More than 11,000 articles were published about the Sinclair and Timex computers in more than 1,400 issues of academic publications, general computing, dedicated magazines and user group newsletters.
Timex/Sinclair Magazines and Newsletters
A number of publications, from slick professionally produced magazines to photocopied user group newsletters, supported the Timex/Sinclair computers.
This is not a complete list: many smaller magazines and user group newsletters are missing.
General Computing Publications
The Sinclair computers were a cultural phenomenon. Their very existence and price redefined home/personal computers and brought affordable computing to the home and school markets.
- 73 Magazine
- 80 Micro
- Basic Computing
- Byte
- Compute!
- Computer Monthly
- Computer Shopper
- ComputerDigest
- Computers & Electronics
- Creative Computing
- Creative Computing Video & Arcade Games
- Dr. Dobb's Journal
- Electronic Fun with Computers & Games
- Electronic Games
- Electronic Servicing & Technology
- Electronics Today International
- Enter Magazine
- Family Computing
- H & E Computronics
- Hands On!
- Hands-On Electronics
- inCider
- Infoworld
- Interface Age
- K-Power
- Kilobaud Microcomputing
- Mart
- Micro: The 6502/6809 Journal
- Microcomputing Magazine
- MicroKids
- MicroTimes
- Online Today
- Personal Computing
- Popular Computing
- Popular Computing Weekly
- Popular Electronics
- Radio Electronics
- Retro Review
- Robotics Age
- Softline
- The Computer Journal
- The Midnite/PAPER
- TODAY Magazine
- TPUG Magazine
- Video Games
Because the ZX80, ZX81 and TS1000 were so inexpensive, they were popular among academics who needed dedicated computing power in their labs. Educators liked the Sinclair computers because they were inexpensive and seemingly indestructible.
- American Laboratory
- American Libraries
- Behavior Research Methods
- BioScience
- Hearing Instruments
- Human Organization
- IEEE Spectrum
- IEEE Transactions on Education
- Instrumentation Science & Technology
- International Directory of Company History
- International Journal of Bio-Medical Computing
- Journal of Special Education Technology
- Music Educators Journal
- Neutron radiography: proceedings of the second world conference
- Photonics West โ Lasers and Applications in Science and Engineering 102
- Proceedings of the IEEE
- Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science
- Proceedings of the National Workshop on Field Data Acquisition for Building and Equipment Energy Use Monitoring
- Technology Teacher
- The Arithmetic Teacher
- The Journal of Business Strategy
- The Reading Teacher
Articles about these computers appeared in many popular news publications.