Editor’s Note


Publication Details



Winter 1989


See all articles from Byte Power Winter 1989

Well another issue again… Some neat stuff as always… We have AIRSHIP I: an animation program from Robert Zarembka, EXTENDED PLOT: a new plot operating system, SCREEN MANIPULATOR: a bunch of screen utilities, STANDARD SCREEN COPIER: to copy screens to your printer of course! and much more…

There are a few programs we promised in the previous issue that we could not publish at this time… The reason being that Eric is now working full time and cannot work for the magazine anymore… Well that leaves me to do the job… Eric will probably write a few more programs when he gets some time off. Do not be alarmed, the magazine will continue… I just have to get used to working alone! What I plan to do is officially declare the magazine quarterly (that’s pretty much what it is now anyways) and maybe not put as many programs in each issue (about 7 or 8 instead of 10 to 12), this way it would give me a little breathing room to get started. We have, with this issue, published over 130 programs in 12 issues as we promised… I think that this proves that BYTE POWER is the one and only when it comes to quantity and quality of programs.

Well, see you in a few months!

Kristian Boisvert

The Editor



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