We discussed the project to re-create the Timex 1510 cartridge player and make it more useful. Carl talked about the hardware issues, Ryan spoke to his efforts to write a program that will create the necessary binary files to program a modern cartridge. Joe is working on incorporating all the necessary changes to make useful circuit boards.
Next, Carl talked about his effort to recreate the Timex/Sinclair 2000, an early version of the 2068 that looked very much like a Sinclair ZX Spectrum. Beware, we spent 20 minutes arguing whether it was silver or specular black. No conclusion was reached but we did learn a lot about the Czerweny CZ 2000, a computer made originally in Portugal for the Argentinian market, later built in Argentina. It used a version of the shell originally designed for the Timex/Sinclair 1500 computer.
Adam Trionfo, Carl Miles and Ryan Gray met separately and recorded a video about Carl’s project, available here:
Last, Ryan showed us photos he took at two computer museums in England during his recent visit there.