Tape to Tape Backup

Related Articles: Tape Backup
Developer(s): Larry Kenny
Date: 1986
Type: Program
Platform(s): TS 2068

Make tape to tape copies using the 2068 as a signal reconditioner.

Appears on

One of a series of library tapes. Programs on these tapes were renamed to a number series. This tape contained programs 20001 to 20050. These tapes were compiled by Tony Willing.


Tape to Tape Backup

Source Code

    1 REM "Tape to Tape Backup"
    2 REM By Larry Kenny
    3 REM SUM Magazine June 1986
    4 REM Routine is relocateable
   10 CLEAR 60000
   20 FOR a=60000 TO 60019
   25 READ x: POKE a,x
   30 NEXT a: CLS 
   35 PRINT : PRINT "Tape to Tape Backup by          Larry Kenny of Larken Electronic"
   40 PRINT : PRINT "  This program is for making    tape to tape copies using the   2068 as a signal reconditioner": PRINT 
   50 PRINT "  Using 2 tape recorders, play  the original tape into the      input of the 2068 (ear) and     record your backup tape from    the output of the 2068 (mic).   Adjust the play volume so the   border doesn't flicker too much on the silent periods of the    tape."
   60 PRINT : PRINT "  Rewind both tape recorders andstart them both at the same time",,"TYPE 3 to stop"
   70 RANDOMIZE USR 60000
  100 DATA 243,219,254,31,31,31,48,10,203,95,40,2,246,4,211,254,24,239,251,201
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