various Timex/Sinclair oriented magazines.

It was a small company, and at its peak, had six employees. Newfeld was the hardware designer, manager/president, and chief cook and bottle washer. In addition, there was a computer programmer; two production people who assembled, soldered and tested product; and one general assistant hobby computer enthusiast. Nearly everyone pitched in with customer service duties, shipping clerk, etc.

Zebra employees included:

Al wrote software, manuals and ran the bulletin board system for Zebra. One BASIC program he wrote made cassette labels. According to Al:

“Zebra did most of the order processing on an IMSAI 8080 upgraded with a Z80 card. We used dBase II with a custom written system to take orders and print out mailing labels and invoices. I also used that system to do the typesetting for our catalogs with a program called Fancy Font (with an RX-80F/T printer). Later, we upgraded to Televideo MS-DOS compatible system, and I just continued to use Fancy Font on it until we got a Mac with a Laserwriter.”

Tom Gee was a hardware design engineer. He created circuit designs for products, including designing the printed circuit boards. He also diagnosed and repaired problems with products returned by customers. Tom also authored some of Zebra’s software.

Jeff Street wrote software for Zebra, most notably the OS 64 cartridge.

Zebra’s survival in the first few years after Timex stopped selling computers was in no small part accomplished by purchasing large quantities of books, software cassettes, trackballs, ZX81 kits, and more at closeout prices.

Just before starting Zebra, Newfeld worked for a company repurposing a large manufacturing building in Bronx that had loading docks and fork lifts.

His former boss let him store entire pallets of computer surplus after he started Zebra.

When Melbourne House got rid of their Timex/Sinclair products, he was offered the remaining copies of “The INS and OUTS of the TS1000 & ZX81” by Don Thomasson. He purchased them for 10 cents a book, but had to take the pallet of 2000 books. Being able to handle and store 800lb pallets long term was critical to Zebra.

Other notable closeout purchases were 2,800 ZX81 kits, hundreds of RAM and other modules from Memotech, thousands of WICO Trackballs, thousands of books and software cassettes.

In 1985, they imported a small quantity of floppy disk controllers and drives from Timex of Portugal for the TS2068 computer.

Zebra continued to support Timex/Sinclair computers long after Timex stopped supporting them and transitioned to supporting other personal computers from Atari, Commodore and Radio Shack.

Zebra Systems is now a web and computer consulting company.


Diskettes for the FDD-3, FDD-3000 and Amdek disk drives.
TS 2068
The CP/M option for the Zebra FDD 3 gives you access to the large library of CP/M-80 business and personal software. Includes terminal emulator program which allows the TS2068 to run CP/M in 64 column mode.
TS 2068
The TS2068 version of the A&J Micro Drive has all the features of the original and includes a Centronics printer interface.
TS 2068
TS 2068
Up to 8 appointments per day for up to 31 days. Change or delete any appointment. Print a list of appointments for day or month. Save all appointments on tape. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000 TS 2068
In a desperate attempt you have to break through the Allied lines, inflict heavy losses and capture as many towns as possible to prevent the Fall of the Third Reich.
TS 2068
Drawing and gallery program for the 2068. Includes variety of brushes, fonts and drawing tools.
Downloadable TS 2068
Create banners that include graphics and text. Includes graphic icons and a program to edit them.
Downloadable TS 2068
Sound effects generator.
TS 1000
Defend England in this hypothetical invasion during World War II. Effects of rail lines, weather, terrain and ports, Scrolling map, multiple attacks. Every invasion is totally different to which German divisions are used, where they land, and depending on whether how many reinforcements they get and to which port. Program uses 231 user defined graphics.
Downloadable TS 2068
Contains pictures of a circus flag, circus tent, clown, elephant, ringmaster, lion, strong man, and more. For use with Zebra graphics tablet.
Downloadable TS 2068
Lets you create Zebra graphics tablet coloring books. Includes special picture data-compression routines to squeeze as many pictures as possible into the computer’s available memory.
TS 2068
TS 2068
Many vendors sold ZX80/ZX81/TS 1000 compatible edge connectors in solder-tail and wire-wrap versions. The wire-wrap connector could be used with a small printed circuit board to build a feed-through device that would allow for connecting another expansion unit.
TS 1000
Paint program with eight times the normal resolution. More than 25 unique functions. Joystick control, menu-driven. Printer support including high resolution grayscale printing to TS 2040 and Epson printers. Print in color to Canon color ink-jet printers and compatibles.
TS 2068
395 AD: Command the resources of the Roman Empire in its struggle for survival against the eleven Barbarian tribal groups of the north. You battle with two empires of the East as they try to take advantage of your troubles. With the income of the Empire you must build and raise legions, and hire enemy
TS 2068
As the German player your devastated army must hold off the Allies and Russians on two different fronts, and hold Berlin as long as possible. Effects of rivers, forts, and mountains. Multiple attacks are used on both sides. A great game to learn what really happened to the Third Reich the last few months. A
TS 2068
Add-on disk drive for the Zebra FDD 3 disk drive system.
TS 2068
Four piece disk drive system designed for the TC 2068. Base system included disk controller, disk drive, system connector and twister board to convert the TS 2068 to the Spectrum bus. The system uses 3″ single-sided floppy disk drives. Each side holds 160K; the disk must be flipped to read/write the other side. The controller
TS 2068 TC 2068 ZX Spectrum
Power supply, FDD controller and with two disk drives in a black metal case. Same intelligent controller as original FDD 3 but with expanded internal RAM of 64K. Each drive stores 160K per side. Zebra version included CP/M 2.2 and 64 column terminal emulator program for the TS 2068. A recreation of the CP/M is
TS 2068
Option for those who wish to run Spectrum software with the FDD 3000. Allows you to LOAD, SAVE and RUN Spectrum software from FDD 3000.
TS 2068
Can you find your way through the maze? The exit is there somewhere … but so is a T. REX. Written in machine code, the 3D Monster Maze has been rated among the finest ZX81 and T/S 1000 games available. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
You are chased around a maze by ghosts. If you can eat some magic food you have a chance of stopping the ghosts. This is a superb realization of this exciting game for the ZX81 and TS1000 computer. Written in machine code, with excellent graphics, there is also a personalized ‘high-score’. 16K.
Downloadable TS 1000
KoalaPad, Zebra Graphics Interface, ZebraPainter software and manual. Graphics interface has two 6-pin DIN connectors for the graphics tablet or analog joysticks. Expansion connector for additional peripherals.
TS 2068
Plastic optical filter. Fit any 12″ TV or monitor.
TS 1000
Design and print custom greeting cards. Includes graphics. Print custom greeting cards for any occasion including: birthdays, anniversaries, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Christmas, and others. It can also be used to make custom invitations, thank you cards, get-well cards and announcements. Easy to use and includes a library of 16 pre-drawn hi-res graphic pictures for
Downloadable TS 2068
Uses high resolution character set (32×32 cells) to give high quality output on TS 2040 or full-size printer. Proportional font spacing.
TS 2068
Connect Atari compatible joystick to the ZX81/TS 1000. Plugs into back of computer; expansion connector for other peripherals. Instructions for patching popular games. Uses port 1Dh.
Downloadable TS 1000
Same key mechanism as used by IBM, Texas Instruments, Hewlett Packard, and others. Full travel, gold inlaid contacts. 40 keys plus space bar. Custom molded enclosure. Sharp TS1000 legends in two colors are easy to read and will never wear off. Connector for numeric keypad. Strikingly similar to the Byte Back Keyboard.
TS 1000
Plugs into expansion port; beeps when a character is accepted by the computer’s keyboard input routine. Expansion connector allows other devices to be connected. Beep can be triggered from Basic.
TS 1000
Female solder-tail connector with key to match the TS1000/ZX81. Custom label identifies each pin number and corresponding signal name.
TS 1000
Software to make better use of your Westridge 2050 modem and MTERM II terminal software with the TS2068. Letteriter is a 32-column Word Processor for the TS2068 computer and a TS2040 printer. With Letteriter you can write, edit, and save screens of information to print with your TS2040. Bufferiter interfaces with MTERM II and allows
TS 2068
Light pen, manual, computer interface module, demonstration programs on cassette.
Downloadable TS 1000 TS 2068
Download/upload files via Xmodem with Westridge or Byte-Back modem. 16-64K.
TS 1000
Machine language word processor developed exclusively for the Timex 2068 by Micro Systems Software, Inc., the authors of MTERM II (Smart Terminal II). It is the only popular word processor that takes advantage of the Timex 2068 64 column extended screen mode for a 64×22 text display. Other features include full control of text width
Downloadable TS 2068
Terminal program that improved on MTERM. Supplied by Westridge Communications with the Westridge 2050 modem. Features
TS 2068
Terminal program with 14 number auto dial director, 27K send/receive buffer, 10 macro keys, etc. On cartridge.
Downloadable TS 2068
Terminal program that improved on MTERM. Features
TS 1000 TS 2068
OS-64 is a ROM that supports the Timex/Sinclair’s 64-column mode. It is fully compatible with 32 column commands and functions. The original Zebra manual is available on archive.org. OS-64 is supplied on cartridge. Insert in the TS2068’s cartridge slot (with the power turned off), then turn your computer on. The boot screen will be black
Downloadable TS 2068
Collection of utilities for use with OS-64 cartridge. Includes:
Downloadable TS 2068
64 column program which features an automatic monthly calendar in one window, menus in another window and your database information in a third. Store and manage 200 appointments and 50 phone numbers with addresses. Requires OS-64 Operating System cartridge.
TS 2068
Utility to color TS 2068 screen images and save to tape. Excellent companion to black-and-white drawing programs like VU-3D and Tech Draw Jr.
TS 2068
Printed circuit board designed for prototyping circuits with the TS2068.
TS 2068
Printed circuit board designed for prototyping circuits with the ZX81/TS1000.
ZX81 TS 1000
Create signs that include text and graphics.
Downloadable TS 2068
Contains pictures of space ships, astronauts, and alien creatures. For use with Zebra graphics tablet.
Downloadable TS 2068
This emulator consisted of a 32K EPROM that replaced the 16K ROM. The EPROM contained the 2068 operating system in the lower half, and Spectrum operating system in the upper half. Errors in both operating systems were corrected. Error correction is detailed in documentation. The lower or upper half of the 32K EPROM is selected
TS 2068
Plug-in cartridge with pull-up resistors. Housed in modified Timex cartridge case.
TS 2068
Fixed implementation of sprites code from the TS 2068 technical manual. Includes 34 page manual.
TS 2068
Output grey-scale screen copies of color screen images to your printer equipped with a TASMAN interface.
TS 2068
Available in Centronics and RS-232 versions. Supplied with 3′ cable and driver software.
TS 2068
Allows you to print documents in 5 different type-styles. Provides underline, boxed and inverse printing. All type fonts have true descenders and may be merged with TASWORD TWO or your own BASIC programs. Requires TASMAN printer interface.
TS 2068
This is utility lets you print in 64 columns, including program listings, by using a 4×8 narrow font. The code loads at location 63222 and is 2146 bytes long. You should use a CLEAR 63221 before loading it. To use it, just make a call once then PRINT CHR$ 3 and clear the screen to
Downloadable TS 2068
Full featured word processor for the TS2068. Features
Downloadable TS 2068
High resolution black and white drawing utility inspired by MacPaint for the Apple Macintosh computer. For use with the Zebra Graphics Interface and Graphics Tablet, Tech-Draw allows for drawing curves and freehand. Supports many popular printers. Draw commands 35 preset shades & patterns 16 selectable brushes including Text mode features
Downloadable TS 2068
High resolution black and white drawing utility inspired by MacPaint for the Apple Macintosh computer. This version does not require or support the Zebra Graphics Interface and Tablet.
Downloadable TS 2068
Assortment of programs including a planner, notepad, calculator and more.
TS 2068
BASIC compiler for TS 2068.
Downloadable TS 2068
Real-time flight simulation based on the US ARMY AH64A Advanced Attack helicopter. 3D world display, day/night vision, full instrument display. Allegedly approved by Hughes Aircraft for accuracy prior to release.
Downloadable TS 2068
Carrying cases custom molded for TIMEX Corporation. They resemble small attache cases, approximately 13 1/2″ x 10″ x 3 1/2″, have a black leather-like texture, distinctive Timex/Sinclair logo, and feature small fold—away carrying handles. Each case has seven individual compartments for the following items: Only 2,000 were produced.
TS 1000 TS 1500
The 2040 printed on 4.3″ wide thermal paper in 32 columns. All Timex computers could print individual lines (LPRINT), list programs (LLIST) or dump the screen (COPY) to the printer. The 2040 improved on the ZX Printer by adding two ferrite rings around the cable to reduce TV and radio interference and an interface IC,
TS 1000 TS 2068
WICO trackball originally designed for use with the Apple II, which had analog joysticks. Came with WICO trackball and Apple interface card, Zebra-designed Apple-to-Timex bus interface and instructions for reading trackball X and Y values. Combination worked with TS1000/1500 and TS 2068.
TS 1000 TS 2068
Cassette tapes with graphics for use with Zebra’s Greeting Card Designer and Sign Designer programs. Tape collections included:
TS 2068
WICO trackball controller, designed for the TI 99/4A. Modified by Zebra to be Atari-compatible.
TS 2068
You command the German invasion of Russia to take Moscow. As commander of the German forces you must launch a surprise invasion of Russia, capture and hold Moscow before the weather and the Red Army overwhelms you. Effects of terrain, weather and fuel supply. Eleven types of divisions and brigades. Available for the TS 1000
Downloadable TS 1000 TS 2068 QL
Untested and uncased modem board.
TS 1000 TS 2068
Complete kit consisting of small printed circuit board, 3 ICs, DB9 connector and instructions. Turns WC2050 into true RS232.
TS 1000 TS 2068
PC board and instructions to turn WC2050 into true RS232 interface.
TS 1000 TS 2068
The Westridge Communications 2050 modem allows you to communicate through your telephone with other computers and information sources. With this modem and the included MTERM I cassette software, you can connect to other computers, bulletin boards and services like THE SOURCE, CompuServe, DOW JONES, and MCI MAIL. Features Prints displayed screens on the TS2040.
TS 1000 TS 2068
Machine code program that gives windowing support for TS 2068. Allows a BASIC or machine language program to LIST or PRINT to sections of the screen. Define up to 8 windows, ranging from 2×2 characters to the full screen. Includes version for use with OS-64 cartridge.
Downloadable TS 2068
Word processor with extended features. 42 characters per line, upper and lower case plus punctuation and 20 special characters. Full screen editing, auto repeat on all keys. 8,000 characters with 16K RAM, expandable for larger RAM packs. Requires 16k and TS2040 or Alphacom 32 printer. 16-64K.
Downloadable TS 1000
Same as Word Sinc II.3 but produces 80 column printouts with standard parallel interface and 80 column printer. 8,000 characters with 16K, 48,000 with 64K.
TS 1000
The Z-Clock’s built-in battery back-up feature lets you keep track of time even when your computer is turned off. When you turn on your TS2068, the Z-Clock can tell it the year, month, date, day of the week, and time of day down to the tenths of a second. Features a 64-pin bus extension connector.
TS 2068
Z-Stick is a joystick interface for use with Spectrum game software on the TS2068. Z-Stick is Kempston-compatible. It also includes two jacks for sound and beep; a power LED, and a reset switch.
TS 2068
Z-Stick plus Spectrum emulator ROM.
TS 2068
Terminal program for use with OS-64.
Downloadable TS 2068
8-channel analog-to-digital interface for ZX81, TS1000, TS1500, TS2068. Manual includes sample applications and I/O software. 8-bit resolution, 0-5 volt scale range.
TS 1000 TS 1500 TS 2068
Unlimited vocabulary voice synthesizer uses the Votrax SC-01 phoneme synthesizer with 4 programmable pitch levels and automatic inflection. It produces all the phonemes required for English speech. The Zebra-Talker comes complete with the ZTalker Text to Speech software on cassette. This software contains an advanced machine language algorithm with more than 400 rules of English
ZX81 TS 1000 TS 1500
Unlimited vocabulary voice synthesizer uses the Votrax SC-01 phoneme synthesizer with 4 programmable pitch levels and automatic inflection. It produces all the phonemes required for English speech. The Zebra-Talker comes complete with the ZTalker Text to Speech software on cassette. This software contains an advanced machine language algorithm with more than 400 rules of English
Downloadable TS 2068
Print grey-scale reproduction of color screen to an 80-column printer. Includes high and low memory TS 2068 and Spectrum versions. Includes 80-column LPRINT and LLIST support. Use your 80-column printer with your own or existing applications programs. Supports a 2040-size COPY to your 80—column printer. Compatible with Zeus Assembler and Zeus Monitor/Disassembler. Only LLIST and
Downloadable TS 2068
Unlimited vocabulary including: words, letters, symbols and numbers. Talking is as simple as typing “TESTING 1 2 3”. Requires 16K RAM.
Downloadable TS 1000 TS 2068
Artificial intelligence system. Create an expert system on any topic.
TS 2068


A comprehensive manual designed to teach you to write and develop Basic programs for the TS1000 and ZX81; no other books or aids are necessary. Easy step-by-step guide with programs and “test yourself” exercises throughout. Every concept and function is fully described by simple programs. Over 100 programs and examples. Reference work for experienced programmers.
ZX80 ZX81 TS 1000
Includes Part A: 0000H-0F54H & Part B: 0F55H – 1DFFH.
ZX81 TS 1000
For the 2068 and 2050 modem. Explains how to upload and download, macro-keys, translation tables, auto log-ons, settings, and much more.
TS 2068



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