Publication Details
Volume: 1 Issue: 3
Bill Jones of Panama City, FL sent an interesting note. He says, “UPDATES has the potential of being a National Newsletter for Sinclair Computer Information. Looking further down the road, UPDATES could be a vehicle to start up a National Sinclair Computer Club.”
Funny you should mention that, Bill. While UPDATES is definitely not ever going to be a “general interest” sort of rag, I do see the need for some other publication to help fill the void left by SYNC cutting out. I am doing what I can to help out in this. Namely, I am publishing another newsletter devoted to a broad range of ZX/TS interests.
This newsletter is called THE SYNCWARE NEWS, a bimonthly journal for all Sinclair/Timex computer fanatics. Actually, SYNCWARE NEWS is not new. It has been around for the past year. What is new is my involvement in the publishing aspects of the journal. I hope to contribute whatever talent I have toward improving the format of SYNCWARE NEWS, broadening its scope, and boosting its circulation.