M. H. Marks Enterprises

315 Thornberry Ct., Pittsburgh, PA 15237


Make more intelligent decisions at the wagering window. After pertinent data obtained from standard racing programs is entered, the computer assigns appropriate “points” to each parameter based on a weighted system and a display of the percentage of “chance to win” of each horse in the field. 16K.
TS 1000
Store all pertinent data of up to ten different stocks at a time. Continuously calculates gains, yields (including dividends received) and length of time held of individual stocks as well as a composite view of all holdings. Each stock entry can be easily modified or deleted. 16K.
TS 1000
Calculates broker’s commission on any stock in any quantity. Calculates gains and yields on currently held stocks. Call Option strategy also is incorporated into this program: When you buy a stock and sell an option against the stock, the computer will calculate what will happen on expiration date of the option. 16K.
TS 1000



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