Publication Details
Lots of stuff again this month!! Our best program ever CONFLICT is in the line up this month… then there is also PACHIZEE and SOLITAIRE, two board games… also MUSIprint, a music utility that is both TS2068 and SPECTRUM compatible, plus a MUSIC DEMO to show you how it works… WEIRD BALLS, a great shoot’em up game… LOTTO, a program to choose your winning numbers for the lottery… WATER BALLOON MASTERS, probably the weirdest game you’ll ever play!… HELLO!, a boot program for the LARKEN LKDOS cartridge users…
As you can see, lots of entertaining stuff again.
Enough small talk, let’s get to the serious stuff… We have to talk about something we don’t like talking about, SOFTWARE PIRATING.
Lots of people think it’s okay to give a copy of a program to a friend, even though, that friend could well afford to buy his own. Well, when people do give a pirated copy of a program to somebody they are first infringing the copyright laws, and are killing the software market. “Hey, is it worth it to buy the game when you can get it free from somebody?” you might ask… Darn right it is worth it, buying a software makes the software market stronger, thus more software are produced and the life expectancy of the computer and the companies supporting it is greatly extended. If we do not stop software pirating, it will mean certain death for the TS2068!
Due to this wide spread problem, we are forced to protect our programs. However, not all programs will be protected. You will be notified in the instructions if a program is copiable or not. We apologize for all the inconvenience this might cause.
On a lighter note… We are offering a discount for USERS GROUPS, UP TO 35% off. See page 7 for further information.
BUGS, yes well we sometimes do have some of them! There is a bug in BIORYTHM (SEPT ’86)… You should change the OR for a AND in line 2000. TYCOON (SPRING ’87) has also another bug… Change the …2720+20o(oil,5):… to …2730+40o(oil,5):… in line 2320. We have been told that TOWERS OF HANOI, SKY DIVER and Quizomania sometimes lock or crash, just make sure no printer is on or that no print drivers are turned on before the game.
NOTE: All games will now use our 3-WAY joystick system. This consists of
1…STANDARD JOYSTICK OPTION: TS2068 left port (I), KEMPSTON compatible and KEYBOARD (usually Q-UP, A-DOWN, O-LEFT, P-RIGHT, SPACE-FIRE and 0 [zero]-PAUSE). TS2068 left port (I) still works when in Spectrum mode.
A price hike is scheduled for May 1st 1988 due to a weak american dollar. If the dollar gets stronger, there will be no price hike. One suggestion: renew your subscription before May 1st 1988 to get the ‘old rate’. We will inform you of the new prices in the next issue.
Well, that’s it for this issue! Talk to ya later!
The Editors
Eric & Kris