Computers and Confusion




Publication Details

Volume: 1 Issue: 4


September 1983



Two new computers from Timex! That’s good news. The 2000 series is described on page 12. We looked at the 1500 in our previous issue. We’re glad these new machines are with us. Rut having said that, let’s look at the way Timex brought them to us. No sooner had we all bought our T/S 1000s and were extolling its virtues when rumors of the 2000 series started making the rounds. Should we have waited? Did we purchase a Timex machine too soon? Some of us felt bewildered, out in the cold, “suckered.”

Then, at the summer Computer and Electronics Show in Chicago, Timex unveiled the 2000 for all the world. It looked great then and still does today (though we have serious reservations about the design). What were we as consumers to do? Buy the 1000 or wait for the 2000? But wait. While we were still in a quandary about that problem, Timex leaked the news about the T/S 1500, a beefed up 1000! If sales of the 1000 sagged before that leak, they definitely collapsed after. Everyone took a wait-and-watch attitude, and who can blame them!

Public relations is not a dirty act! Timex is a large company dealing with the public and better learn soon that the public will not stand for long being taken for granted. Timex inherited a large and loyal following from Sinclair. They introduced a great computer at a great price to us in North America, But how long does Timex expect to ride that crest? Eventually they must come to terms with the fact that we as consumers demand fair response.

In Britain, where the development of the incredible T/S 1000 began, there is a close link between the public and the manufacturer of the ZX81. Information about the computers developed and marketed by Sinclair is readily available. Here at home, Timex has greedily guarded every morsel of information as though you the user will run away with it. When will Timex understand that users keep them in business? T/S owners and users deserve the best available and will only get that when Timex loosens its stranglehold on the information surrounding its machines!

An interesting letter appears on page 36 regarding ZX owners. Here’s a great chance for Timex to help a lot of owners. When Timex took over the sales in the United States, many ZX81 computers had already been sold here. Those machines need servicing, parts and support. Timex could do those users a great service by providing the needed support through their regular channels. C’mon Timex, the ball is definitely in your court on this one!



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