
This site is for anyone who’s interested in the Sinclair and Timex/Sinclair computers in North America and the community around them.

You’ll find information about the Sinclair, Timex/Sinclair and related computers that were available, the people, user groups, events, books, magazines and newsletters, companies, hardware and software, and more.

Thank You

This site would not be possible without the perseverance, preservation and tenacity of Timex/Sinclair users. We are grateful for all their efforts to keep the community alive and supported across the years and to save and preserve materials.

In particular, we want to recognize all the generous donors who support us via the GoFundMe account, who’ve sent all kinds of materials to be scanned, digitized and uploaded to archive.org. This site would not be possible without their, and your, support.

Archived materials on this site include generous donations from the collections of:

And thank you to our generous donors who support us via the GoFundMe. Your support keeps the website up, allows us to host the user group meetings, and continue to find and preserve evidence of our community.

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