*D & *E Compilation Bug




Publication Details

Volume: 6 Issue: 6


June 1988


See all articles from The Plotter v6 n6

TIMACHINE compiler users may be interested in this correction. It shows up when compiling large programs and *D & *E are used.

After the program has loaded (while the backup prompt is still on the screen), break into the program by deleting the left quote and entering STOP (SYMBOL SHIFT A). Add the following lines to BASIC:

20 FOR i=1 TO 4
21 READ address,n
22 FOR j=0 to n-1
23 READ byte: POKE address+j, byte
24 NEXT j: NEXT i
100 DATA 26843,4
101 DATA 205,0,130,0
102 DATA 32070,4
103 DATA 205,0,130,0
104 DATA 32858,4
105 DATA 205,71,104,0
106 DATA 33280,12
107 DATA 17,0,0,205,71,104,192,237,91,241,68,201

Now, GOTO 8000 and ENTER to make a new backup copy.


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