


Publication Details

Volume: 1-2 Issue: 8 & 9


October & November 1983



The TS 2068 computer will feature high resolution color graphics, a 4-channel programmable sound generator, full plastic keytop keyboards, typewriter format keyboard with full width space bar and dual caps shift keys.

The 48K version will have a suggested retail price of $199.95.

The TS 2068 has a range of eight colors, and allows separate control for foreground, background and border areas, as well as a flash command and a brightness control.

The computer has a display of 24 lines with 32 characters each. High resolution quality graphics are provided by 512 dots horizontally and 192 dots vertically — all individually addressable by the user. The BASIC language provides integral color graphics control by its point, line, circle and arc drawing capability.



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