“Made In Spain” ZX81 and TS1000 PCBs

Timex is well known for building ZX81 and ZX Spectrum computers at its Dundee, Scotland facility. The Timex/Sinclair 1000 computers, on the other hand, were assembled by Timex Portugal. While Timex usually did all their own work, they did sometimes subcontract to other producers.

One of those subcontracts resulted in “Made In Spain” printed circuit boards for the the Timex/Sinclair 1000. Several individuals have found instances of this PCB and one example is in the LOAD ZX Spectrum museum on Portugal.

João Diogo Ramos, of the LOAD ZX Spectrum museum, tracked down the supplier.

According to João, the “PCB was produced by the Spanish company Microser, which, together with another company called Cebisa, were TIMEX Portugal’s suppliers for some batches, as we confirmed with people who worked in the company’s Purchasing Department and with whom we are in contact. As for the ZX81 with PCB Made in Spain, either TIMEX Dundee subcontracted a batch of ZX81s to TIMEX Portugal, or TIMEX Dundee itself had some PCBs made in Spain.”

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