Amstrad Demonstration from Danny Reed of EDU-TRON




Publication Details

Volume: 4 Issue: 8


August 1987



First off, Fred Andreucci introduced us to his other two partners and passed out some hand-outs concerning the Amstrad PC 1512. He then began the demonstration by giving us some background on Amstrad and the PC1512. The distributor for Amstrad is in Longview which makes it much easier for service and delivery here in the Metroplex. Parts and labor аге guaranteed for one year. Delivery is overnight. The Amstrad was first introduced in England over a year ago and has quite taken the country. It has been rapidly ‘accepted’ here since it was first brought over. It can be configured almost anyway you could wish and runs all IBM software.

He then let Danny Reed take over with the actual computer with GEM and a ‘DOODLE’ installed. Danny began about the GEMTOP environment. With GEM you don’t have to know ‘computerese” or even MS-DOS. It is extremely ‘user-friendly’ which seems to bе a much over-used word. GEM takes the user interface а step farther by having a ‘pictorial’ representation (icons) similar to the Macintosh. If you wish to RUN а program, instead of punching in a long command set, just use the ‘mouse’ that comes with it, put it on the appropriate program, double-click the mouse and it runs. SIMPLE!



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