Hacksel Electronics

247 Queen St. West, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5V 1Z4
Owner(s): Peter Hacksel

Produced printer interfaces for the Timex/Sinclair 2068. One plugged into the cartridge slot, the other connected to the rear edge connector of the printer.


Printer interface that was available as cartridge port or rear edge connector models. Worked with Centronics printers, allows full page, hi-res color screen copies using a gray scale and is compatible with software designed for Aerco and Tasman interfaces as well as Omnicalc II, Vu-Calc, and Vu-File.
TS 2068


  • For Your Support
    Hardware and software announcements from many vendors.
  • T-S News
    Midwest Timex-Sinclair Computerfest coming. Byte-Back still in business. AN-TO Productions carries line of plastic keyboard overlays for the TS2068, for use with Tasword and MScript. English Micro Connection carries Spectrum games. Zebra Systems selling TS1510 cartridge doc and three cartridges. Applied Sinclair: Subroutines and Programs for the Mathematically Inclined available from Richard Booth. Hacksel Electronics




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